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Everything posted by SpeedGoat

  1. Anyone that believes the rumors floating around about a certain lobbyist and that the verbage of a certain bill(HB 2072) is dead needs to do a little research into who is seeking appointment and appproval for the Commission Recommendation Board. There is a gentleman currently serving that is "involved" with said lobbyist. A board member of the AZSWFC seeking confirmation, and all of the sudden a guy from Miami Vice is going in front of the Natural Resources Committee on Thursday that is Pete's best friend to get on the Board. We need a call to action to our State Representatives asking "Why are there going to be THREE individuals from the same organization(AZSFW/AZSFWC)on this Recommendation Board?" If they can't pass a bill to control the GFD and the Commission they can "recommend" their control of it by controlling who is on the Commission. They got legislation passed us to get this done, let's put a stop to it NOW! They HAVE NOT lowered their guns. The AZSFW has been working this from EVERY angle and they will succeed unless we stay on top of them. I am so thankfull for all of the people that have chosen to get involved in this fight, it is the only way we can take them down. If you have any questions DM me or George. Regards, DP
  2. Let me know if you all can view this. If you want a membership form for the Yuma Valley Rod and Gun Club which includes membership in the Southwest Wildlife Foundation which is our ©3 that does all of the habitat improvements in our little corner of the world DM me and I will get one to you. Thank you George for suggesting this. DP
  3. SpeedGoat

    Bill Sponsors have dropped it

    In the latest email from AZSFW they have bullet points about what they are up against. Activists is one of the big problems per this email. They state: "Despite our best efforts, we were unable to win Prop 102 (prohibit management of wildlife) in 2000 or Prop 109 (the right to hunt and fish) in 2010, in large part, due to lack of sufficient financial support. History has shown that it takes a minimum of $1-3 Million to run an effective "Yes" campaign and similar amounts to counter initiatives by environmentalists. Environmental groups take money from all over the country to spread their efforts - we are limited to the support that local Sportsmen have been able to provide" Now everyone else knows why Suzanne did not help out on 109. They were waiting to get this bogus legislation through and hunting can not be a constitutional right for the poor citizens of this state. A true grassroots effort such as the one we are in today does not take much money to succeed but a lot of vigilance and hard work. George Reiners got Prop 109 passed in Yuma County 64% to 36%, almost single handed and with a budget of $500.00. SFW wouldn't even return phone calls to YVRGC about it. The blood is in the water and it is time to finish what we started. I never thought I'd say this but it feels good to be a socialist. Long live the North American Model
  4. I heard today that "Crazy Suzanne" is targeting the county board of supervisors in each county to boast what a boon to the economy it would be to their counties. It may be a good idea to contact those boardmembers in your area ASAP.
  5. SpeedGoat

    HB 2640

    Spray and Pray
  6. SpeedGoat

    Board of Supervisors

    Donnie please post that everywhere. More people need to read what you wrote because it comes from the heart. Kudos. DP
  7. I can't believe I am typing this but. . . Go Sundevil!
  8. AzHuntingAddict, About that protest, is anyone willing to protest at the Capitol "when" Arizona Sportman's Sweetheart, "Crazy Suzanne" gets her amendent sent to the Governor's desk? I think it is time to start organizing. The Boss man Hamberlin did say "What Ever It Costs!"
  9. For a fact AZSFW has not helped anglers or the GFD. Last year and this year the Rotenon bill that was introduced never got a wink of notice from them.
  10. SpeedGoat

    ADA decision

    No matter where they stand Don must be commended for posting the AWF opposition letter in the poll.
  11. It is more important now, more than ever to hold the cards close to the chest. Write letters and emails. Make phone calls. Work hard on the Legislators that oppose the verbage in the now dead HB2072. We must use tactics that are proven. Refrain from posting who you speak to and their position. Do not give intel to your enemy. Do not let fearmongoring work against our cause. If you see an old friend around that you haven't seen in a while, think to yourself "where has this person been?" I am not a young commander but I have learned from old generals, WAR IS WAR! We are fighting the battle for Arizona's heritage. . .let us be strong. . .Give to them nothing. . .Take from them everything! DP
  12. I have been informed that a Mr. Cimallero has requested of the GFD the list of all that were invited to the meeting next Thursday by the GFD. If anyone needed to see the smoking gun, there you have it. "Puppet on a string" rings a bell in my mind. The aforementioned referenced the exact number of groups that had been personally invited to participate in the meeting on the 22nd. This leads me to believe that the governors office did infact share the information which Miss. Gilstrap asked from them. Our best bet on defeating the AZSFW is to have big numbers at the G & F meeting on the 22nd. Though it is a three hour drive for the YVRGC I can assure you that we will be represented.
  13. SpeedGoat

    ADA and 2072?

    I am so glad that I am involved in a regional group (YVRGC) instead of a state group (...). We have had two board meetings and two MEMBER meetings since this bill dropped. I am happy to say that it has been a major topic at each of those meeting and I think you all know where we stand. In the words of Bubba...not sure if he is No. I of No. II...Get involved. I know I am preaching to the quire but we can't sit here and "female dog this". The folks like George are tired of being patted on the back for doing what everyone of us SHOULD be doing. The sit back and let'em do it days are over. Mrs. Lungbackloin gets paid SIX figures every year to do this stuff. I know for a fact that she is good at her job. She will succeed at anything she is paid to do. In my short little life I have worked for him and them. The days of a handshake and a man's word are gone. The only thing that matters is money, which AZSWF has, and contracts, which HB 2072 will be. Thankfully we are still a democracy and what we the people want counts,at least to some. So in the words of me..."Make it happen" David W. Power Member Yuma Valley Rod and Gun Club
  14. SpeedGoat

    More emails I received

    Check this out boys and girls. http://www.youtube.com/user/TerryLovell53?feature=mhee
  15. SpeedGoat

    They are still at it

    Share this bad boy. http://www.youtube.com/user/TerryLovell53?feature=mhee
  16. I couldn't agree more Muskrat. We a have way of majoring in the minors. One thing is for sure right now. We have a clear common enemy and hopefully that means we all have a common goal. If we can all check our egos at the door we can get a lot done.
  17. The YVRGC is adamantly opposed to HB 2072 and any legislation like it.
  18. SpeedGoat

    Azsfw facebook page

    Did anyone else notice the post on the SFW FB page dated 12/10/10. It is at the bottom of the page.
  19. The Commission Appointment Commitee bill was when Hamberlin popped up on my radar. This isn't only a tag grab it is a way to take control of the G&F and get rid of the Commission. There is more at stake here than tags.
  20. Saw an email that Coconino Sportsmen are out
  21. SpeedGoat


    Kudoos to the NWTF for standing up for Arizona Sportsmen
  22. SpeedGoat

    ADA statement

    I see through the statement released today by AZSFW that they have moved on to the divide and conquer portion of their campaign. It makes me ill right down to my very being that the SFW would go so far as to sling mud at truly grassroots gatherings of stakeholders just to try and justify their existence. I have always wanted Arizona sportsmen/women to come together for a great cause and I hope this one is great enough to bring us together although it appears that the little guys haven't truly been informed yet or the screams would be louder.
  23. I read this ammendment to read that Dept. employees can't even provide professional input to legislation, or they would have to drive their personal vehicles down to the Leg. to do so. It seems like a witch hunt to me by a certain "witch". But what do I know I'm just a common sportsman. It seems that any of our local school boards would be more powerful than the GF Commission if this ammendment was pushed through. I thought the whole point of the Com. was to have average citizens stear the GFD. We fought this fight a couple of years ago let's clean house and by "house" I mean the AZ House of Representatives!