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Everything posted by Couestracker

  1. Couestracker

    Archery Coues Dirtnap

    Great hunt and pictures. Best of luck getting the next guy on the list! Awesome plan - congrats!
  2. Couestracker

    3 for 3

    Totally cool! Huge smiles all around there. Congratulations to you and your sons! Great to see family hunting together and making lifelong memories. Awesome first post - can't wait for the next one!
  3. Couestracker

    Curtis Cauthen Memorial Shoot

    I belong to Phoenix Varmint Callers....I haven't heard about this hunt for some reason. Would you reiterate the details about it please?
  4. Couestracker

    New To The Forum

    Welcome to the site and to Arizona. Lot's of nice and helpful people here, they'll help you as some did for me. Looking forward to hearing about your first hunt!
  5. Couestracker

    2014 shed

    Nice ones! Good luck with it this fall.
  6. Couestracker

    2014 shed

    I was just kidding about following it. That's very cool you found the shed from your trail cam. Are you still pursuing the buck?
  7. Couestracker

    2014 shed

    That's amazing! How long did you have to follow it before it dropped?
  8. Couestracker

    Good yr for a 10 yr old

    Wow, that's just awesome! Congratulations to your son and the very proud father. Great job getting him into hunting.
  9. Couestracker

    Mexico part two!

    Some awesome bucks there! It was cool to capture your buck on the trail cam too. Congratulations on your very successful Mexico trip.
  10. Couestracker

    1st ever archery success!

    Well, last year after I got my buck he charged me $150. He said that the costs when up for the permits (to get trophies across). He charged $400 this year, since it was my first archery kill I was ok with it, but would not do it again. Dan Lee at Artist's Touch Taxidermy is going to do a half-life sized mount for me.
  11. Couestracker

    Back from Sonora

    Yea, it was hot last week when I was there too. Didn't see many deer as in December. Looks like you had fun and got a nice buck though. Congratulations and thanks for sharing your hunt with us.
  12. Couestracker


    That's really cool! You can see how excited he is by his big 'ol smile! Congratulations to him on his success and using that lever action adds to the accomplishment. Is that a Winchester M94 30-30 or?
  13. Couestracker

    Getting started

    Come the next PVCI Club meeting Feb 4th and learn from the pros. Details at www.pvci.org.
  14. Couestracker

    Dog Down 6.5 Creedmoor

    Very nice, good job! Nice looking setup too.
  15. Couestracker

    Flagstaff Turkey Hunting Seminar

    I wish I could attend, but a week night from Phoenix would be a tuffy.
  16. Couestracker

    Flagstaff Turkey Hunting Seminar

    Cool! Who is your speaker for the seminar?
  17. Couestracker

    Anybody know a good place to sell fur

    From the Phoenix Varmint callers, Inc Web site: http://www.pvci.org/site/24f4b5ef1162425d8af37dff26a498c7/home?url=http%3A%2F%2Fpvci.org%2FPVCI_Home_Page.html#2788 FUR SALE: Mike Huffer, the fur manager for the auction says "The sale is Feb.15th at Gila County Fairgrounds, the same place we have had it for the last twenty years. Check in is from Friday Feb 14th at noon to Sat. 10:00 AM. Still having a live auction and we plan on starting the auction at 2 PM. The auction is starting little later this year, with the numbers for furs, some buyers wanted more time to look at the bobcats." "I have been trying to get one buyer to come to the auction in the past. He would not because we would need a 1000 bobcats there to make it worth his time. We were short by a 120 last year." If anybody is interested in going to the auction, contact Mike with furs you would be bringing. His phone number is 480-970-5904 or email MJwildile1@yahoo.com
  18. What a fantastic hunt and an awesome family. It's wonderful that you all hunt together. Congratulations to you all.
  19. Couestracker

    Opening Day Success

    That's really awesome! Congrats to you both.
  20. Couestracker

    Dead head

    Congrats on the find. I assume you took out the 'yote?
  21. Couestracker

    Dead At The Speaker

    Right on! Save the caller....do they make a bullet - proof cover for the fox pro?
  22. Couestracker

    How low do they go?

    I was javelina hunting in the low desert hills South West of the Pinal Mts and found elk sign there.
  23. Couestracker


    Very awesome man, congratulations on your successful pursuit of a great buck. Great job on the video too.
  24. Couestracker

    First bobcat with the wife

    That is a big bobcat. It'll make an awesome mount. Congratulations.
  25. Couestracker

    Sunday Morning Triple

    Congrats on the fox triple. That's awesome!