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Everything posted by Couestracker

  1. Couestracker

    New addition

    Congratulations! What's his name? Picture? That's awesome!
  2. Couestracker

    Finding remote graves

    If you find a remote grave that has at least a name or date, go to this site, it's called Find a Grave- www.findagrave.com -it's a cool site, you'll need to register (free) but I was able to find info on a grave I found, because it was already registered, and I added a picture of another grave that was also registered, but no one ever posted a picture of it. Plus I registered a grave I found, with a photo. The way the site works is anyone can add information to help create a record.
  3. Couestracker

    Redneck hatchback

    Hey, whatever it takes...long as it works for now. Good work-around!
  4. Couestracker

    Arizona Archery Goulds Turkey

    Fantastic recap of a tremendous goulds hunt! Congratulations on getting this one with your bow.
  5. Couestracker

    Goulds state record!!!

    Very cool! Beautiful bird and family- great picture. Would you mind giving some more details? What unit, beard length, weight if you have it. Congratulations on an awesome trophy.
  6. Couestracker

    Finding remote graves

    I don't see why not. Are they on Find a Grave website?
  7. Couestracker

    Finding remote graves

    Oh ya, where's Brunkow's Cabin located?
  8. Couestracker

    Finding remote graves

    I posted a photo of the grave of Fred Lobley, located in Pinery Canyon, Cochise County, also a second photo of the grave of Frank Hands, also in Pinery Canyon. Thanks for the link to the other site. I found a grave that I cannot identify, real nice marker with the name spelled out in quartz pebbles, I'll try to find the picture of it and post.
  9. Couestracker

    The 2014 Elk Show Begins Now

    Those pictures are awesome! Thank you for sharing them.
  10. Couestracker

    A Few little guys form this morning's hike

    That's pretty cool, thanks for sharing. That marker is interesting. Don't know if it's a grave stone, but I've found remote graves before (that had a legible name) and later did a Google search. That led me to a Web site called Find a Grave- www.findagrave.com -it's a cool site, you'll need to register (free) but I was able to find info on a grave I found, because it was already registered, and I added a picture of another grave that was also registered, but no one ever posted a picture of it. Plus I registered a grave I found, with a photo. The way the site works is anyone can add information to help create a record.
  11. It's the quality of the hunt that counts most. I'd say you and your family have quality times together that a lot of people don't or can't enjoy. Congratulations to you and your family. Keep it up!
  12. Couestracker

    Matched set of browns

    We found these in Conklin Creek on our turkey hunt in unit 27. They were about 20 yards apart. Sorry, my bad - did not get ATL pics.
  13. Couestracker

    Aoudad home

    Very nice! What's the story on tagging him? Who was the taxidermist that did the mount? Thanks for posting your trophy.
  14. Couestracker

    Youth turkey hunt Memorabilia

    That is a great idea and very creative. I'm sure that he will like it. Your avatar photo is cool too! Thanks for sharing your idea.
  15. Couestracker

    couple NM otc Barbary down

    Awesome and congratulations! How would you rate the table fair?
  16. Couestracker

    AZ Rio Grande

    Way to go! Congratulations on a nice Rio. How many bonus points did it take to draw a tag?
  17. Couestracker

    Turkey Hunt 2014

    Good job on some nice birds Ammon! Congrats to all. Great pictures too. I bet your boys had a lot of fun.
  18. Couestracker

    New Mexico Birds

    PM sent.
  19. I hunt both states for deer, usually mule deer in NM, but have my 3rd wt hunt there this year. Have yet to see a wt buck in NM. I know, personal problem, but there are far more places in AZ to go and find/hunt wt than in NM.
  20. Couestracker

    What handheld GPS do you use and why?

    Garmin 60CSX rocks. I especially like to use the all points of interest feature, which shows springs, tanks, creeks, mountains and anything else that you would want to know about while hunting or exploring.
  21. What is the question??
  22. Couestracker

    Matched set of browns

    Ha ha, the turkeys won this time. It was a tough hunt, they weren't responsive to calls - actually shied away from calling, so it became a spot and stalk hunt. I almost succeeded twice using that method.
  23. Couestracker

    Which Scope for ML

    I have a CVA Accura II and put a Nikon Omega with the BDC reticle. It shoots great, but I wished I had got the Leupold, especially after my Nikon red dot fell apart on my pistol and Nikon wouldn't warranty it.
  24. Couestracker

    Christmas Day Buck is Home

    That's a beautiful buck and a superb mount. Congrats!
  25. Couestracker

    Ashlyn's 1st spring turkey hunt

    That's really awesome! Congratulations on a beautiful bird. I loved reading your excellent recap of your hunt - how exciting for you and your Dad to share that experience. First of many more I'm sure. That tom looks like it's got a huge beard! What can you tell us about that? Congrats again and I can't wait to hear about your next hunt. Thanks for sharing your success.