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Everything posted by Couestracker

  1. Couestracker

    A Few From My Trip

    Nice finds! That 5x mulie would be nice to find on the fall hunt.
  2. Couestracker

    Spring Bear

    That's totally cool! Huge congrats getting one with a bow! Extra nice that you had your son with you to share the experience.
  3. Couestracker


    Awesome set - good job finding the other side.
  4. Couestracker

    I won a Gould's Turkey Hunt

    Great recap of your awesome Goulds turkey hunt Peg! Wow, that was the most epic miss story I've ever heard - had me laughing out loud as I read it. What a video that would have made! That Ranch looks beautiful and looks like a great time was had by all. Thanks for sharing your hunt with us and congratulations!
  5. Please save the date! July 26th 2014 Our 19th annual Valley Longbeards Banquet is just around the corner. We need your loyal support. We are the original Phoenix NWTF banquet and have survived the good and the bad for 19 years. We need your support to help us have a banner year for our fund raising efforts. Plan a summer get away to the Sheraton Phoenix Airport Hilton and join us for our banquet on Saturday night. That is correct, we are at a new location this year. The Phoenix Mountain Preserve closed their doors after all these years. We are excited about our new location and hope you will join us for a great evening. Please see the attachment. Please pass on to your networks to help us spread the word. Thank you for your support! Rich Williams Save the Habitat, Save the Hunt Valley Longbeards Chapter AZ State Chapter / NWTF 2014 Save the Date.doc
  6. Couestracker

    Love is in the air!

    Oh come on TJ, that's emBEARrasing!
  7. Couestracker

    When they close the tonto forest?

    A few years ago, we were boat camped at Apache Lake, next thing we know, the Sheriff came by boat to tell us (and everyone else not in the designated campgrounds) that the forest was closed and we either had to leave or move to the campground, no one allowed on shoreline. We ended up living on our pontoon boat. He came back by and was angry I had tied a rope to a tree, made me remove it and reminded me not to be/go on shore.
  8. Couestracker


    WOW! No wonder I can't find any sheds.....they're all right there! I've got to go to that next time. Amazing.
  9. Couestracker

    The result is in..........

    Congrats man! That's awesome.
  10. Couestracker

    Never underestimate a house cat

    I know! I saw that amazing video today too. Way cool event (the hero cat, not the dog attack). I like both dogs and cats, but that dog has to go away forever IMO.
  11. Couestracker

    Jaycie's First Turkey!

    That's an awesome story of a great hunt! Nice pictures too. Congratulations to Jaycie on her first turkey. Double beard? COOL! Lookout for the payback on that shell swap!
  12. Couestracker

    Santa Rita Sun Rise...

    Very nice pictures and nice of you to help out other hunters. I bet that was exciting being that close to your prey!
  13. Couestracker

    Rex Hubbard

    My condolences to you and yours on the loss of your Father. Touching poem honoring him.
  14. Couestracker

    My Mother's Day

    Great write up and an awesome time with your family. Love those close encounters with turkeys. Thanks for posting about your hunt.
  15. Couestracker

    How many points?

    I posted a similar question in the sheep forum - didn't want anyone to think I was having a brain fade. What's it take to get a tag? I know it varies, anyone could get lucky with minimal points, so looking for thoughts about it. I have 13 points for the next draw. I have been putting in for units 10 and 7, not necessarily in that order. Let's hear it boys and girls. I want an Arizona antelope hunt!
  16. Couestracker

    shed with the family

    Nice! Great to see the family enjoying an outing together.
  17. New to muzzleloader hunting. I'm shooting a 50 cal CVA Accura II and have been using the Powerbelt Platinum 270 grain bullets. Using 3 50gr pellets of whitehots. For those who have hunted coues with a muzzleloader, is this a good combo? What have you been using? I guess it could go without saying, but isn't this going to blow the heck out of a coues deer? Thanks in advance for any input/advice.
  18. Couestracker

    First Whitetail shed of the year

    Very cool buck and find! Looks like you're dialing in on him. Very symmetrical with lots of mass.
  19. Couestracker

    Like Mass?

    Yes, wow! Looks like you found a shed from that big guy too. Stud buck for sure. So, what was the story on that hunt? Did you tape him out? Would like to hear about it.
  20. I got 1 of 6 NR tags for a muzzleloader coues hunt! This is my 3rd coues hunt in NM, the first 2 I never saw a buck. Can anyone help out with where to find some coues in unit 23? One of my prior hunts someone suggested the Whiterocks near Alma. I hunted 4 days there and never saw any deer, let alone a coues deer. Maybe I wasn't in the right area? I moved camp to Harden Cienega, North of Mule Creek. I met the rancher and he said there weren't many WT around, but look around the San Francisco river canyon. I hunted there a couple of more days and did see a couple of coues does, but that was it. So, can anyone help out with some suggestions? Thanks in advance!
  21. Couestracker

    Mexico Goulds Turkey

    Congratulations to Peg and Amanda! Those are great photos and looks like you were on a beautiful ranch. I can't wait to hear their hunt stories. Thanks for sharing TJ.
  22. Couestracker

    White faced Coues finished!!!

    Very unique deer and an awesome mount! Ever see/hear of one like that before? Where was it taken at (if you can tell us)?
  23. Couestracker

    Newest CouesWhitetail.com Member

    Huge Congratulations to Mom and Dad!
  24. Couestracker

    Remount Mule Deer

    Very interesting to see then vs now. Awesome that the grandson had it redone. You did a phenomenal job on the mount.
  25. Couestracker

    Turkey Newb gets it done opening morning.

    Congratulations on your first turkey! Good job getting him down and great recap of your hunt. You are now hooked for life!