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Everything posted by Couestracker

  1. Couestracker

    Got a double opening day! Happy Halloween!

    Great job! Congrats on the success!
  2. Couestracker

    Bowhunter4life strikes with rifle!

    Real nice buck Mike! Love those crab claws! Congratulations on your success!
  3. Couestracker

    mass and trash

    That buck is radical! Beautiful, massive coues. Huge congratulations on all the success. I'd love to see some pictures of your trophy wall(s).
  4. Couestracker

    Happy Birthday pjhunt2

    Happy birthday Peg! Make TJ take you out somewhere nice! ☺ Hope your day is real fun!
  5. Couestracker

    My Biggest Yet!!!!!

    That's a wicked buck, just in time for Holloween! Super cool rack on that bad-a$$ buck! Congrats Devon!
  6. Couestracker

    September bull hunt, big 7x4

    That's too cool Josh! Awesome bull and amazing you got the one you pursued last year. Great experience and memories having your son on hand too. Congratulations on your success!
  7. Couestracker

    Tundra versus bull elk (pics)

    Wonder why no one called for a salvage tag? What a shame......
  8. Couestracker

    Happy birthday pine donkey

    Happy birthday pine donkey! Hoping your day is awesome!
  9. Couestracker

    My son's first buck

    That's very cool! Congratulations to your son, and you too Dad!
  10. Couestracker

    Canyon Bruins (My First Bear)

    Dude, that is So awesome! Awesome hunt and bear! Great write up of it too. Congratulations to all. I want that so bad! Happy for you that you made it happen!
  11. Couestracker

    My Sons Unit 1 Elk HUnt Beyond Blessed

    Exceptional hunt and great times with your boys! Hard to top all your blessing there. Congratulations to you and your son, awesome family! You are doing it right for sure!
  12. Couestracker

    Happy Birthday Coues n sheep

    Hope you have a great birthday!
  13. Couestracker

    My 2015 AZ Bear

    Wow, killer bear! Congratulations, glad you found him in time.
  14. Couestracker

    Kursty's Antelope Buck

    Great way to spend your anniversary! Awesome she got her first antelope, congratulations on her success!
  15. Couestracker

    Son's first coues

    How cool! Awesome buck! Congratulations to your son, I hope he can top that next time!
  16. Couestracker

    Happy birthday 125coues

    Happy birthday Mark! Have a great day!
  17. Couestracker

    2016 spring draw

    No it is not. Deadline is the 13 not the 15. Yep, my bad. Thanks Casey
  18. Couestracker

    Opening day, first couse buck

    Good job! Congratulations to you both. Euro mount is cool!
  19. Couestracker

    Opening day double

    Very awesome! Congratulations to your kids - and you too!
  20. Couestracker

    G&F draw

    My neighbor calls it camping with guns. ☺
  21. Couestracker

    Opening Day Success for my Daughter!

    Awesome hunt, story and especially an awesome young lady! Good job too dad!
  22. Couestracker

    Non Typical rifle build?

    Hey, I didn't know that you have to build a special rifle for non-typical animals....☺
  23. Couestracker

    NM G&F Survey

    I recieved the survey too. I've been hunting in New Mexico for 10 straight years, but I've yet to come across SLO controlled land, as far as I know. Thanks for the explaining the issues on this Todd, I completed the survey this morning. Tommy
  24. Couestracker

    Tight in the chamber

    I was out shooting a new set of test loads yesterday with my Model 70 .270 WSM and was having the same issue. I don't do the reloading, my gunsmith does it. I was worried about all what was being said in this thread, but admit I'm just a novice about this stuff. I was shooting 4 different loads and loading one at a time. Took quite a bit of messing around to get the bolt closed. Well, I was just laying the round in the reciever and trying to close the bolt. Once I pushed the round down into the magazine well, like you normally do when loading it, and then closing the bolt, the issue went away - they chambered fine. Guess they call it controlled feed for a reason, lol!! Could this be your problem, or am I the only dummy? ☺
  25. Couestracker

    First Pig...Finally!

    Congratulations on finally tagging your first javelina! Many more to come I'm sure!