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Everything posted by Couestracker

  1. Couestracker

    WOW really?

    I think it's awesome that you invited others to go out bird hunting with you. I want to go (will keep areas to myself)! I think it was wrong for whomever it was you took out to take his friends out to that spot, whether you asked him not to or not. I hope that the negative responses you've recieved on here doesn't deter your good intentions. Tommy
  2. Couestracker

    spring draw

    I got my 2nd choice javelina when there's 18 left overs on my 1st choice. What?
  3. Couestracker

    Spring results

    I drew my second choice on HAM javelina, there's 18 leftover tags for my 1st choice. ??
  4. Couestracker

    25 dollar charge from AZ G&F

    If you applied in the draw for javelina, bear or turkey, then that's what they would charge you.
  5. Couestracker

    Why do we have this

    News from Arizona Game and Fish Dept. This forum is for news put out by the Arizona Game and Fish Department.
  6. Couestracker


    I'd really like to go, maybe next weekend?
  7. Couestracker

    Javelina with a Grizzly (.45 Win Mag)

    I would like to mount the same sight on my own Grizzly. Which mount did you use? Did the mount or the pistol require any modification? I called Burris and asked for tech support. The guy I talked too pointed me to a mount that would fit the pistol. No mods required.
  8. Couestracker

    Javelina with a Grizzly (.45 Win Mag)

    I really wanted to get one with my bow this year on our 37B HAM hunt. I hunted with it on Friday and Saturday, but never saw any. Sunday arrived along with another friend to hunt with, so it was 3 of us going out on Sunday. That, plus my arm was tired, was why I decided to just go out with just my pistol. Jorge spotted a herd on the next ridge around 10:00, so we swung around ahead of them and watched as they made their way down into a draw. Jorge moved over to be across from them with the drainage inbetween. Ted and I stayed off to one side, allowing Jorge first shot, since he spotted them. I counted 6 pigs, two were smaller young-uns. Jorge opened fire with his S&W .357- I saw dirt flying a couple of times around one and then saw it go down hard. I was surprized at two things: Jorge not connecting right away-he's a great shot- and that they didn't go running off when the shooting began. They were hanging around behind some brush grunting and snorting, but I couldn't see any. I moved up the hill slowly and then saw through the brush that one was coming up the hill too. I saw it was going to come out into the clear, so I cocked and aimed my Grizzly .45 Win Mag and when it stepped out in the open, I nailed it! It turned out to be an 18 yd broadside shot! DARN-IT...could have had one with my bow! Anyway, the other pigalinas then started running in all directions, Ted went up after one that went over the ridge. Another double for Jorge and I! I checked out mine, it was a boar. Jorge hollered out that his was a sow, a non-typical. I said a what? A non-typical! You gotta come and see he says. I go over and look....one toe on his sow is long and curved up! After high-fives and pictures, we weighed them: the boar was 56 lbs and the sow was 53 lbs. They were old by the looks of their teeth. After dressing them out, we looked around and found that their bed was 10 yds away from where we shot them. We figured that must have been why they stood around grunting instead of running-they were "home" and had nowhere to run to. Who knows. Unfortunately, Ted came back empty, so we loaded up to head back to camp. Another great hunt! Couestracker
  9. Couestracker

    Spring results on portal!

    The results are on your portal account. I got a 20B HAM tag! Good luck all!
  10. Couestracker

    First year, first lion..called in long read

    Wow, that's 2 awesome! Amazing experience for sure, congratulations on the lion and happy anniversary!
  11. Couestracker

    spring draw

    All you guy's wondering if your application went in or not, once in your portal account, scroll down to bonus points, they have been updated since this springs draw.
  12. Couestracker

    Spring results on portal!

    The results are on your portal account. No turkey tag for me. Good luck everyone!
  13. Couestracker

    Spring results on portal!

    What unit did you draw?
  14. Couestracker


  15. Couestracker

    Spring Draw

    G&F sent out an email about this too. I bet it gets people to sign up. I guess we'll know soon how much, if any, portal info is ahead of general info. Come on draw results! No sneek-peek info yet..... I spoke too soon, results are in at your portal account. No turkey tag for me.
  16. Couestracker

    Spring Draw

    G&F sent out an email about this too. I bet it gets people to sign up. I guess we'll know soon how much, if any, portal info is ahead of general info. Come on draw results! No sneek-peek info yet.....
  17. Couestracker

    Spring Draw

    It's referring to the fall tag, not the spring.
  18. Couestracker

    KY whitetail

    Congratulations on that nice buck and drawing a Arizona December coues tag! Best of luck on that hunt - should be a great one. What caliber is your BAR? I have a .308, killed all my first big game animals with it, coues, muley, elk and antelope.
  19. Couestracker

    az quail limited out

    Congrats! Where was this? ☺
  20. Couestracker

    NMex muzzy mulie hunt

    Anyone have this muzzy mule deer hunt in GMU 23, New Mexico and want to partner-up? PM me. Thanks, Tommy
  21. Couestracker

    Cc hits

    How do you know who got what/you didn't get a turkey tag? Did you use separate cc's for each?
  22. Couestracker

    2016 WY Lope (anyone pulling the trigger)

    I'm in with 5 bp's.
  23. Couestracker

    Mearn's Display

    Bitchin display!
  24. Couestracker

    Diy double pedestal base for two of my biggest bucks

    Very nice job and it turned out great! Bucks are awesome too!
  25. Couestracker

    The cat is getting good at calling 'em in

    New twist on cat calls!