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Everything posted by Couestracker

  1. Couestracker

    No turkey leftovers tonight!

    Appetizers for this evening, elk cerrano chili poppers, wrapped in jalapeño bacon on the left plate, plain bacon on the right plate (for the wimps). Plus I used my last whitetail roast and made a batch of Hatch green chili for dinner. Bring on the margaritas!
  2. Couestracker

    Nice Coues dead-head

    Wow, nice one! Hopefully spread his genes around before exiting.
  3. Couestracker

    Extra carpet piece?

    Under your tent? I bought the tan indoor/outdoor carpet from Home Depot and cut to size for inside the tent. Makes it way more cozy. I just use a Costco blue tarp for under the tent. Tommy
  4. Couestracker

    2 weeks until they start charging cards

    Good luck on the spring draws!
  5. Couestracker


    Oh man, that's awesome!! Bucket list!
  6. Couestracker

    Meat processor in Flag

    My brother lives in Flagstaff, he sent me to Dan Bix to process my elk, 928-699-5557. I like how he double wraps the meat. Tommy
  7. Couestracker

    Happy birthday Pixman

    Happy birthday Darren, hope your day is awesome!
  8. Couestracker

    October 2016 Coues Buck's

    Awesome that you have that to share together! Congrats on some nice bucks too!
  9. Couestracker

    My Kaibab Buck

    Great buck! Congrats!
  10. Couestracker

    Work of Art, Osceola is headed home.

    That looks fantastic! Congratulations to Jaycie!
  11. Who's going? Not much chatter on here about this, but a couple of friends and I are going next weekend. Have a huge bear and his den located, bringing my .325 WSM Model 70 to knock him down with after I call him in. Can't wait!
  12. Couestracker

    Last Youth Elk hunt

    Great story of your short but sweet hunt. Congrats Patrick!
  13. Couestracker

    2016 coues deer

    Nice! Never seen a kicker off an eyeguard, great character buck, congrats!
  14. Couestracker

    Another Great Year

    Congrats on an awesome buck!
  15. Couestracker

    New Elk Rifle

    Great looking setup Doug! Let us know how she shoots.
  16. Couestracker

    Az Deer Hunt

    Great buck, congrats!
  17. Couestracker

    2 weeks until they start charging cards

    Last year it was Nov 15th.
  18. Couestracker

    2016 AZ Mule Deer tags filled

    Exceptional year for you two, congrats on the awesome success!
  19. Couestracker

    Why do we hunt Coues?

    Good post and interesting answers. I love all hunting, to be there at first light and hear the forest wake is awesome. I especially like coues hunting because of the habitat, the challenge and the beauty of these deer. I am generously rewarded with an awesome experience regardless of success in the hunt. I am lucky in that I also hunt in New Mexico, mostly for mule deer, but have had 4 coues tags in 12 years (no coues down). So like I said, love all hunting.....☺
  20. Couestracker

    196 inch redemption buck

    Only if I could get a dink like that......awesome!
  21. Couestracker

    Sons First Coues

    Awesome buck, very symmetrical! Congrats on his first coues!
  22. Couestracker

    Bear on Coues Hunt

    +1 on deer hunt dream come true, very cool, congrats!
  23. Couestracker


    Awesome on many levels, dream bucks for sure! Homework paid bigtime! Congratulations to all involved!
  24. Couestracker

    New Mexico 2nd rifle

    I leave 2 weeks from today, looking forward to being in the woods again! Anyone else going?
  25. Couestracker

    My sons first buck

    Great experience for your son and you! Congratulations, always happy to see kids' success hunting.