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Everything posted by Couestracker

  1. Couestracker

    New Mexico Elk

    Nope, New Mexico charges up front full fees. I front over 3k to put in there.But on subject, I tagged out on a cow hunt in 23, back when nr's could apply for anterless hunts.
  2. Couestracker

    Happy birthday PatrickJr!

    Have a great 18th birthday! Good luck on future hunts, I enjoy reading about your hunting adventures! Tommy
  3. Couestracker

    Another Old School Pig

    Pretty cool Patrick! Congrats on the cowboy style big pig!
  4. Couestracker

    Toy Hauler camped off the Arivaca Rd

    I am glad to know you TJ.
  5. Couestracker

    Happy birthday PatrickJr!

    Yeah, you're over the hill alright, better give up hunting while you're still ahead.
  6. Looks like an awesome hunt, congratulations to all!
  7. Couestracker

    Desert Christian Archers Free Turkey Hunting Seminar

    I highly recommend this seminar to all turkey hunters, especially beginners. I will be there for sure-can't learn too much about turkey hunting!
  8. Couestracker

    Tortilla Pigs

    Awesome hunt ànd story TJ and Peg! Congratulations on your success, you two are great! Now I'm hungry........
  9. Couestracker

    NWTF Governor's Turkey Tag Raffle

    I'll take 4 cards please, sent you a pm. Thanks!
  10. Couestracker

    Another super Hunts 4 Heroes

    Super deal all around, congrats!
  11. Yes that sucks, glad they caught them.
  12. Couestracker

    My wife rocks!

    That's awesome, congrats to your wife!
  13. Couestracker

    37B H.A.M. success

    I chased javelina 6 of the 8 days I was able to stay and hunt, got it done Friday morning. 39 pound sow (field dressed). Italian sausage and green chili for a while! As she lay, lol. Rolled into this tiny wash. Used a Gerber multi tool that has a camera mount that Julie got me. Cool railroad trussle. Javi camp. Near Putnam Wash. I usually don't hunt alone, but when I do, I don't have to drink alone back at camp.
  14. Couestracker

    37B H.A.M. success

    Our camp ended up with 11 people total, crazy right? I let 3 of my friends stay in the rv, but they all left on Monday. Only 1 other javelina was taken in our group.
  15. Couestracker

    Coues sheds form Saturday

    Nice finds!
  16. Couestracker

    Anyone use a pistol AR for Javelina??

    Worth reading about AR configurations. http://www.offthegridnews.com/self-defense/how-your-gun-may-be-illegal-and-you-not-know-it/
  17. Couestracker

    Anyone use a pistol AR for Javelina??

    Not qualified to answer that, mine was purchased new and the lower is stamped pistol only.
  18. Couestracker

    Anyone use a pistol AR for Javelina??

    Yes, I have. Posted the hunt here on CWT.I have a Rock River Arms AR15 pistol with an Eotech red dot sight. Someone on here tried to "challenge" me as to it's legality. Here's the link to the original post. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/17635-37b-javelina/
  19. Couestracker

    14 days of Coues in Mexico

    That's awesome Patrick! Couldn't get better than sharing that with your Dad. You're a lucky guy and a Son anyone would be proud of. I'd hunt with you anytime.
  20. Couestracker

    What bow to get?

    I had the early bull hunt in 7W. I hunted alone most days, some my brother and a couple of friends joined me. Man, did we see some elk! I let a few spikes walk right past me, 1 I called in.Finally on the 11th day of the 12 day hunt, I called in a bull just before dark. Bugle back to a bugle call and he was pretty close. I waited a minute or two and still couldn't see him, so I let out a mild cow call. He bugle right back and then I saw him coming in. As he approached and walked past a bush, I drew, he got to 40 yds and stopped broadside and in the clear. I released the arrow, but he jumped the string and my heart stopped! It looked like it hit him far back, he did a 180 and ran off. But only went 40 yds and fell down. I couldn't see him, but saw some bushes moving and heard him thrash around for a few minutes. When I didn't hear anymore thrashing, I walked over to see my first archery elk, a 5×6! The arrow hit him in the hip and severed an artery. Bad luck turned good!
  21. Couestracker

    What bow to get?

    I said I'd treat myself to a new bow if I drew another archery bull tag, well I drew one! I know it's not so simple of a choice, but looking for input from you archers. So let's hear it guys, what should I get and why? Thanks in advance for your thoughts and input. Couestracker
  22. My wife Julie and I took a pre-dawn boat tour to see the lava flowing into the ocean from volcano Kilauea. It was the most amazing thing we've ever seen! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=708914182603876&id=100004559026701
  23. Couestracker

    Revolver Javelina- tribute to Mom

    Awesome tribute to your Mom! Congrats on making it happen.
  24. Me and a friend are going to duck hunt there January 14th. A guide/caller and dog is included. Anyone hunt there before?
  25. Couestracker

    Gila Hollows Duck hunt

    Well, it wasn't good. A full moon had low to no duck movements. We each got 1 duck, which were the only 2 opportunities. There was a ton of shooting at a nearby pond, we were told the hunters were trespassing. Wondered why we weren't over there where there seemed to be a lot more action. The owner was a real nice guy, but I don't think I would go back to hunt there. Sorry for the late post. Tommy