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Everything posted by Couestracker

  1. Couestracker

    Elk London broil

    Kabobs on the grill, marinated in wife's Italian dressing based sauce. They were good, nothing "wrong", just that cut of meat has a different texture than elk steaks.
  2. Couestracker

    Elk London broil

    My last elk processor cut some London broil steaks. Anyone have experience cooking these? I made kabobs out of one, was good but meat texture all wrong. Any input appreciated.
  3. Couestracker

    Mexico deer tags

    Non-guided.....how do the hunters get around the ranch?
  4. Couestracker

    Great grandparents hunting photos

    Very awesome!
  5. Couestracker

    9mm carbine

    I used a Ruger PC40 to take one last year on the general hunt. A friend used to use his Barretta 9mm for them, so I think you'd be fine. What carbine do you have?
  6. Couestracker

    My Sheep Hunt

    So awesome, congratulations on a great ram!
  7. Couestracker

    Az Pronghorn and Cinnamon Black bear

    Great mounts!
  8. Couestracker

    Wyoming Mid-Season Antelope

    Good writeup of a great trip, congrats! No doe tags? Was this around Casper? Did that 2 yrs in a row, 1 buck & 4 does each trip. Amazing amount of antelope everywhere.
  9. Couestracker

    2017 113” Youth Coues

    Great buck, congrats!
  10. Couestracker

    My Desert Sheep Scouting

    Very nice! Looking forward to hearing about such an awesome hunt!
  11. Couestracker

    Leftover Results in the Portal

    They revised the list today. Still lots of tags.
  12. Couestracker

    Leftover Results in the Portal

    You'll have to wait for the revised list now.
  13. Couestracker

    Leftover Results in the Portal

    29 general tag!
  14. Couestracker

    Unit 23 NM Excluding Burros

    Congrats on a nice buck!
  15. Couestracker

    Hunts for Hero's unit 8

    I'm helping a vet with a donated tag rifle bull hunt in unit 8. Hunt is Dec 1-5. Anyone have some fresh Intel they'd share? Thanks!
  16. Couestracker

    12AW Late buck

    Very unique, congrats!
  17. Couestracker

    Hunts for Hero's unit 8

    Sorry, mixed you up with 125coues, who lives in Williams. Thanks anyways!
  18. Couestracker

    Back to back records

    Fantastic buck! Congratulations!
  19. Couestracker

    Bear with pistol?

    I missed a cinnamon bear with my .45 Win Mag pistol, I'm sure it would have put it down if I'd hit it.
  20. Couestracker

    20B Javalina-Archery

    Hike a couple of ridges away from roads, you'll be fine.
  21. Couestracker

    Hunts for Hero's unit 8

    Not sure about camp yet. Thanks for the info.
  22. Couestracker

    Tag in the mail today

    Recieved my 37B HAM tag and my new ear buds for the 2 way radios in the mail today, must be a sign!
  23. Couestracker

    2017 NM Coues Buck

    Congratulations on a nice buck!
  24. Couestracker

    Hunts for Hero's unit 8

    Basically in your backyard.
  25. Couestracker

    Kodiak Canvas 10x14 Tent Review - 2017

    I cut indoor-outdoor tan carpet from Home Depot so there's wall to wall carpeting in mine. Just fold in thirds length wise, fold in ends to the middle, fold again end to end and roll up. Smaller than my rolled sleeping bag. Makes tent very cozy.