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Everything posted by Couestracker

  1. Couestracker

    When will the hits start? no thread on this yet?

    Not sure, either early archery bull or Oct rifle cow.
  2. Couestracker

    When will the hits start? no thread on this yet?

    7 West for my brother and I !!!
  3. Couestracker

    Euro Mounts outside

    Keep in mind all kinds of critters will knaw on it.
  4. Couestracker


    Patience pays well, congratulations!
  5. Couestracker

    Opening Day Pig

    Short but sweet! Congrats!
  6. Couestracker

    19’ Javi tag filled

    Sounds epic, congrats!
  7. Couestracker

    Wife’s 2019 javelina

    Good one! Congrats!
  8. Couestracker

    Day 4 Stink Pig /1st Ever

    What a cool hunt! Congratulations on your 1st!
  9. Couestracker

    Chiricahua triple

    Our 3 man javelina hunting group pulled a triple out of the same herd in unit 29, the Chiricahua Mountains. I glassed up a herd on the second day at 11:15. Mike and Brian were already upfield when I called them on the radio and told them where they were. I guided them in downwind and above the herd. The pigs must have bedded, as I lost sight of them. I packed up my stuff from our classing position, grabbed my muzzleloader and headed to the spot, about .6 miles away and high up on a mountain side. I got in position on an overlooking ridge, 100 yards away. We had them surrounded! A couple pigs came out to feed, I set up for a shot and took one out. Some more came out of the brush and most didn't know what to do. Brian shot another with his .204 Ruger bolt gun, and Mike took one with his AR-15, while it tried to escape over the ridge. We got snowed out, plus high winds on opening day. Two boars and a sow, between 31 to 38 pounds field dressed. Mike, me and Brian. "We don't need no stinking trees."
  10. I signed up for Phoenix Varmint Callers monthly Club hunt last weekend, as I was going on the general bear hunt. I saw a bear late Saturday, 800 yards away and too late to go after. It looked back at me for a moment when I turned up the caller volume, but still walked away. Then it stood up at a juniper tree, eating berries. Then it climbed the tree and went around the top like a squirrel and ate for 25 minutes! Wish I could have recorded that. I came back to the same spot the next day, before first light and set up my e-caller with Jack rabbit distress sounds. As dawn was breaking, my attention was diverted and I was gassing the hillsides, just looking around. When I put the binos down, I realized the bear was below me in the middle of the meadow. He was stopped, nose in the air, looking around. Then he cautiously walked over to the bush where the caller was, did a u-turn and started heading back to the thickets. I already had my scope on him and I knew he was about to bail out of there. He stopped on the way to the edge of the meadow, so I aimed and fired. He took off like a scalded cat and dove into the thickets at the edge of a deep creek bed. I went down to look for blood, found none. I thought I missed it somehow, but it was less than a 100 yard shot. I was bummed! Anyway, had to check it out more, so into the thickets I went, down to the creek bottom. I quickly found some blood spots, followed some drops about 20 yards, and there he was, piled up! My first bear! He was a real tank, big head, little ears, huge paws and a beautiful chocolate colored hide. I had to drag him to some shade, it was all I could do to drag him a few inches at a time. So after field dressing him, I discovered that I double-lunged him. He still ran 60 yards! I went to find these two other hunters camped near me who offered to help if I got one down. The 3 of us could barely move that bear. It took us over an hour to get it out of that ditch. We doubled up a tarp under him, used the winch from my Ranger, plus a large strap to wrap around the tarp and bears shoulders. Those guys guided the bear up the hill, while I operated the winch. Then we loaded him in my Ranger and drove to camp. They helped get it hung from an oak tree in the shade. I spent the rest of the day and most of the evening skinning and quartering it, then packed into the coolers on ice. Man, talk about exhausted! But very rewarding! Those two guys really helped! Otherwise, I would have had to skinned and quartered it in the creek bed and packed it out. Might have been an all-nighter! Too bad I couldn't have taken this bear on Saturday so I could've made the Club check-in on Sunday, I might have gotten first place!
  11. Couestracker

    2019 National Call Making Contest

    Good luck Ammon, you have my vote!
  12. Couestracker

    Tag #1

    I wish I could draw first choice and tag #1 for the rest of the season. 😎 Good luck to all who will be chasing javies this weekend.
  13. Couestracker

    Tag #1

    I promise I'll only shoot 1. 😂
  14. Couestracker

    Handgun calibers for javis

    I've used several different handguns, .44 mag Redhawk, .44 mag Desert Eagle, .45 Win Mag L.A.R. Grizzly, .223 AR-15 pistol, this year will use a .357 Mag Coonan 1911. Plus I alternate daily carrying either my bow or muzzleloader. Good luck on your hunt! Post pics and a story!
  15. Load a pic that's upright on my phone, but winds up upside down after posting. Go into my photo file, edit pic to rotate upside down, save it, then load onto site and post. Boom, pic still upside down. Could someone please enlighten me on how to fix this?? Thanks.
  16. Good hunt, congrats to all!
  17. Couestracker

    Another Great Hunt with My Son!

    Congrats to your son, and you!
  18. Couestracker

    2019 hunts

    Why are some of you talking about elk in the antelope forum? It's confusing enough as it is. 😳 Where's bonecollector when you need him?
  19. Couestracker

    20 points

    A Rocky antelope? I miss out on everything! 😂
  20. Couestracker

    Tag number 1

    Good luck Casey.
  21. Couestracker

    Tag number 1

    Jeez, I wish I could draw tag number 1 on my first choice hunt for elk, sheep and antelope! Feeling pretty lucky this year, 2 javelina hunts, 2 turkey hunts, a Mexico coues hunt and a trip to Thailand, all by May!
  22. Couestracker

    Tag number 1

    I'm going to alternate daily between my muzzleloader and bow, but will have my Coonan 357 magnum on my hip.🐗🔫😎
  23. Couestracker

    Tag number 1

    They're all good!
  24. Couestracker

    Tag number 1

    They're all good!
  25. Couestracker

    Javelina #20

    Congrats on #20! Cool pic of the "pile".