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About BuzzH

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  1. BuzzH

    Shockey’s sheep

    Meh, just good clean living. Luck is the residue of design.
  2. BuzzH

    Shockey’s sheep

    heck yes I'm applying in AZ, CO, UT, TX, MT, WY and NV. Some raffles too. I was making less than 20k a year when I went to AK and shot a Dall. Paid for about half digging fire line for 2 weeks. Priorities...some just aren't committed.
  3. BuzzH

    Shockey’s sheep

    Well, now see that's where you're wrong. I applied only 9 years in AZ, had my loyalty and hunter ed point. My first 3-4 or so years applying in Wyoming, points were $5 for both R and NR. Moved to WY in 2000, so I've never paid more than $5 for a point. I applied from 1979-2000 in Montana as a resident, $2 application fee. Prioritizing hunting isn't expensive.
  4. BuzzH

    Shockey’s sheep

    The only correct thing you said was the old part. Combined cost on my 4 rams is less than 10k. Paid $4700 on the dall with Dan Montgomery. Did the other 3 hunts for tag fees and gas money, no way I have 5k in those hunts total. Just apply for 43 years, good things happen to good hunters...seen it.
  5. BuzzH

    Shockey’s sheep

    I think your taxi needs a kick to the bean bag.
  6. BuzzH

    Shockey’s sheep

    Here's a couple more I helped friends with. This one was also over 40...and 10 years old. Mid 180's ram for my Dad, also over 40 and 8 years old...too bad it wasn't broomed to 26 inches. Before: After: Another i helped a hunter from California with in Montana, 10 year old ram. Can't wait to see the AZ ram shockey kills.
  7. BuzzH

    Shockey’s sheep

    I just like 8+ year old rams, broomed or not. Oopsie....11 years old, too bad it's not broomed. Nothing I hate more than rams over 40 inches long. 9 year old WY ram. Never have shot a ram under 8. If, or maybe I should say when I draw a rocky in AZ, it will also be what I look for, 8+ year old ram. Oh, and I hope shockey kills an old ram too, broomed or not.
  8. BuzzH

    Shockey’s sheep

    A lot of doubters told me I was wasting my time applying for a Montana ram permit the last 43 years too, 20 years as a resident, the past 23 as a NR. Guess what? November 6th, 2024...believe it.
  9. BuzzH

    Shockey’s sheep

    I enjoy hunting AZ actually headed South right now to chase deer. A few picture highlights...AZ has been good to me, and like I say, I really think I'm going to draw a rocky tag. Would be great to get both species of sheep as a NR.
  10. BuzzH

    Shockey’s sheep

    I drew a desert tag in Arizona as a NR in 2012 with 11 points. Been putting in for the Rocky tag since 2013, and I just feel like I'm going to draw. Arizona has been very good to me with everything but pronghorn. Drawn 4 rifle bull tags, half a dozen coues tags, javelina every time I apply.
  11. BuzzH

    AZGFD paying youtubers?

    Not until I draw one of your Rocky Mountain Bighorn tags (which I have 11 points for now), a few more rifle bull tags, a bunch of javelina, and another half dozen late coues tags...give or take. Then I will (maybe).
  12. BuzzH

    AZGFD paying youtubers?

    What a load of crap...I'm a joe-nobody Non Resident from BF Wyoming and since 2001 I've drawn 4 rifle bull elk tags, 4 (likely 5 as my card was hit July 5th) late coues tags, javelina every time I've applied( 8-10 tags) and desert sheep. I don't have a youtube channel, facebook page, or anything else. Find another conspiracy theory to carry on about...
  13. I don't think the need is that apparent, and I've followed the issues in AZ. I also don't think its a wise move to politicize an issue like this by R and D designation. I know a lot of hard core R's that don't care much for hunting, I also know some hard core D's that support hunting in a big way. I wont go much further than to say, that over my lengthy involvement in a handful of states on issues like this, ostracizing potential allies right out of the gate, on partisan politics, is never not the wrong move... Not sure I believe a couple million bucks is going to change a ballot initiative on lion hunting in AZ, could be wrong. More than one way to skin a cat (pun there), and I haven't seen many other options explored or recommended that solves the problem of BI's. I'm not an AZ resident, so not my pig, not my farm....good luck and I'll kick in the extra $20-$25 for a point so I can say "I did all I could"...SMH.
  14. I'm never one to be a cheapskate and open my wallet all the time to fund wildlife and conservation... I haven't seen the need for the additional funding for "education", nor have I seen an action plan? Is there one? Before I spend money, I like to see the specific need, and also the plan of action and exactly why, where, when and how that money is going to be spent. Seems to me, raising a bunch of funds BEFORE you sell the need and have a plan in place to accomplish specific goals is putting the cart squarely in front of the horse. I'm more of a horse in front of the cart kind of guy. I just having seen a real solid plan, other than one group peddling fear that there is a need for a couple million bucks to save hunting. Also, for those that believe advertising campaigns are the end-all-be-all to save hunting, and money fixes everything...you better get smart, and you better get smart in a hurry. The way to sway the public opinion of hunting is through good, common sense, grass-roots engagement. Hunters need to show up at meetings, at the legislature, and I can tell you from first hand involvement, we don't do it. Many take the time to scout, hunt, take the old lady and kids to Disneyland, but very, very, very few take the time (or spend a day of vacation) to attend a meeting, write their elected officials, or address the Legislature. Another way to sway opinion is just by word of mouth...and being a positive spokesman for the sport. Invite some non-hunting friends to dinner once a month and serve up some wild game. The way we present ourselves to the non-hunting public will be what they remember when it comes time to vote. Seen it...and it works. If you let others do your work for you, don't be surprised if the end result isn't what you expected, or that their idea didn't get the desired result (seen that too, lots of times).
  15. Trophyseeker, I hear you, painting with a broad brush is not something that I do. But, in this case, I've never seen any set aside, raffle, governor tags, etc. decline in number once they start being issued. Not once. I also, very reluctantly agree that these tags can do some good things if used in a very specific way. There has to be very prudent over-sight...and rules can change regarding those tags, with very little to no public input. As to your reference regarding Montana...nearly all the sheep herds there were relocated using nothing but license dollars long before a governors tag or raffle tag existed. Also, the number of sheep tags issued in Montana is lower now than when I left there in 2000, and probably lower than when I started hunting there in 1979. Wyoming is the same way, 249 sheep tags issued in 2007...this year we will issue 200. So, when sheep decline, the reduction to quotas is all done on the backs of the average joe. Care to guess how many raffle and Gov tags have been reduced? Yeah, NONE. We issue 5 governors tags and 2 more through the raffle...or 3.5% of the total available sheep tags. It comes down to this for me, and many others, is it worth giving up 140 sheep tags over the next 20 years to the highest bidder? Or would I rather see 140 average guys have the opportunity? Is the North American Model important, or just a punch-line? The question you have to ask, is it worth letting the genie out of the bottle in Arizona because you need some money? Will this trend continue every time there's a funding issue? Will it stop at just a couple tags? IMO, too many states have been wayyy too quick to do the easy thing of auctioning off and raffling tags...I strongly suggest you really think about this one before you go down that road. It wont stop, you heard it here first. I have very little voice in Arizona, and I'm the last to tell another State what to do with its State Wildlife Resources. That said, I've been very fortunate in Arizona as a NR hunter, having drawn 4 bull elk rifle tags, desert sheep, 3 great coues tags, and multiple javelina. What you guys/gals have there is something special...and I wouldn't just give it away over money. Like I said, Arizona has always impressed me because you've kept these raffle/auction tags to a minimum. Good luck with whatever you decide.