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About cgmartin

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/07/1976

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  • Interests
    Hunting and fishing

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  1. cgmartin

    ISO 28 ga. Citori

    There are 2 left, let me know if you want to order one. + tax. BR018-258814 CITORI HUNTER GRI 28/26 2.75"# 28 Gauge MANUFACTURER: Browning MFG MDL #: 018258814 UPC: 023614744573 MSRP: $2,069.99
  2. Pioneer is better off road and has a better turning radius. The RZR and the general have no bed space for animals or gear.
  3. cgmartin

    35 A camp spot

    Usually camp south of the lake, We don't like "campgrounds". There are a few roads off of Montezuma canyon rd that have some good camping spots. Just before and after Scotia canyon are easy to get into. We will be camped just past lake Rd. for the same hunt. Say hello of you see us. Black Ram. Clint
  4. cgmartin

    Custom Antler Lamps and Creations

    Nice work, what would one of those run? thanks
  5. cgmartin


    I have the same set up for one of my cameras, They are great stable tripods and the head is smooth. Clint
  6. Can I get some pics of the tripod? Would you sell it separately? how much? thanks
  7. cgmartin

    Beginning reloading??

    You will also need, A caliper trimmer hand primming tool tumbler dies more reloading blocks you will also want to upgrade the scale that come with the kit, its junk shell holders Along with the reloading manuals, you will want to start your own notebook. As for manuals, look for the ones that have data for the caliber, powder and bullets you plan to use. When you get your equipment and have questions, PM me and I will give you my #. you will be surprised how easy it really is.
  8. what are the specs on the tripod? thanks
  9. cgmartin

    Where to go 'yote hunting?

    Try where ever you like to big game hunt. good luck out there, Clint
  10. cgmartin

    Draw results out

    Turkey in 4a-b Great time for some fishing
  11. cgmartin

    Daughter's first deer!!!

    You must be one proud DAD, Congrats to both of you!
  12. cgmartin

    Helped my dad bag a good one

    Congrats on a great deer
  13. cgmartin

    New Varmint Gun

    Thats a beautiful piece, I would go with a scope on the lower end. Some thing like a 3X9 or even 1x3. Heard they shoot pretty good too. Clint
  14. cgmartin

    leupold rifleman scope
