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Everything posted by GTT

  1. GTT

    Guess the Score Contest - Jan 2010

    120...Awesome Buck!
  2. GTT


    Congratulations Hunter & Dad!!! Great story & pic's as well...Bret
  3. GTT

    Aaryn's First hunt

    Congratulations Aaryn! & Great story! I know you are one proud papa Brian Congrats to the whole crew...Bret
  4. 1st off...Congrats to all the youth hunters! Jakob got his 1st archery javelina this past weekend, on his 1st archery hunt, At 12 years old! It happened Sunday morning around 9:00 on 1-3-10. 4 shots & he hit him all 4 times! Jakob is 2 for 2 with a rifle so we decided to try it with a bow this time. I bought Jakob & I these tags over the counter. I decided not to carry my bow until he got one. Jakob practiced until he could pull back 40 lbs. & shoot consistent out to 20 yards. He'd say" You get me within 20 yards dad & I'll hit em".....I'll try..... Friday & Saturday we hunted hard but only came up with lots of hunters,some deer, & a few distant pigs that we couldn't re-locate. Sunday morning we hiked to our favorite glassing spot. After about an hour we glassed up 3 pigs! They were about 3/4 of a mile away & the stalk was on! After about 30 minutes we were on the ridge we last saw them. We would stop & glass as we went but couldn't find them until Jakob says "is that a pig by that cactus?".... sure enough, 65 yards away stood a lone pig... "good job buddy let's go!" Keeping the wind right, we started to close the distance on a tree that should put us 20 yards from them. We were almost to the tree when I tell Jakob to "knock an arrow & get ready". A few more steps & we spot a pig walking out to the right from behind that tree at about 15 yards! He's behind a bush looking in our direction & woofing...."when he steps out take him behind the shoulder". The pig starts walking out to the right, Jakob comes to full draw & as the pig is walking....wack! he hits him!...a little far back but he's hit!...."re-load!" (I was a little exited...lol! ) 2nd shot closer to 20 yards now as the pig steps through a small opening in the brush & stands...wack!...mid body but low! We Track him down into a wash & under some boulders where he laid with his back to us. 3rd shot 10 yards..."right between the shoulders where the collar is o.k.?"....wack! " good shot buddy! let's just wait him out". After about 10 minutes we decide to try & get him to stand, so Jakob could get a broadside shot & finish him....this is one tough pig! I took a stick & got him to stand/crouch in the back of the cave...now he's quartering to us. 4th shot (last arrow) 5 yards...."hold tight to the shoulder right behind the collar"...wack!... "that's the one!...lung shot!" The pig walks out of the rocks & dies in the wash! WOOHOOOOOO!!!! Jakob's 1st archery pig is down!!!!! I wasn't sure what to expect for his 1st archery hunt, but he held it together & got it done once again. Proud of ya' buddy! Thanks, Bret
  5. GTT

    Jakob's 1st archery javelina!

    Thanks for all the nice comments, we appreciate it. Jakob & Dad
  6. GTT

    Zac's cow elk!

    I had the pleasure of helping my 16 year old nephew Zac, on his 6A jr. cow elk hunt this past weekend. 1st day we got into a heard but he couldn't get a good shot through the trees before they gave us the slip. Day 2 we glassed hard, did some hiking, & sat water but came up with nothin'. Morning of day 3 we decided to sit a different water hole that had good sign & was off the beatin path. At 1st light we had a spike bull come in, an hour later a couple muley does, then around 8:00 here comes a lone cow! I had told Zac if one comes in, wait until she drops her head to drink...well that's exactly what he did She had came into our left & was slightly quartering away at 75 yds., she dropped her head to drink & he settled the 300 Weatherby Mag on her shoulder & BOOM!...she went 50 yds. & tipped over! This was Zac's 1st big game kill & I'm so glad I was able to share it with him...Great job buddy!...(Uncle) Bret
  7. GTT

    Cody's first elk hunt

    Great job Cody & crew! Awesome story & pic's Justin...Bret
  8. GTT

    Jakob's Buck!

    My 12 year old son Jakob got his 2nd deer this past Friday 10-9-09 on his 23 jr. hunt. Opening morning Jakob,his grandpa,& I headed up high to try for a coues. About 2 hours into the hunt I finally glassed up a 2 point feeding in the shade of a west facing slope. I showed Jakob the buck & he was ready to go! It was 350 yds. straight across a canyon & we needed to shoot from our location. We were able to get Jakob laying flat on the ground using a backpack for a rest. He finds the buck & takes the shot hitting right under the buck,2nd shot behind, & after a few more shots, the buck had enough & gave us the slip. A combination of distance & buck fever got the best of Jakob that morning...been there We hiked all the way over to the last spot we saw the buck just in case, but found no sign of a hit. On our hike out we found an awesome coues shed as a bonus! He didn't get that buck but it was an awesome morning shared with his grandpa.... Grandpa had to get back home that afternoon so Jakob & I headed out for the evening hunt, in the mule deer country this time. At around 5:00 We spotted a heard of deer with several does & (4) 2 point bucks heading across some low foot hills in the flats. We made a fast stalk to try & get in front of the heard & in position for a shot. We were able to get within 125 yds. of the heard & found the biggest 2 point looking straight up hill toward us. Jakob got set up with his .243 on the bipod & hit him low in the front shoulder, but the buck is still up & on the move. The buck headed into a wash & we had to get closer for a clear shot . We got within 50 yds. of the now bedded buck, & Jakob makes a great shot right behind the shoulder! I couldn't be more proud Congrats to all the youth hunters! Thanks, Bret
  9. GTT

    Misty's Bull!

    I've been putting my wife Misty in for early rifle bull hunts 1st & 2nd choice for the last 7 years. Well, she was lucky enough to draw her 1st choice this year in 7! My friend John Noble & cousin Cary Corbin would be helping us on the hunt. It was hot & dry with very little rut activity where we were...not what you'd expect for this hunt. We were going to make the best of it & have a great time anyway, & we did! Opening morning we were hunting an area I'd found & videoed a big bull in...370+. As we drove into the area we spotted a different big bull by himself at the edge of the treeline. We noticed someone else driving into the area so we knew we'd better get on this bull quick...turned out to be atleast 6 other people in this area as the morning went on. We tried to get ahead of the bull & call him in but he had cows, & he would only bugle back at us every now & then as they went away. On our stalk we spotted a different bull across the draw from us in the thick cedars at about 200 yds. & decided to try for a shot. I got Misty set up on shooting sticks with the 300 Weatherby Mag. & she found the bull as he walked behind a dead tree. She took a shot & hit a limb sending the bullet right in front of the bulls chest. That evening we glassed only to find a bunch of cows & no bugles heard. Sat. morning had us in a different area hearing one bugle at 1st light which we closed the gap on but never heard again. Slow, discouraging morning. Sat. evening, new area in the pines now, seen & heard no elk, more discouraging news. Sunday morning back to the opening day spot. We knew of a high vantage point that should put us in front of the elk before light & give Misty a solid rest to shoot from....backpack on rocks!. As soon as we got out of the truck we heard a bugle below us, yes! let's go. As soon as we reached the top we located some cows 320 yds. below us...the bull has to be close. We glassed for a while but couldn't find him. John let out a few cow calls but no response. A few minutes later I motioned to John for a bugle. He did & the bull answered right back. As we scanned for the bull Cary says "I got him" he was 500 yds below us headin right for the cows. I showed Misty the bull, asked if she wanted him, & she said "I want him!" (cleaned up version) She got set up across the pack,video rollin',waits for him to step out broadside, & hits him low right behind the shoulder!The bull is hit hard but still standing. The next shot puts him down but he's still alive & behind some trees. Misty & I decide to sneak down to the bull & finish him at close range. We got within 20 yds. of the bedded bull & she made a perfect heart shot! It was an awesome hunt! I'm so proud of my wife who never complained about all the long hikes, early mornings, lack of elk, sharing a trailer with 3 dudes , & then gettin it done on a great bull, in the heat of the moment, when it mattered most! Thanks again to John & Cary for the great memories & all the help. Bret
  10. GTT

    Member holding out on us?

    Congrat's to Will the hunter & the Mullins crew on a ONCE IN A LIFETIME BULL!!!! Thanks again Brian,Manny,Matt, & Tommy for droppin' by camp to say hi & for congratulating Misty on her bull. Bret
  11. GTT

    Misty's Bull!

    Sorry, I messed up my 1st post hope you enjoy, Bret
  12. GTT

    Angie gets it done!!!

    Congratulations Angie! Great story & pic's Tracy
  13. GTT


  14. GTT

    My son's first turkey!! VIDEO ADDED!!

    That was awesome!!!! Great video well worth the wait!!!!!
  15. My 11 year old son Jakob drew his second junior javelina tag & was able to get it done again! He got drawn for a unit we have never hunted pig in before.We have been really busy & were only able to scout with maps. Friday morning we arrived at our turn off right as the sun was breaking so we would stop & glass while we looked for a good camp spot. We didn't glass any critters but finally found a camp spot in some really good pig country. We set up camp & drove around getting a feel for the area until it started to rain on us. We headed back to camp where we spent the rest of the evening staying dry. Saturday morning we woke up to low cloud cover & fog but no rain...Let's go! so we hike to the nearest point & started glassing. After about an hour we had a heard of pigs about 3/4 of a mile away working there way down an east facing slope! Off we went to try & close the gap.We were able to get within 300 yds. of the last place we saw them & re-located them one ridge closer to us! They were now 175 yds. in front of us but Jakob couldn't get a good shot before they droped into the wash.As we were waiting for the pigs to re-appear, Jakob spots them coming up the other side of the wash 150 yds. to our left! He gets set up with his .243 on a bipod & finds a brodside pig feeding on a prickly. I get the camera rolling & tell Jakob"wait until I'm on him...o.k. take your time....."BOOM! His 2nd javelina is down! It was another awesome experience & again I'm so proud of him...video clip still to come Thanks, Bret & Jakob
  16. GTT

    Turkey video 6a

    That was awesome!!!! Great video & Congrats to both of you...Bret
  17. GTT

    My son's first turkey!! VIDEO ADDED!!

    Great job Braden!!!! That's a big ol' tom! Great story & pic's Rich Bret
  18. GTT

    Angie's 1st Big Game Success

    Awesome story & pic's! Congrats again Angie & Tracy!!! ...Bret
  19. GTT

    Nick's First Javelina

    Great job Nick & dad!!!! Your 1st big game animal at 10!...that's awesome! Nice shootin' too. Bret
  20. GTT

    courtney's first pig

    Great job Courtney! Awesome pic's too ...Bret
  21. GTT

    Freak Nasty JR HOG

    Great job T.J.! Good shootin'! Bret
  22. GTT

    Our archery success... (pic heavy)

    Great story & pic's Gino! Congrats to all of you! Kind of looks like you guy's know what you're doin'... Bret
  23. GTT

    Juniors javelina success! Video added.

    Great video Joe! & great shootin' Garrett!
  24. GTT

    6A/B Headed Out

    Sometimes the hardest part is just finding em'!..I know 1st hand Sounds like a great hunt & the pictures are great as well. Good luck on the next one...Bret