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El Fuego

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Everything posted by El Fuego

  1. El Fuego

    3 for 3 Coues!!!

    Great trophies! Please share the stories.
  2. No, it just looked like a hunting camp.
  3. I would enjoy getting out with you guys if our schedules work out.
  4. El Fuego

    Eberlestock X-1 Bow/Rifle Pack

    I have really enjoyed the fit, feel and function of my Eberlestock J-104. Thanks for the heads up RR.
  5. El Fuego

    Illegals tried to kill me!

    the breeze, I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the illegal on your left side, behind the rock and under the oak tree threw a flag and said you did not mark your mule out of the box
  6. Scottyboy, Great post and pictures. I have not made it that far South this year yet, but hope to soon. Red Rabbit - Don't you live in in or near Flagstaff? If so, I was thinking we could link up and head South to meet up with Firstcoueswas80, ScottyBoy, Younghunter and etc. for a southern hunt. Take care everybody.
  7. El Fuego

    257 Weatherby Magnum

    I have a different caliber in Weatherby Magnum and I have found that the factory ammo works very well in the gun. If you do not reload, I would suggest going with factory loads. Enjoy the gun and let us know what you think of the caliber. I have, at times, thought about purchasing the caliber.
  8. El Fuego

    last day success

    Congratulations Casey! It is always a pleasure to read your posts.
  9. El Fuego

    Scouting does PAY....

    Travis, Congratulations in many ways!! Please share your story with us as it relates to your hunt.
  10. El Fuego

    Thank Jesus

    Thank you everyone for your posts!
  11. Hey DB, Buck up and wear spandex you whiner It won't take long to go back to cotton I am sure. Good luck shopping
  12. El Fuego

    Keep the summer rolling...

    Dan, That looks like Wild Monkey Trap from Ash. Look forward to catching up with you and thanks for sharing the post. Todd
  13. El Fuego

    San Carlos: November hunt

    My friend and I had the opportunity to hunt unit 'B' last November. It was our first time hunting The San Carlos and we really enjoyed everything about our hunt. http://www.coueswhitetail.com/san_carlos_h...an_carlos_7.htm This year I will be hunting unit 'C' in January, which I am looking forward to. If I can be of assistance with my limited knowledge of unit 'B', please let me know.
  14. El Fuego

    leica duovid

    FFD, I have tried the Bino-System with the 10-15x50 Duovids and the strap does not really work well, as the glasses are too heavy and move more than I like. The glasses are very nice on a tripod, which is why I would like to supplement the Duovids with a pair of Swarovski 8x32 EL around my neck on a Bino-System. Once again, best of luck.
  15. El Fuego

    leica duovid

    I too have the 10-15x50 Leica Duovids and will share the following with you: - As Amanda mentioned, the Duovids, along with any glasses, must fit you well. I happen to have a narrow interpupillary distance and the Leica Duovids fit me quite well. - One reason for purchasing the Leica Duovids was to only have 1 pair of glasses. However, when you are putting in the miles on foot and ough country, having the 10-15 Duovids around your neck becomes bothersome. For this reason, I am considering a pair of 8x for around my neck at all times. - The glass is as clear, crisp and as high quality as any on the market. - The Leica plate adapter for a tripod adds too many steps between taking the glass off your neck and mounting the glass on a tripod. Best of luck!
  16. El Fuego

    My buddy Zeus.

    CF, I sincerely feel for you regarding your loss in Zeuss passing.
  17. I am not looking for any specific information related to hunting Spring Bear on The San Carlos; however, general information regarding this hunt would be appreciated. Do you prefer Unit A, B or C? Any other general information shared would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your posts. Todd
  18. El Fuego

    San Carlos Spring Bear?

    Thanks Jim. I will let you know how I have done.
  19. El Fuego

    San Carlos Spring Bear?

    I wanted to say "thank you" to everyone who has sent either a PM or an eMail. Todd
  20. El Fuego

    San Carlos Spring Bear?

    CnS, By the way. What is your pit recipe for Bear?
  21. El Fuego

    San Carlos Spring Bear?

    CnS, I think we could probably work something out. In fact, the bigger Bear you get me on, the more meat your guests will be able to enjoy
  22. El Fuego

    San Carlos Spring Bear?

    After limited thought, with few tags avaialble, my choice for Spring Bear on The San Carlos is unit 'B'. The season starts on Saturday April 8th and ends in early May. Does anyone have any thoughts or general comments related to unit 'B' for Spring Bear on The San Carlos? Thank you in advance for your replies.
  23. El Fuego

    Hunting and College

    I am both a graduate of N.A.U. and a resident here in Flagstaff. When you get in town, look me up, as I would enjoy getting out and showing you around the local area along with the State. It is a great place to get out and enjoy the outdoors! Best of luck and I look forward to hearing from you.
  24. El Fuego

    Weekend Pics....

    Dan, Thanks for the post. As usual, your sharing all you do as it relates to The San Carlos is appreciated. Look forward to running your land again this year. See you then. Todd
  25. El Fuego

    San Carlos unit A or B?

    I agree with Rabid Apache - All SC units hold great game. I recently took a nice buck in B. The pictures are on this website, under San Carlos page 7. Best of luck to you.