Here is some food for thought for all you average joes. The AZGFD Commission is the sole decision maker on what organizations receive the commissioner tags. Those organizations submit to the department each year a request to be considered as a recepient of a coveted commissioner tag. Within those requests each organization must indicate how much money each tag that they are asking for will generate for the department. The organization must have some factual data to support their statements. Also in the application, the organization must disclose how they are going to use the tag (auction or raffle). So here is the fun part for all of you who think that the AZGFD is so innocent in this whole situation. All monies raised by the tag whether auctioned or raffled must be given to the department. At least that is what the organizations in AZ thought. As Kent has stated multiple times, that we must bring back all commissioner tags to AZ. Well average Joes, Your guiding light commission approved for the mule deer tag that is auctioned off by the mule deer foundation to add a 5% buyers premium, in which they (the mule deer foundation) could retain. No AZ organization was ever made aware of this and had gone on for 5 years (thats right 5 years). So take 5 years at an average of $175,000 and retain 5% for your organization that equals $43,750 to the Utah SFW/MDF expo. The Commission approved it and supported it. Doubt it ask Brian Wakling...... Of course when the AZ orgs found out they recinded that decision as the commission new that all the AZ orgs would ask for the same. So Average Joes, here is my question "Is your AZGFD Commission really looking out for your best interest? Here is another thought for you, Who determines how many tags are allocated each year? When you figure that one out ask yourself why those tags go up and down each year and if you are losing tags, Why?