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Everything posted by coocoo4coues

  1. coocoo4coues

    Windage issues

    Not consciously. Would I need a sight with a level to prevent this? This is very frustrating
  2. coocoo4coues

    Windage issues

    I'm righty, but hitting "right" inconsistently.
  3. coocoo4coues

    Windage issues

    I remember the geo...and it makes perfect sense. It just seems that I wasn't having this happen (this bad anyway) a week ago. I'm not lefty, but left-eye dominant...so I have to shoot with one eye shut. It sucks.
  4. coocoo4coues

    Windage issues

    I'll try that. And yes, the further I shoot, the more to the right it gets. Why is that?
  5. coocoo4coues

    Windage issues

    Trophy Taker fall-away rest...dual cam.
  6. coocoo4coues

    tag out!!!

    Absolutely gorgeous deer! I'm jealous! J/K way to go
  7. sounds like quite an adventure. I also shot and missed this weekend, but got to see my friend harvest a buck. It's always a good time out there...
  8. coocoo4coues

    Tagged a nice buck

    I picked one up at Sportsman's Wharehouse. It's a small, and orange in color. One thing to note is that the call is most effective during the rut and when used in combination with rattling.
  9. coocoo4coues

    Tagged a nice buck

    It was a dream hunt. Coues Archer is truly a master at calling those bad boys in. I know what some of you boyz may be thinking, but I saw it with my own eyes! It was like something out of the Cabelas Trophy Bucks game! I will never forget that hunt, and will be telling the story for years to come. I had my shot ops, but didn't connect...it just wasn't in the cards for my that day. Once I get over "CHOKING", I'll be back out to the range to ensure it doesn't happen again! Hats off to my bud, SouthernCouesHunter...he really worked his butt off to bag this buck. In all, he's been out there nearly every weekend since mid Dec, scouting, setting up game cams, sitting tree stands, and wearing out his boots to hit our honey hole. I've tagged along with him every chance I get, and have had a blast thus far. There's a buck out there with my name on his hind end. I'll be back! Congrats again, my friend.
  10. coocoo4coues

    Christmas Muley

    Just wanted to share my story and a few pics with you all. I didn't have anyone to snap a shot out in the field, so I took these when I got home. I didn't feel like eating my 08' tag, and this little muley presented me with an opportunity. I stalked him to within 100 yards, and actually called him in to about 40 using a coues call (go figure). I shot over his back on the first try, and he started to quarter away. I blew another grunt, and he stopped. He was stomping the ground as if challenging me when I stuck him. It was a complete pass through, double-lung shot. He ran about 80 yards, then layed to rest. After about 30 minutes, the blood trail led me right to him. Maybe next year I'll be fortunate enough to bag the gray ghost!
  11. coocoo4coues

    Need Serious Help!

    So did you ever find the buck? Give me a call dude.
  12. coocoo4coues

    Christmas Muley

    Thanks for all of your posts. It sure feels good to finally get one. Good luck to the rest of you.
  13. coocoo4coues

    Christmas Muley

    The monarchs work great, but they are a bit heavy to use in the field. I'm debating whether or not to return them for the 10x42's. What do you think?
  14. coocoo4coues


    Awesome buck! I know exactly how you feel! It took me about as long to finally kill one myself. I enjoyed your story, sounds like the ideal hunt!
  15. coocoo4coues

    Christmas Muley

    LOL! When you were freezing your a@% off in the stand, I was dragging that "poor" little muley to my truck! Now let's go get a big one!
  16. coocoo4coues

    calling in bucks with does

    Just a few days ago I called in a nice muley and stuck it at 40 yards. I used a coues deer call!
  17. coocoo4coues

    Win a Covert II Trail Camera!!

    There are approximately 8,270 beans in that jar. Will you be gift wrapping that for me?
  18. coocoo4coues

    Nikon Monarch 12x56's

    I just bought a pair of monarch 12x56's, and haven't had a chance to use them in the field yet. Any of you guys/gals own a pair? If so, what do you think of them?
  19. coocoo4coues

    Nikon Monarch 12x56's

    Hey, mijo...That's right, we can do some serious glassing now!
  20. coocoo4coues

    Nikon Monarch 12x56's

    I have the velbon sherpa. I believe that Amanda has some tripod options avail in the coues store... Another option would be to use the search option on the site and there have been some good suggestions over the years. There are some nice carbon fiber tripods on the market as well. It's nice to have a fluid,lite and strurdy tri-pod for glassing. Good luck and hope you glass up a TOAD! AzP&Y Thanks for the tip. Where did you take those pics? That territory looks very familiar.
  21. coocoo4coues

    Nikon Monarch 12x56's

    What kind of tripod do you recommend? Not looking to spend much.
  22. coocoo4coues

    January 08... I'm done!

    That's one of the biggest mulies I've ever seen. Awesome job. That area looks familiar. Where'd you take him?
  23. coocoo4coues

    Nice Desert Muley

    As you can see, you aren't the only one. I have misjudged the distance on some very nice bucks...many times. I just won't break down and buy a range finder. I know everyone here says its a must, and for many it is, but I feel that judging distance is just part of the challenge. To each his own, I guess. Practice is key, you'll eventually connect on one. This last weekend, I spotted a nice forked horn chasing some does, and was able to head him off. I set up under a tree, and called him in close. I had him standing broadside, used my 30 yard pin, and missed. After he bolted, I paced it out, and realized he was actually about 41 yards away. Oh well...not the first, or the last. Chalk it up, and keep trying.
  24. coocoo4coues

    all in a year!!

    Whenever someone says "I don't mean to sound like a jerk"...they're jerks. Good job man. Do you do anything else besides hunt? I have yet to kill a buck this year...
  25. coocoo4coues

    35A Buck

    Cool story. That's one heck of a nice deer!