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Everything posted by bmf1321

  1. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on bowhunting coues during the rut. When does it begin? does the rut begin at the same time for mule deer? is it best to sit in a blind or spot and stalk? does rattling work? any specific estrus scent available for coues? i just started bowhunting last season and have yet to take a deer with a bow and am looking for any information that would be useful on the upcoming dec/jan bow hunt. I am still debating whether to go after mule deer or coues. i sure would like to take a coues but think i might have a better chance of getting a mulie. thanks in advance for any information you guys can give a newbie. brett
  2. bmf1321

    Bowhunt during rut

    so, how do you tell if they are in the rut? would using the call/grunt tube/rattling prior to the rut be effective? why do you think the big ones don't respond to these methods?