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Everything posted by COOSEFAN



    Dam........I actually hope they DON'T come out with an EL 15x56!!! AND if they come out with something bigger????? OMG! THAT will put me in the "poor house" for sure!!!! I can see it now.......I'll be livin' in a cardboard box, divorced, no vehicle, and I'd be sittin there in my box with my collection of Swarovski binos!!! The trade off would amost be worth it! JIM>

    Long Range Animal Recovery

    That was a good one cmc! I forgot about reveiwing the video. I had to do just that with a buddy after he shot his huge bull.....remember that Jnoble?......We were unsure of the hit and gave the bull an hour to give up the ghost and when we made it to where the animal was we could not find blood. The ground was so rocky we couldn't even find tracks to pin point where the bull was standing. We were on the edge of a clearing and wanted to enter the treeline exactly where the bull had, but all the vegetation looked the same and we had no sign to use. I remembered about the camera, rewound it, played it back and could see the exact tree we needed to go past into the treeline. As soon as we got to that spot we could see the bull up under a tree less than a 100 yrds in the trees! If you have it, the video is priceless for reviewing shot placement and position of the critter! JIM>

    Happy Birthday Amanda

    Happy Birthday Amanda! Thanks for all you do!!! JIM>
  4. This pic was too good to have hidden in that other thread........ Again, welcome to the site FirstGirl! I would have to suggest you set your standards higher though........ but then agian, he DOES have a 36B tag! sorry Casey! BTW.......if anyone is interested in buying this truck, here's the link for the ad: http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...?showtopic=7162 I suggest you buy it before FirstGirl puts all those miles on it driving from Payson to Tucson every weekend to see Casey


    "BTW If I recall correctly, some "fatty" left you in the dust in December... Also Who was that "fatty"who had to pack the buck out in December?! Oh yeah, it was me!! Fatty McFatterson! Mayor of Fattyville" you better be careful.......you are about to give yourself your own "new" nickname! BTW....that "fatty" runnin' up the hill in Dec. had a 10lb. pack.....and the same "fatty" who packed the buck out had a "100yrd downhill" packjob! It's OK dude, my hunts this year have been way to easy so far and I'm alot fatter myself right now! Can't wait till the Coues hunts!
  6. Casey, why are you even worried about that........you think yer gonna win sumthin'? You know I do hope you kill a monster buck and you win my donation.......maybe that way I can get by with just sendin' ya some of my used cammies!


    That's funny as heck right there Casey! You are a genuine "ladies man"! Gotta give it to ya, you got confidence and that tends to do the trick.... regardless of how fat and cocky you are! oops.....did I just say that now that was funny right there! it's all outta love dude! BTW.......i would have said that even if i wasn't a moderator...... you guys are better than that

    The tale of the Big G2 buck

    that's what I was thinking!!!


    I didn't have the wrong pic.......I just caught the wrong person with Casey! How many is there......is there like a Sixth or SeventhGirl?


    SPEAKING OF GETTING UGLY............. Here is what happens after "SecondGirl" gets caught by "FirstGirl" as she tries to steal FirstGirls' boyfriend! sorry 'bout the mix-up earlier........howz I supposed to know who's who!


    Now, now boys.......as entertaining as this is...... you both have each others phone numbers, take it there before it gets ugly here thanks dudes.

    Quail Season!!!!

    Went out with my bro and nephew today and was able to drop three. Could have killed a bunch more, but it would have been too much runnin' for the little guy in the open flats that we were in. Lots of fun and he had a blast. JIM>

    36B HAM Javelina

    Congrats on the piggie! We might need to stop whackin' pigs out of that herd.......won't be any left before long! Great job, JIM>


    Alright, sombody needed to get this initiation started and with the prodding of certain individuals I felt like I had the permission to do so! Before I sling mud, and because this is probably the last time FirstGirl will acknowledge me, I wanted to welcome her to the site Also, sorry Casey but you are a great sport and are very easy to pick on so that's why I'm gonna do it! Here's a "3-way slam"........ sorry FirstGirl, Casey and GH! It's funny as heck though Jorge G.>

    doublers and triplers

    I know I shouldn't have brought that up..........my counselor advised me not to We need to bury that image and forget about it!!!!!!

    Back from Montana

    Thanks GH, but I most definitely have plenty of itches left to scratch! I just barely broke the surface by scratching this last itch! This is why I'm sort of afraid to participate on the sheep hunts this year.......I don't need that itch to start itchin' any worse than it has been the last 20+ years!!! Gino's already warned me about that "Sheep Itch"


    We need somethin' to go off of.......your pappy only tells us the good things about ya.......we need some dirt to throw around! C'mon there GH.......give us some dirt, hows about some pic's or somethin' that we can photoshop.......she needs to be initiated properly

    Long Range Animal Recovery

    "finding a little Couesie in the grass!" You know, the fact that I only draw Oct. tags combined with the fact that I love nothing more than wrappin' tags on Coues bucks.......it really doesn't take that big of a buck to get me excited! If it's not my tag to burn then it aint' no big deal, but if my name is on the tag.....watch out! That is why I hunt with Shortypants.....he helps me calm down and talks me out of throwin' lead........although I think things have changed this year! Shorty's got quite the happy trigger finger this year and I might have to hold him back for a change! JIM>

    Long Range Animal Recovery

    we'd all probably be amazed at how often this scenario takes place on any given hunt!!! I know I've done it and that's how you learn the hard way how to do it the right way! Always make mental notes of your surroundings where you shot from and where the critter was at before you even get out of your shooting position! Compasses, GPS's, flagging, and whatever else you have available should be used and it all works. The one main thing I do is always remember and mark exactly where you shot from and always find a landmark of some sort to visually mark where the critter was. It is always best to try and get closer, but you can have problems even at moderate distances when talking about finding a little Couesie in the grass! JIM>

    doublers and triplers

    "I love these binos for the quick throwing up " This made me think of Tyson's experience..........I know that if I saw what he saw through his binos, I would be throwing up too!

    Back from Montana

    Thanks guys! I love them 'Lopers, they are "almost" as gorgeous as a Coues! The knee pads do help a bunch and I was excited to put some wear n' tear on mine! I need to get some camo ones though so they don't stand out so much in the pic's. The goats up in Montana definitely have thicker and longer hair than our desert goats, and I swear the head on this guy was huge! As far as the shot, I was very surprised he didn't do the traditional "'Loper backflip", but as I mentioned, my shot was left of where I wanted it and popped the "air bags" instead of the shoulder. Taking a 'Loper spot n' stalk with a bow was always my #1 dream, but once that was accomplished, my new goal was to have a nice buck in the crosshairs of my rifle.....now I've got that itch scratched too and I'll never forget it! Thanks guys, JIM>

    New Coues Addict!!

    Just somethin' so cool about seein' a kid holding a set of antlers with a big ol' ear to ear smile!!!! Great job, congrats! JIM>

    doublers and triplers

    Sorry, but that just made me laugh! You definitely don't want to spend the money on two Triplers to do what you want to do. Like Amanda stated, the Tripler simply is to eliminate carrying a heavy spotter on long hikes. The Tripler is not better than a spotter, but it works good enough to leave the spotter behind if you plan on hiking far! For the money it would cost you to buy two Triplers, you would be better off looking for a good used "lightweight" spotter on ebay to get your 30X that you want, or just buy the one Tripler and use it with your Leupolds. best of luck

    Jim White Tri pod head

    You will never regret buying the Jim White head! It is durable, simple, light and smooth! I traded my last JW head ( w/ tripod and glass ) for a second coues tag in MX and to try somethin' new I bought the new pan head made by Outdoorsmans. It's more expensive, feels a little lighter, not really smoother, but has extra knobs, one is made out of plastic and it will break, and two other knobs that get bent very easily and will! I know the Outdoorsmans will fix these problems free of charge, but I don't like the possibility of something breaking while in the feild! Jim White's head won't break. BUT you definitely need to always tighten the handle and side knob tightly before strapping it to your pack and going for a walk! They do come loose and I've seen parts fall off, but that will never happen if you religiously tighten everything before you put it away. Buy it! You'll love it! JIM>

    Jims Back

    Now that is just wrong! Tyson was very nice by not telling everyone who that person really was...........now if that certain person wanted to point fingers, then, Tyson might have to just say his name! Casey, do you really want Tyson to say your name out loud on here or not? You better stop pointin' fingers then!