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Everything posted by COOSEFAN

  1. Here ya go........here are a few pic's I've got of Butters and his critters.....
  2. I felt more like a cheuffeur (sp?) that day........the wind was blowin' us all over and I got stuck working the trolling motor the whole time. Bryan never offered to trade me places so that I could fish I did appreciate him lettin' me look at his fish though LOL!
  3. Hey HBU.........yeah, it's a fairly decent spot Here's the real pic of Bryan..... figured I ought to put a real one on here so you all will know who he is since this is a "welcome" thread anyways Now your on your own so figure out that dang computer already! BTW.......Nevermind his hat, he's a little confused on what a good bow actually is!

    Montana Decoys

    I've used a decoy only a few times, but I can think of a bunch of times when I wish I had one! Like has been mentioned already, a decoy is most productive in open country. The bull is expecting to see an elk where the noise is coming from and he will either hold up until he sees that cow, wait for that cow to come the rest of the way to him or he'll skirt around looking for the cow and ultimately get your wind. In thick country a decoy is just a waste of time, the bull will be on you before he's worried about not seeing the cow. This illustrates the point that when calling bulls it's usually best to have a caller set up quite a ways behind you in line with your incoming bull. With or without a decoy this will work and seems to be the most productive, but in open country I think a decoy can give you some room for error in your set up. Sometimes you don't have time to find the perfect set up, this is where the decoy could be handy. Also, decoys can calm a bull into letting his guard down. This can buy you time when looking for a good shot or for a time to draw your bow, also can decrease the chances of the bull jumpin' the string. IMO, as long as you aren't fumbling with it, a decoy can be a great tool. Best of luck, JIM>


    That's funny.....the SINGLE guy callin' the MARRIED guys ugly?

    Might be a honey hole!

    You forgot, my dad and I are Charters, not Mullins' (Sorry Pops) THANK GOD!
  7. Heck, that's art........doesn't have to be anatomically correct! I think it looks awesome, and Casey.........there can NEVER be too much mass!!!!

    Might be a honey hole!

    Thanks guys. Casey, if I can't even get my 12 ft. aluminum in there without breaking my back, I know you ain't getting that Champion in there! Besides....it's a Champion, it should just stay in the garage.........Triton all the way baby Hey Mattobertin, I appreciate the offer and it sounds like a great price, but I've learned that this pond is VERY shallow! Last night with the wind I got a chance to investigate just about every inch of it! I couldn't keep the boat in one spot to save my life.....wind sucks!!! On just about any spot on this pond I can stick an oar down and touch the bottom and several times I had to use the oar to push off sand bars. I would bet that in a tube you could walk around more than actually swim. Some chest high waders might be the ticket but what happens when the alligator grabs your leg or you trip over a submerged body now that would be scary! I know, i know......I'm a sissy!


    Saw this topic and dug out some old pics! Back when we were young and dumb we would drag our fancy bass boats in towards Horseshoe. There would always be something falling off the trailer by the time we got there! Could only use the trolling motor but that was all we had that would float and the big cats were too far from shore! You would have to hit it just right and the water flow and level had to be just right and it could be the funnest day fishing ever! I remember having to use the trolling motor to help muscle in a fish! Also nothing like seeing the big air bubble rise up out of the deep just before getting your first look at the beast on the end of your line!!! Fricken scary stuff!!! JIM>

    Might be a honey hole!

    Oh yeah.........and I did determine last night that, indeed this is a "honey hole"!! My brother, Tommy, and I drug the "lead sled" down into the pond. That was a bigger task than I previously thought it would be!! With pulled muscles and soaked with sweat we finally got 'er in the water and finally got some serious fishing in. We finally figured out where the fish were and what they were biting on with about 20 minutes left of light. In that 20 minutes we boated 7 bass and lost a few to the reeds...........and if we wouldn't have taken the time to mess with photos, I bet we could have doubled our catch! The best part is that all the fish were big, and left you wonderin' how big the next one's gonna be! It was fast and furious for a short time and all we were doing was flipping skirted jigs into the reeds! It was definitely worth the hassle but I do need to get a smaller boat!

    Might be a honey hole!

    Alright......here's the proof! My wife was brave enough to stay and take a picture of this elusive water creature......while I was runnin' and screaming like a girl! Well...........the miniature "Loch Ness Monster" finally found a log and climbed out My wife yelled for me to get my "sissy ---" back down there and that it was just a "water rat"! Is this a Muskrat?

    Might be a honey hole!

    You guys are too funny!!! To set the record straight.....I am a sissy when it comes to certain things and I'm man enough to admit it! I'm also man enough to admit that I scream like a girl when I come face to face with those things that I'm sissy about! I got picture proof now that validates my fears about this pond. My wife got pictures yesterday of a creature lurking in this very pond!!! I've also got proof now that it is indeed a "honey hole"!!! Problem is that Photobucket is down right now and it's WAY past this sissy's bedtime
  13. Well now that the big bulls and bucks have dropped their antlers and I can't afford to drive up and look for them......I've resorted to doing what I do every year at this time. I hunt what ever I can! That leaves very few options so the critters near home usually become the sought after trophies! This evening I went to the Robbins Butte Wildlife area which is only a few minutes from the house. There is usually something cool crawling around out there! I usually just walk slow scanning near and far and was excited to see the black and orange critter off in the distance! He wasn't aggressive at all but it took about 15 minutes of chasing him around in circles before he climbed up on a rock and posed for the camera. After a long photo session, he decided that was enough and that's when he jumped down and chased me off!!! Once back at the truck and just a little ways down the road I found my first sidewinder of the year. I know first hand what these guys are capable of and have a lot of respect for them! They have a tendancy to be quite frisky and will actually come at ya.......and very fast too! The first pic is of him coming at me just as I was ready to snap the pic!

    Might be a honey hole!

    That's what I'm talkin' about! I have a fear of the "unknown" water creatures that live in the deep, dark, murky water! The snakes are a real concern, there were quite a few snake tracks crossing our trail yesterday as we headed in there. We saw several Racer type snakes but no rattlers, they are there though!!!

    Might be a honey hole!

    No, it wouldn't be a hidden pond then! I'm pretty sure I know where you are talking about and people have been fishing there every day so I'm sure it's probably good. Same area but this is in the middle of nowhere, lots of dirt road drivin'! AZOnecam.......that's too funny I'm gonna go check out some of those float tubes right now, then hopefully go try one out this evening! Thanks, JIM>

    Might be a honey hole!

    I'd love to get one of those tubes and it would be A LOT easier I'm sure! I would definitely want one that allows you to sit higher out of the water, this pond is deep, dark, and who knows what creatures live in it! It's even spooky crawling through tunnels in the salt cedars just to get to it! I actually just got home from Bartlett Lake and it was miserable to say the least. No fish and lots of wind, I took the big boat so at least it was fun cruisin' around. This is the only time of year I get a chance to fish and so far it has sucked every time I've gone out! Hopefully this pond is full of big fish to ease my frustrations........I'll update on that tomorrow night! JIM>

    Thumped the mighty thunder chicken

    That is awesome!!! Huge congrats to you on a great accomplishment! Gorgeous bird! JIM>

    COOSEFAN and Gamehauler at there best!!!

    Hey, C'mon.......don't laugh at him, it just encourages em'!

    Critter pic's from this evening.....

    My camera is a pretty good one, it's a Canon G6, but the main thing is fixing them on the computer later. The flash will wash out alot of the colors, even when using a flash to fill in shadows in the daytime. On the computer I can enhance the colors and bring the color back. Besides all that, I think that sidewinder had recently shed his skin, his colors were more vivid than usual. Thanks, JIM>

    COOSEFANS 2007 AZ Buck

    Well it looks as though some certain individual finally learned how to use Photoshop Also appears as though he's pritty darn good at it too! I bet this certain individual lays awake at night, can't eat, and is always watching his back right now too...........for he knows paybacks are coming

    Can you find it?

    Hey guys, I took this pic this afternoon. The pic is actually zoomed in quite a bit already and what is there actually stood out like a sore thumb when I saw it from further away! Do you see what I saw? I'm sure if you zoom it in too it'll jump out at ya!


    Its all about DEL TACO!!! I ahve only seen a few stickers and surprisingly they were all during the same weekend. One was a green Dodge flatbed and it had the sticker on the metal bar, I saw this rig during the first late season bull hunt in 22 north. The other was on the ride home and was on a red Jeep Cherokee driving southbound outside of Rye. Chrissy, It sounds like you saw Gino and Amanda with those vehicle descriptions? Del Taco sucks! TACO BELL all the way baby!

    Can you find it?

    But the thing is; it does belong. You are correct! Gotta respect those bad dudes!

    Can you find it?

    Oh Yeah I never realized the picture title comes up with the pic when you zoom in! Oh well, It's not that hard to spot anyway.
  25. I've seen them just before you get into Patagonia on the south-east side of the road in the farm fields. For a while last year you could always see a bunch of birds out there every evening. Also have seen them several times up in the Canelo Hills further East.