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Everything posted by COOSEFAN


    new pic 80's Coues ridiculous

    That rack is awesome, thanks for showing us the pic's! I wouldn't call anyone a liar, but If I found that skull.....in typical Muley country.... I would think it was a Muley. To me it looks like an old, regressing non-typical muley buck, but it wouldn't surprise me if it were actually a Coues, that side shot sure does look Coues and definitely has Coues character in it. Regardless what it is, that's an awesome find! JIM>

    EliteXC Tonight

    I really never watch the stuff, but thought this was interesting. I was in the Orleans Casino in Vegas last weekend, I was sitting in T.G.I. Fridays watching this fight and remember staring at that dudes ear, I was wonderin' what it would do if he got punched in the ear........If I remember correctly it befinitely bled alot! Another interesting note was that Charlie Daniels was eatin' dinner next to us that night too...pretty cool stuff!

    Advice for Arizona Elk

    C'mon.....everyone knows "PJ's" is short for pajammas or commonly used as an abbreviation for Pinon/Juniper country which is typically lower elevation.
  4. Well.....I had to resort to doing some undercover investigating to find some dirt on the "photoshop bandit"! I hired Gamehauler to follow Younghunter around with a video camera and now I feel the need to uncover the hidden truth about Chrissy! You might think twice about shakin' Chrissy's hand next time you see him! To know the truth, click on this link! http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b394/ss7...rent=Chimp1.flv
  5. Well Butters and I headed down along the border to do some "Pre-Draw" scouting and turned the trip into a fishing/shed hunting trip as well. We put close to 60 miles on the Rhino and finally found access into areas we've been trying to hunt for a while. Seen quite a few bucks sprouting small velvet nubs and never stumbled onto any illegals, so it was a success! We knew we would be close to one of the lakes down there so we had the poles with us and gave it a try on Sat. It was super windy and TONS of people but after wearing my arm out throwing a crankbait I was able to catch a few VERY small bass and a nice rainbow! I tried my hardest to make this one look like a lunker..... We did hike quite a few miles during the trip looking for sheds and that's one of the most frustrating things to do! You have to dang near step on a fresh Coues shed to see it out there! We crawled through beds and hiked miles of trails and only ended up with one little whitey.......I didn't care though, that little whitey was admired as though it were covered in gold! It's funny to think that if that were a white muley shed I wouldn't have even picked it up......there's just somethin' about them little Coues deer Thanks, JIM>

    Whoohoo......found a Coose shed!

    Ya know.....it was getting very boring staying on the road and we just weren't finding the sheds that way. The best way to find a Coues shed is to drive your golf cart through and over the thickest stuff you can find and as far away from the road as you can get! My motto is... " Your not a serious shed hunter unless you're having to winch your golf cart over rocks and trees every hundred yards"! AZantlerhead....I fully understand why you would say that, but just so you know, I'm NOT one of those guys. There's enough people on here that know who I am and what my beliefs are so I don't need to prove anything here........just makin' a funny Thanks for your reply! Hey Doug, It was actually Mearns hunters that told me about the country I was scouting..........I think I'm gonna leave it to the Mearns hunters too! That country is better suited to the road hunters and jump-shooters and I bet those type of hunters do well there. I was hoping to find bigger canyons and taller mountains. I did hear the Mearns hunting was great there and did kick up a few. Found some big fresh bear tracks and saw some Goulds turkeys down in that lower country too!
  7. I've been bit and almost died from it.....and I haven't killed one in several years! I've been seein' about 4-6 rattlers per week lately too!

    New Here

    Awesome find! Thanks for sharing the picture and welcome to the site! JIM>
  9. Pops, Tommy (brother) and his boy "Hunter" and myself went fishin a few days ago. It was miserable for the first couple hours on the water, serious humidity and heat and no shade! We stuck it out and it paid off. Hunter had broke his line on his pole and instead of rigging it back up, Tommy gave him his pole. Tommy would cast it and Hunter would then reel it in. This went on for a short while before his pole finally bent over and the fish exploded out of the water! Hunter was reeling as fast as he could and trying to hang on to the pole at the same time! It was exciting for us all because he did it by himself and after some quick pictures we threw it back for another day! The fish are in trouble now that Hunter knows how to catch em'! JIM>

    My tagged/bearded hen

    Got 'r done.....Congrats! I shot a bearded hen once as well.......had called her and several hens in to less than 20 yrds. I was VERY trigger happy and for several minutes I just figured they were all hens but then I noticed the beard and BOOOM.....lead and feathers were a flyin'! Mine had a 6 1/2 beard and I thought at first it was a Jake but later realized it was a hen. Good job stickin' with it! JIM>

    Large buck on Ebay

    I bought a pair of Eastern sheds from that same person a few years ago.....she ain't cheap that's for sure! That's the first Coues antlers I've seen her sell though.

    Nephew's first Bass.....

    Hey El Fuego...them goggles must be the secret to catching bass....Hunter outfished me that day by a bunch! Yeah Amanda, Butters told me he passed that pic around I've been fishin' quite a bit lately after work, but I'm almost always by myself 'cause it's usually a last minute deal. I have been leaving my camera at home 'cause I find rattlesnakes EVERY time I go out and without a camera I tend to leave them alone.......it's better for my health I have learned though, it is not very easy to get good cell phone pic's of yourself, by yourself while holding a fish! These were the best ones I got recently.......

    ** For Sale....... to build a new gun.

    Hey Gino......you say "I just can't part with them" SO..........I'll be up there this weekend with a couple boxes of .45's and we'll go break them bad boys in! I don't see the point in owning a gun if you ain't gonna shoot it! If you are wanting to keep them as an investment, I would bet that you would be better off selling them and putting that money in a special fund of some sort and see a bigger return in a shorter amount of time. I say go shoot them bad boys! I once won a special edition 45-70 lever action rifle, it had a purdy gold inlayed elk on the action and all the purdy swirly designs all over it. I was excited to win it and was ready to go shootin' until somebody told me it's value would depreciate by half if I shot it So I sold it the next day for $1,500.00 To each his own. Hey Gino, post up those pictures you have of the Twins and I'll see ya this weekend

    Nephew's first Bass.....

    Thanks, we were at Golden Pond.


    Had to be a Chupacabra......it's the only logical explanation

    Azryan's Gobbler

    Great job on a tough hunt! Congrats! JIM>

    Good Day at Pleasant

    Dang Tony, that sounds like it would have been a blast draggin' those fighters up from deeper water! I've only caught one striper at Pleasant and it was by accident, twas a 6 pounder though and up in the Humbug arm. Might have to try the anchovie thing some day soon! Thanks for the report, JIM>

    Archery Turkey!

    Awesome job on a huge accomplishment! Congrats! JIM>


    I completely agree with that....archers should not be singled out. I beleive it doesn't matter what your weapon is, the outcome is still the same and ethics should still have the same emphasis regardless the weapon used. Hey Cowboy......did I meet you in the steakhouse last year during the Oct. hunts?

    spotting scopes

    my guess is because there's extra junk inside to bend the image at the angle


    Heck, 80 yards is the new 50 There are a bunch of folks out there right now that "launch" arrows as soon as they near that 100 yard mark It sickens me to see it or hear about it........total lack of respect for the animal and the image of bowhunting, and is only done becuase people are so eager to impress and be successful...regardless of how they achieve it! I do know a few folks and have guided a few that truely are capable of taking a 80 yard shot. These folks practice religiously and can group arrows tighter at 80 than most can at 30. Like has been said before, sometimes that once in a lifetime buck or bull may hang up at 80 yards........if that's within your range and you're confident, consistent and are able to range the critter.....then take the shot. OTHERWISE letdown and get closer....no reason to chance wounding a critter......and if you still feel like flingin' an arrow just to see where it hits, then you need to take up bowling and get out of my woods! What it all boils down to is that we all know deep down inside what our limitations are and each one of us knows when we are exceeding our own limits and taking a chance at wounding an animal.......it's not fair to the animal or the sport by taking chances like that. There's my $.02 JIM> Hold on their partner. Why would a 80 yard bow shot sicken you more than a 500 yard rifle shot? There is a bunch of people on this very sight that fire away as soon as they get to the 500 yard mark or more. They even brag about it. What is the wind drift on a 500 yard shot? What about all these volleys of shots that I consistently hear during early deer rifle season. 4- 5 quick shots. ARE THE DEER RUNNING, ARE THEY AT THE SAME DEER? Slob hunting is slob hunting. It is safe to say there is more slob rifle hunters then bowhunters, yet I sense there is more outrage at the so called " unethical bowhunter" This is hypocritical and I 'm sensitive. Bob I was just addressing my thoughts pertaining to the archers.......although it doesn't matter what weapon your using....limitations are limitations. Exceeding your limitations purely for hope that you MIGHT be successful is wrong......regardless what you are shooting with. What I say doesn't matter and won't change anything.......people have since the beginning of time and will continue to exceed their limitations, it's like gambling, they just want to see if they'll win or not and not worry about the consequences. I've done it and I'll bet that anyone who has much experience in hunting has done it, it's not right to do and we all need to try our best to be as ethical as we can while hunting.


    Heck, 80 yards is the new 50 There are a bunch of folks out there right now that "launch" arrows as soon as they near that 100 yard mark It sickens me to see it or hear about it........total lack of respect for the animal and the image of bowhunting, and is only done becuase people are so eager to impress and be successful...regardless of how they achieve it! I do know a few folks and have guided a few that truely are capable of taking a 80 yard shot. These folks practice religiously and can group arrows tighter at 80 than most can at 30. Like has been said before, sometimes that once in a lifetime buck or bull may hang up at 80 yards........if that's within your range and you're confident, consistent and are able to range the critter.....then take the shot. OTHERWISE letdown and get closer....no reason to chance wounding a critter......and if you still feel like flingin' an arrow just to see where it hits, then you need to take up bowling and get out of my woods! What it all boils down to is that we all know deep down inside what our limitations are and each one of us knows when we are exceeding our own limits and taking a chance at wounding an animal.......it's not fair to the animal or the sport by taking chances like that. There's my $.02 JIM>
  23. Hey guys, I finally recruited another guy who has been a long time "lurker" and hopefully he'll now contribute to the forum! He couldn't think of a good name, so since I love "South Park" I talked him into using "Butters"! LOL! His name is Bryan and he's a great guy, great hunter and he donates alot of his time to some of the organizations here in AZ. He's not very good on the computer but I'm sure he'll figure it out with our help. I told him he needs to post some of his pictures on here, but that may take awhile to figure out.......so, unfortunately for him, I'll post some for him! Bryan went fishing with me a couple days ago and caught this nice bass..........He had better figure out how to post his own photos, 'cause I'm gonna have fun with this!!! We'll figure this as your initiation........welcome to the site! JIM>

    Verde fishing trip

    I caught a few of those during a hike in Fossil Creek a while back. At that time I figured they were some type of Chub, they were fun though. We used little spinners to catch em'. Looks like you had a good time! JIM>

    New Magazine

    It's interesting to see the different veiw points everyone has. The bottom line is, you can't fault someone for wanting to start a business or for wanting to better himself or his existing business and I do wish you the best of luck with this! I am curious though, how many issues will you print before you end up having to re-write about a unit you've already wrote about? Like in the other AZ publication that Terry talked about, there is fishing and all sorts of other stuff to keep it fresh. I just think the "spotlighting" of the units in each issue will become repetitive and dull and there will then be the need to go deeper into facts and info about each unit.......ultimately exposing more and more secret honey holes. If this was a one time publication, then there would be no problems.......you could just copy down the info that AZGFD has for each unit and get new hunters started in the right direction without upsetting anyone. I do really like the idea of a publication dedicated to just AZ for the same reasons as everyone else......hunting stories and pictures! Fill up the pages with AZ hunt stories and AZ pictures and you'll have me as a customer for sure. I would also like to add that I actually agree with .270 Keep it honest! I don't want to read about a limited expereinced outfitter telling hundreds of people how to hunt or obviously stretching the tape to make it sound bigger. I also would like to see less emphasis on what a critter scores and more about how memorable the hunt was for that animal. And one last thing, if you don't already have it in the works, to continue to promote this new magazine here you need to become a sponsor of this great site Thanks and best of luck! JIM>