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Everything posted by COOSEFAN


    Do you recognize this bull?

    I've been getting that alot lately! LOL! But the "chuk noris" is a classic!
  2. That lasted only 30 minutes!!!! My deal still stands remember......mine also comes with a $200.00 soft protective cover along with a new condition hard case
  3. That lasted only 30 minutes!!!! My deal still stands
  4. That's a great deal! I will add that if anybody buys this scope, but really wanted a STS (straight) 80HD.....I'll trade ya straight across! I wanted the ATS but got hasty and bought the STS. Mine is also brand new condition, has the Swaro soft case as well as the hard case which is in new condition as well and is the 20-60x eyepeice. I'm not selling mine, but thought maybe this might help Mr. Spectr17 get his sold and get me my ATS This is a great scope at a great price!

    Leave it up to me.......

    I walked around this tank once and it wasn't until I took another look at it that I saw something just wasn't right...........

    Couple of Neat Cam Pics.....

    Picked out a couple of pics I thought were cool and figured I'd share em'. No giants here, just a couple freaks and neat pic's. JIM>

    Couple of Neat Cam Pics.....

    Thanks guys, I figured you'd get a kick outta those. The two water pics are from a Cuddeback, the others are Moultries. No Lance, haven't seen ya, but my brother just brought down another 2800 pics......you might be on one of them Headin' back up right now, have a great weekend everyone! JIM>

    New coues gun

    Dang....I'm actually feelin' sorry for ya Casey, but ya know this should only feed that desire to prove to everyone that you aint a skull cap bustin, 80 year old lady datin', punk!

    Leave it up to me.......

    I did get muddy, and it's just a rag so I wasn't tryin' to tease anyone with it! I will say that for some reason that antler smelled like a decomposing sewer rat!!! We had it in the back of the truck for a couple miles and had to throw it out, you could smell it in the cab! Does make ya wonder how many more are layin' in the bottom of a tank........not that it matters when they smell like that
  10. Great pic's of that buck! I'm gonna try my hardest to void my rifle tag this year on a fuzzy antlered Coues! Can't wait! JIM>

    Bedded Coues

    They just don't look right layin' in that green stuff! Great pic
  12. I didn't see that one in time....... funny stuff though 'cause I'd have to agree with everything they said!

    What do you think about this bull?

    Based on what he was last year I will through it that he will finish right at 400! He has some great length on top and will definately be a shooter again this year! Hey, that's cheating.....you remembered what he looked like last year! I thought he looked familiar, should have remembered that one! Freakin' awesome bull Lance, I see what you are saying about the tops making the bottoms look smaller! As much as I hate to say it.......I'll have to agree with Christian Hope you guys wrap a tag on him and let us know what he finished at! Best of luck, JIM>

    Bino Warranty and Repair Work

    Hey HunterX, that bulls' got some neat characteristics, but he doesn't look familiar to me. We were in quite a few different areas last year, so i'm sure we were close at some point!

    Late night snake

    Very cool, that's the kind that you want in your yard!

    What do you think about this bull?

    Based on what he was last year I will through it that he will finish right at 400! He has some great length on top and will definately be a shooter again this year! Wouldn't surprise me at all, but it takes ALOT of inches to make that number and those thirds just make me think he'll have a hard time making up for it. I'm probably under judging the fronts, hard to tell really, but the main thing is I don't like using that number too loosely I'll still stick with pushing 390".

    What do you think about this bull?

    BTW.....I hate being the first to guess C'mon guys, throw a guess out there.....I got one for ya to guess on later too.

    What do you think about this bull?

    That's a toad! To me it looks as though he won't add much to his bottom 3 points, but will add some more inches up top in the next few weeks. I have a hard time judging velvet, but I would say that he'll finish out between 380-390"! Does have some extra credit for the spread at the tips and will have great 5ths, but the 3rds and shorter fronts will take away a little keeping him around the 385" mark. Could be way off though, but that's my take on it Great job findin' and filming that beast!!! JIM>

    New coues gun

    Thanks Mike! I think that name would be awesome on that TC! You can have it, but you will have to stamp my gun too! Deal but I'll make it GhostBuster II and we'll stamp yours GhostBuster I Deal, I'll keep ya posted on the progress

    New coues gun

    I had the idea.....but was trying to KEEP IT MY IDEA so I didn't tell anyone I was gonna stamp a name in my gun!
  21. That's funny! How 'bout: Cedar Rocky Sage (would fit his color) J.D. (Just Dog)

    New coues gun

    Thanks Mike! I think that name would be awesome on that TC! You can have it, but you will have to stamp my gun too!
  23. Great job, I bet we'll see more pic's from ya soon, it is addicting! We just had 5 cameras out for 2 days and got almost 2000 photos.....just about killed my 'puter downloading them all, but it's well worth it Best of luck to ya!

    New coues gun

    Should I change the name to "Ghostbuster" Jim? talk about queer.... Just kiddin... DUDE....now everyone is gonna name their custom build "Ghostbuster"! YOU KNOW that is an awesome name for a rifle specifically built to hammer the grey ghosts of the desert, and I'm still naming my new hammer the "Ghostbuster"! I don't care if anyone laughs at it.....it's still way better than "Goat sucker"! jus messin' wit ya.
  25. Zeus is "King of the gods". My ol' huntin' partner that passed away a few years ago was named "Zeus - North Rim King of the Gods". If I can remember correctly the breeder was named North Rim Labradors (hence the name). I do like Zephyr as well.