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Everything posted by COOSEFAN


    Bowfisher in need of help!

    I took a friend out to Pleasant yesterday to fish. I, of course, had my bow on board and the water clarity was insane! I can't remember seeing the water that clear before. The carp were absolutely everywhere and and the shooting opportunities would've been all day non-stop if bowfishing was our only objective! I bet I shot at 50 different fish throughout the day and basically only boated 1! I'm embarrased to say it too! It was extremely frustrating because my arrows were veering as soon as they entered the water. Because of the water clarity I was usually shooting deep, so it was very noticeable my arrows were sometimes making hard turns. I tied on a brand new arrow and it veered just as bad. I then swapped from a finger tab to my release thinking that was the problem and that didn't work as well! So, for you bowfishing guys here, what would you check next to fix the problem? I'm thinking it's gotta be the rest or my nock position but I was also curious if high poundage would cause this? I got my bow down to probably 55lbs and not sure how much lower I can go with it, being a Matthews Q2 it's not exactly the best bow for close shots at fish but the Maxxis aint goin on the boat! Thanks for any advice! Here's the one unlucky fish that my arrow "veered" into...

    Rooster Sauce

    LOL! I laugh everytime I hear that commercial with that old lady sayin' that! I was stuck on the Cholula, but the Tapatio ranks right up there with it and I might like it better. I'm a hot sauce NUT, I literally put it on everything! Probably the best sauce I've had is home made Chilitepin (sp?) sauce. Those little peppers grow wild on some of the ranches we hunt in Mexico and the flavor is amazing. They can be extremely hot, especially if you try one right off the bush while out hunting! I don't reccomend doing that! But it's easy to tame the sauce down with more tomatoes. My brother got the recipe from our mexican friends and has been making it regularly and it's addicting stuff!

    Archery Elk Hunt

    I will add a +1 on arrow weight for elk. 3 year old bulls are alot more forgiving than 6+ year old bulls when it comes to penetration. We all hope for the 6+ year old bulls. Hence the need for a good weight range. I will add though that while weight is important, IMHO even more important is having an arrow tuned so that it DOES NOT porpise or fishtail. When this happens, even with heavy arrows, you will get very little penetration period. The more severe the problem, the less they will penetrate. They need to fly straight if you want to bury them to the fletching or pass them through. This is a great thread and just in time for the up and coming season. +2!!! Agreed. A heavy and well tuned arrow is a must! If a guy is lazy or over confident and tries to make a light arrow, a dull broadhead, or an out of tune bow work for an elk hunt, they greatly increase the chances of wounding and losing an elk!

    Unit 9 early archery bull elk hunt

    Great ideas!

    Huntin' For "Sticks"!

    Since a link to this thread got brought back up recently I went back and read thru my story again and re-lived the whole experience! That buck and that hunt will always hold a very special spot in my heart and memories! Having my dad, brother and close friends there to witness and share in the hunt made it an incredible experience! I don't have it mounted yet because I STILL like the ability to hold and admire the rack in my hands! Bret (GTT) was just asking me about it a couple days ago and is anxious to get it mounted. I'll post pics when it's done!

    Archery Elk Hunt


    Unit 9 early archery bull elk hunt

    I still can only dream of the day I get that tag, maybe one of these days, unless I get too impatient and put in for something else! Congrats on the tag, you are gonna have an amazing time I'm sure. I know a little bit about that unit, here's some tips.... There isn't much elevation change, but if the rut is slow down low, then go high. There are great bulls to be found in every last inch of the unit. The trick to having a more enjoyable time is to find a spot away from the "hot spots". You'll still have just as many bulls usually and just as big, you can't go wrong in any part of that unit. Just because you see a big bull before season doesn't mean he's gonna be there during season! Most of the big bulls travel during pre-rut and can go 20 miles or more. Based on what you are seeing during your scouting, and whether or not you are willing to go home empty handed, decide what the smallest bull you'll be happy with is. If a 340" class bull is the smallest you'd be happy with and you don't wanna go home empty handed, then shoot em' on opening morning if he steps out! When helping hunters with the tag you have, I tell them all that a 350" class bull or better is a great goal and is attainable for those with the will power to pass on all the 300-340"class bulls. If your goal is a 370" bull then you'll have to pass on the 350-360's! LOTS of folks say they'll pass up a 350" class bull, but when one runs in screaming in their face that all goes out the window! Trail cams are a great tool to show what class of bulls are out there and if you use them on the tanks, expect to have a few stolen or vandalized. This is true with blinds and stands also! I've caught a few of the trail cam theives but there's more out there, and I doubt the ones I caught are gonna stop! There are A LOT of buttheads that think they own tanks and think that just by hanging a stand they all of a sudden own it. First Come, First Served, and hope whoever shows up late is courteous. Be aware that there are guys out there, some are outfitters but most are just hunters, that will set blinds up, treestands and even signs blocking roads to tanks that they aren't even hunting, they just make it look like the tank is taken so that it's available to them if their other spot doesn't pan out! They will even have their friends or family, who don't have a tag, sit those tanks so that nobody else does! This really gets under my skin and seems to happen more every year, and not just in that unit! Because of those hassles, I use just a handful of cams (even tho according to rumors they are all mine! LOL) and I rarely ever sit water. If they are bugling, even in the very least, I'll be out there chasing em! Cams only tell me what to hold out for, not where the bull is gonna be during the rut, so they aren't even really worth the money I've lost to punk theives! There are still a lot of nice and courteous folks out there, just treat everyone as you would want to be treated and hope for the best! I didn't mean to paint a negative picture of what to expect, but it is things that happen and you'll see it. Just ignore it or stay away from it and have the time of your life! If during your scouting you have any questions send me an email, I love helping folks out, even the ones that got my tag! LOL! Congrats again, JIM>

    Archery Elk Hunt

    I haven't shot them out past 50 yet but they fly really good for me. My brother hammered a Texas whitey with a bloodrunner at 65 and killed em' fast. They fly really good for him when practicing much longer ranges. He also shot 8 hogs with them, most were long range shots and they held up and performed perfectly according to him. I agree, I like the hybrid idea, it's a safe way to utilize a mechanical, even if the machanical part doesn't work, you still have normal fixed blade head. When that mechanical does work it creates a giant entrance and wound channel!

    Archery Elk Hunt

    Any broadhead will kill an Elk. You can even kill one with a field tip if your "placement" is right! When choosing a broadhead, I would put more emphasis, not on how it's gonna kill em' with perfect placement, but more importantly how it's gonna kill em' with a bad shot! Base your decision on how a particular broadhead is gonna perform if you hit em' far back in the liver or guts! A big problem I see is over confidence. Don't get me wrong, confidence is needed, but guys that are over confident and don't anticipate what can go wrong and prepare for it, are more likely to regret it. Regardless of how good your shooting skills are, anticipate that a bull may jump the string, or your arrow may glance off a limb, or one of the most common things is that you get so excited you punch the trigger or can't hold your bow steady. There really is no practice in the world that will prepare a guy for a close encounter with a big ol' bull, lot's of things can and do go wrong. Practice and pray for a perfect hit, but expect a bad hit and choose the right broadhead accordingly.


    I just spent all day on the lake and it was nice! Just thought I'd let ya know in case you were wondering! LOL! Actually, the fishin' sucked, the carp were everywhere and I only stuck 1 out of probably 100 shots! I'm blaming that on my bow! I did work a fat little 2 pounder on her bed for almost 30 minutes and finally got her upset enough to smash my lure, that's always fun!

    wanted B/C measuring kit


    wanted B/C measuring kit

    A measuring kit FOR WHAT????? Ya gotta be able to kill stuff first!!!

    Archery Elk Hunt

    You are right 308nut, it is a tough call on deciding between blade tip or chisel tip on elk and I see your reasoning behind the Montecs. My main reasoning behind my dislike of the Montecs is that you HAVE to sharpen them, and not just half-butt, you have to really sharpen them and do it right to make them more effective. How many folks do you think use G5 Montecs? How many folks do you think take the time to sharpen them like you do or like your past outfitter did? TONS and TONS of folks use the G5 Montecs and VERY few realize the importance of sharpening them! The result is more archers in the feild with a higher chance of wounding and losing an animal. How many of those folks do you think will go shoot another bull after losing their first? How many do you think will shoot a third bull after losing two? Tags are hard to come by and nobody wants to go home empty handed!!!! The company knew of the sharpness problem and came out with a "new improved" version that is supposedly more sharp, but they still aren't sharp enough and even the "new improved" Montecs need to be sharpened. How many folks do you think sharpen the "new improved" Montecs? I'm the complete opposite of the outfitter you described. I cringe anytime I see a client show up with G5 Montecs! I also keep a shapening stone with me and I have sharpened clients Montecs in the past as well. Your outfitter knew of the importance in sharpening them and kudos to him for making sure they were as sharp as possible! My main point is that so many folks use them but don't realize what you need to do to make them more effective. I HATE hearing about all the multiple bulls shot and lost every year, it's sickening, especially the guys that laugh about being on their 3rd or 4th hit bull on the same hunt, almost like it means they should be commended for being good enough to get that many opportunities!?!!?! I have nothing but the highest respect for you 308nut, but I still maintain, a G5 Montec, at it's very sharpest is still no different than a very sharp knife, and at that point it still isn't as sharp as a razor blade. If a guy really likes the G5's but doesn't know how or want to sharpen them, they should stick with the Strikers, they are a much better head for the majority.

    09' Dec Buck

    I've got a house full of mounts done by Bret (GTT) and in my honest opinion, he does the best Coues mounts! I did have one Coues mount done by a different, and reputable taxi, and Bret's work blows it away! Great bucks and awesome mounts!
  15. Yes. The more clear and crisp your image is, means you'll pick up on more detail, color and movement. What I noticed when I went to the EL's, and all I have are the 8.5x42's, is the drastic improvement in colors and detail. That meant I could distinguish better between whites and off-whites and the throat patch or eye rings of a bedded coues deer became easier for me to pick out. With my EL's on a tripod I could watch a butterfly float around at 800 yards and easily could pick up on an ear flicker at half that distance. If I was using my old Steiners, even on a tripod, there would be much less detail and blurring and I guarantee that decreases your chances of picking up on the often times small clues that your looking for while Coues hunting. One thing to keep in mind, just because your sitting behind a more expensive pair of binos doesn't mean there is automatically more deer on the hill in front of you. It just means you are better equipped to find the ones that are there. If you wanna really blow your mind and really see what your missing, try looking thru a pair of 32x80 Kowa Highlanders!!!! It ruined me, nothing compares and my 15x Swaros now feel like my old Steiners! Yes, better clarity, color and detail means more effective glassing, and if done right, should mean finding more deer than you would have with less quality glass. Just my $.02 JIM>

    Which 15's are you running?

    HA HA HA!!!! Maybe ehunt uses Tasco's and that's probably how he's finding all those huge creosote ghosts, but I know for sure that CouesnSheep is out there endorsing Bushnell...and I got pics to prove it! Swarovski, there's nothing better.

    Kill shots

    AWESOME! Thanks for taking the time to share it with us!!

    Guess the score contest - April 2011

    138 2/8" I see a BUNCH of folks added it up the same as me so after srollin' thru I didn't see anyone goin' for the 2/8" spot so I call dibs! WHAT A BEAST!!! Only in my dreams! CONGRATS to the hunter BIGTIME!!!

    Archery Elk Hunt

    This is only my opinion, take it for what it's worth, but I watch and hear about A LOT of archery elk kills or losses every season. The Montec G5's are the WORST broadhead to use for Elk! I can say that with honesty based off my own personal experience, from clients experiences, and from family and friends experiences. Sure, you make a perfect shot with a Montec G5 and you'll kill an elk fast, that would go for any broadhead, heck, you can do the same if you used a feild tip and placed it in the right spot! BUT, if your shot isn't perfect, you're probably gonna lose that Elk! I don't know what it is, It's gotta be lack of sharpness, but I've seen more elk shot and lost or almost lost with Montec G5's than any other broadhead, period! The only ones I've seen recovered were perfect double lungs, heart shot, or femoral artery shots. If you hit em' in the liver, 1 lung, guts etc...your probably gonna lose em'! Again, I think the lack of sharpness is the reason. No matter how much you sharpen them, they never seem to be as sharp as a razor blade. I'm all for sharpness. You should always use a broadhead that's sharp enough to scare ya! If you make a bad it or marginal hit, you want that broadhead to absolutely cut as much as possible. The only way to do that is with razor blades, NOT a "knife" blade which is basically what a G5 Montec is. Sorry for the rant, as you can see I'm pretty passionate about what NOT to use on elk! If you had the same experiences as me you'd feel the same! Any fixed, sturdy, wide cutting and VERY sharp broadhead will work fine on Elk, most important is the sharpness.

    Archery Elk Hunt

    My brother killed several deer and 8 or 9 hogs in TX last year using the NAP Bloodrunners and some of the pics he sent me were very graphic! He had great luck with them. He and I also used them to kill our Coues bucks and several pigs in MX last Jan. and my deer went 80 yards and his went about 150 with a bad hit but both were recovered with great blood trails. I really like the Bloodrunners becuase even if they don't expand they are still cuttin' like any other fixed blade head....but if they expand (and we haven't had one not exapand) they make a serious entrance hole!

    Carp Shoot at Roosevelt

    I was supposed to go yesterday but held off because of the forecast calling for winds. I also am sitting out this weekend even tho I'D LOVE to be there!

    San Carlos Gobbler!!

    Congrats Amanda!!! That is a gorgeous bird and an awesome trophy, great story as well!!! JIM>

    Carp Shoot at Roosevelt

    Mjmhunter (Manny) and I did this shoot last year and although we got SPANKED, we still had a blast! I would encourage anyone interested in bowfishing to at least go hang out with the folks in this tournament or at least pay the big fish entry fee and try it out! Everyone knew we were "wannabe's" and I'm sure they had their laughs seeing us standing on step stools on a fancy bass boat! But everyone was welcoming and encouraging! Dell is a great guy and was very generous in helping us out with tips and advice and he's the bowfishing GURU! Just to be at the weigh-in and see the monster Buffs he brings in is worth the price of admission! pics from one of last years Rosie tourneys.

    This post is for the dogs

    Thanks TJ and Jackshoe! Drake gets that alot and if you seen him in person you'd be very impressed with how well mannered he is also. Drake is simply a great dog and no doubt my closest friend! Thanks again! JIM>

    Sick of the Arrogance

    HA! I simply love how you all have turned this thread into something much more productive and useful! I for one have learned a few things! I always wondered what a "ruminant" was! Thanks, JIM>