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Everything posted by COOSEFAN



    I know....it's drivin me nutts! I guess I better post the real pic though. I'm proud as heck of this buck and didn't post that "modified" pic before cause' I don't want anyone to think I'm not proud or wish he was anything other than what he is! Thanks JIM>


    Thats awesome! If you want, you can get a photoshop program on your computer and make that buck however big you want it too be.......I modified one of my last bucks and turned him into my dream buck! I'm still proud of every buck, big or small, that I've taken and that is all that matters! JIM>


    Is it just me, or are the antlers coming out too far to the sides of his head? Looks like there is too much room between the pedicles? Looks like that deer has a huge body on it also! I love bucks with character, even if they have small antlers! JIM> Hey Bownut, undo that beard and eyebrows and show that pic off! Coues are awesome no matter what they score, and we want to see em' all! JIM>
  4. Savin' money because I'm not out partyin'! I'm working on video stuff on the computer but it notify's me when someone posts here, so I keep switchin over. I should be out scoutin' but there's too much to be done here first! JIM>
  5. No...MY name sounds like a serial killer's name: James Mullins! I think they caught him though so I can stop hiding! JIM>
  6. yeah Jason........"Tyler James Scott" has a ring to it! You know you have to give him my name somewhere, otherwise he just would never be "cool" !
  7. That snake Neo posted is a beautiful snake! I would have to say it's an AZ Black, doesn't match anything else except for maybe a Massasauga Rattler but it's more than likely a Black. The Az Black rattlers are fairly colorful when younger but that one doesn't look young? Here are some more of mine. Diamondback.... Very hidden young Az Black Rattler......this is what they look like as you are stalking a huge bull in the high country, with rattlesnakes being the last thing on your mind, and it probably won't even let you know you just walked past it! Thanks, JIM>

    Scent Eliminator Sprays

    I agree with AZ GUIDE and Treestandman, I think cover-up scents are best and I also believe that the scent eliminator stuff works a little but mostly it builds confidence in the hunter, which is imperative to be successful! I personally use the "Moccassin Joe" cover-up scent and have had great results! The Hot Cow scent in the bright pink bottle is incredible when the bulls are rutting. We were waiting for a bull to expire that my bro-n-law had just shot, it stayed near us with the wind blowing to him so I dumped a bunch of the Hot Cow scent and had 3 larger bulls walk in down wind past the injured bull and to within 10 yrds of us as we layed on the ground! These three bulls were trailing that smell all the way in to us, one at a time within an hour, and we didn't have any scent eliminator stuff on, just the cover-up! JIM>

    Sportsman 500 4 Sale

    Hey Dan, do you think they would be willing to trade/w cash for a 06' Arctic Cat Prowler? I think I am selling mine, very low miles complete with winch, complete cab kit, bumpers and street legal and licensed. I believe I will price mine at $ 14,500.00 w/ $16,000. invested. Just curious, JIM>


    Yeah, that would have been me! I did have my truck at Discount to get tires rotated and had walked over to the warehouse. I was deep in thought trying to choose a good boot and didn't notice anybody around except for a guy that was trying on boots by me. He said he drew a 19A deer tag, was that you? Would have been cool to chat, yell at me next time! JIM>
  11. Ever since I was bit, I have had more close calls with UN-PROVOKED snakes than ever before! I don't know why... but that is why I said I feel cursed. I have crawled over them while stalking antelope, stepped over them while hunting Elk, even had 2 of them in the fork of a tree at eye level watching me go #2!!!! I have even bent down to pick up a dove I had shot 10 minutes earlier only to find a Rattler was trying to fit it all in his mouth! The fact that they WILL strike without warning or provoking is what scares me the most, but it is usually a reaction strike more because you startled it by stepping right in front of it or on it, I've done both and have been lucky. I have had them strike at me but luckily none have connected...yet! Most will avoid you, others will stand their ground and warn you, but if you surprise one and are in its little zone, watch out! JIM> Hey AZ GUIDE, sorry to hear about that guy! That sent chills up my spine reading that! I have probably killed 50 or more Rattlers before I got bit, since then, I think I've only HAD to kill 2 or 3, I'm just thankful to still be around and don't like to kill em anymore unless I feel they will be a threat to others around, such as camps, pets, home etc. Thanks JIM>
  12. Glad to see you finally came out of the closet Mr. Shortpants! I can't think of any cool names for either boy or girl, i just know you can't name it "Scott"! He/she is already gonna get made fun of at school for having two first names! Seriously.........I like the names.......Kyle.....Taylor......Tyler.....or for girls.....Kaitlin...Caitlin.....Danielle? These would sound good with your last name too! Good luck bud! P.S. To everyone here on this site.........This Mr. Shortpants is a serious Coues hunter and is very knowledgeable about the country, equipment, and the deer themselves and is going to be a great new addition to the CWT.com family! From 400"+ bulls to 110" class Coues bucks, this guys has done it all, I've learned alot from him and I believe now that he's on here, others will also! He's a great guy with a great personality and loves to help others! Glad to see he's finally on here! Thanks, JIM> I'm forced to say nice things about him because he's gonna glass up a 110" Coues buck for me this Oct.!

    Ford f 250

    My truck is paid off also, and with that in mind, I don't really care about the mpg's. I've had the high truck payments, and payments suck more than just payin extra for gas! Good luck to your Bro! JIM>

    Ford f 250

    I have the 02' F-350 with the V-10, and IT SUCKS! Awesome power, but you pay for it! I think I'm around 10-11 MPG and like 7-8 when pulling trailers.

    lion in the 36A,B & C

    Good luck with that Ernesto, I hope you do! JIM>
  16. I think thats funny you automatically assumed i was bit in the hand! I hadn't stated where or how I was bit, BUT as you said, chances are it was from messing with a snake.......and you are right! It was a long time ago on the Sunvalley parkway, North side of the Whitetanks. There used to be a ton of snakes out there and that is where we would go 4-wheelin' lookin for em'. I have picked up and handled more snakes than I can count and wasn't surprised when I got bit. I was holding a small Sidewinder, just like you would any other rattlesnake with the 3 finger pinch around the head, except I swear to this day, that Sidewinder was double-jointed! He twisted his head around in a way I had never seen a snake do, and stuck just one fang into the finger that was on top of his head. I threw him and saw the spot of blood on my finger tip, ripped my girlfriends shoelace off her shoe, tied it around my finger tight and we ran to the hospital. At the hospital, they just marked the progression of the swelling in 15 minute intervals, to determine if it was a dry bite or not. They were supposed to do this for 4 hours, but after close to 3 hours it started spredding faster up to my shoulder. THIS is when they realized they DID NOT have the Anti-venin and didn't even know where it was!!!!!!! They found some at Good Samaritan Hospital, downtown, and had a helicopter coming to get me. They didn't even think at this point I could wait for the chopper so they put me on an ambulance and rushed me there. They told my mom when we got to the hospital that I might not make it, due to the fact Boswell Hospital waited so long before determining the severity and because they hadn't even looked for the Anti-venin in the meantime. I was already in shock and out, so I just remember waking up a day later with an empty bag of Horse blood serum connected to an IV in my arm! They said that was the second bag that was actually in me now!!!!!!! My dad found it funny to ask me when I woke up if I was hungry, I said yes, and he asked me " What do you feel like.........Hay or Pellets and do you want some Grain with that?" I do have pictures somewhere of my finger a couple weeks later, I'll find em', but they aren't pretty, all the tissue on my finger died off and actually "shedded" off just like a snake, and all that was left was the bones and ligaments with a new skin type stuff around it, it has since filled in and looks fairly normal, but I have no feeling in it. Even though it was only one fang, the fact I was squeezing his head holding the snake, I think I was just pumping that venom in faster and the type of venom a Sidewinder has led to the devastating reaction I got from the bite. So, in conclusion, I know it was my fault for being an "over-confident" dumbass, and if you play with snakes long enough, you WILL get bit! JIM>
  17. I never thought I would see a thread where this picture would fit perfectly! Hope nobody gets mad at me, but this is some " Bi-Specie Brokeback " stuff here as well! ( bambi-style ) P.S. This has got to be an Eastern! There is no way our precious little Couesies would do such a thing!
  18. Thats an awesome pic as well, Scottyboy! Thats weird the ranger wasn't looking for the condors from the beginning or at least to tell the tourists to watch for them. That one in my pic was huge and I guarantee I could have pet the darn thing, he kept flaring out his wings at me and walking back and forth, I was afraid he was going to jump on me at any second! There were three more hanging out below the bridge and one was one of the first birds introduced here, the condor guy took my dad and I over and pointed out the other ones and then commenced to throwin' rocks at them! The one in my pic was a younger condor, that's why he didn't have the red head. Thanks, JIM>
  19. I was goin through some photos and found this one I took last year right by the Colorado Bridge. The Vermillion Cliffs are in the background. As I was taking this picture, a biologist or "Condor Groupie" came running at me from the other side of the bridge. I thought he was coming to steel my camera, but instead he reached down as he was running and grabbed a handfull of rocks and threw it at the Condor with a full swing! Now I figured he was just a punk messin with the bird and I yelled at him askin what the heck he thought he was doing?! He just said he'll be right back and chased the Condor over to where it landed and threw more rocks at it. He came back and told me who he was and that he's trying to make the bird afraid of humans and to make them leave the Bridge area. Makes sense to me now, but seeing a plain clothes guy blast a California Condor with rocks got me a little upset at first! Has anyone else seen these huge birds or ever hear of this "scare tactic"? Thanks, JIM>
  20. Alright.......last ones......... the first is a Speckled Rattlesnake, more rare than the others, I've only seen a couple. The shot on this Diamondback was set up, but the skull was laying in the same bush as the snake and was how I found the snake, bent down to pick up the skull and he started buzzin', I just threw the skull down by him for the pic. Thanks, JIM>
  21. And a couple more....... This is a Mohave Rattlesnake, these are one of the rattlers that you DO NOT want to get bit by, they have the most potent venom out of all. And this is the Sidewinder, bunches of these by my house and this little sucker is what almost killed me about 10 years ago. I used up my one chance to use anti-venin when I got bit, and can only hope if I ever get bit again it's a DRY bite! The Doc said Anti-venin is a one shot deal and pretty much doesn't work the next time. The Sidewinders venom is also the most painful because unlike the other rattlesnakes, it's venom attacks your nerve system. SO I try to stay away from snakes anymore but find em' all over even where you least expect to see one! I believe I'm cursed by the snake gods for cheating death and for all the snakes I've messed with over the years! Gotta give them things respect for sure! JIM>
  22. Thanks Deerslam, like I said it used to be my passion and have litterally hundreds of pictures of rattlesnakes, I just never thought anyone here would want to see them, BUT I'm bored stuck at home, so...here's more! These are AZ Blacktails:
  23. Here's some Gila Monster pic's. This one was by Roosevelt Lake and was the biggest one I'd ever seen, I have never and will never pick one of these guys up, they scare the heck outta me! Scottyboy has nerves of steel! JIM>
  24. Those are great pic's, thanks for sharin' your good time! I think Mike and Allen are both right about that snake, the AZ Black Rattlesnake is a sub-specie of the Western Rattlesnake just like the Prairie Rattler, and even the Grand Canyon Rattlesnake, they are sub-species of the Western Rattlesnake, which are all different than the Western Diamondback Rattler. The AZ Blacks are lighter colored with more distinct markings like Ernesto's when they are young, and get almost completely black when older. I have seen a bunch up in the woods, even know where there are den sites that house a bunch of em' in the winter. Looking for and photographing rattlesnakes USED to be a favorite past time of mine......until I got bit! Thanks for the awesome photos Ernesto! JIM>
  25. You can buy it ( usually sold out ) at Sportsmans Warehouse, and at Cabelas I think. I know you can order it online at Kings Outdoor World, here's the link: http://kings-catalog.com/extreme-bulls-p-3...cc0068a839b9013 JIM>