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Everything posted by COOSEFAN


    Water filter

    that's Travis's luck! I hope I find a deer like that next week and make those dreams come true! JIM>

    Jumping Jack Trailers

    We have a big toy hauler with only a single bed in the back, it is the manual style bed and that is the reason it won't fit. Travis's brother Craig has the same toy hauler with the electric operated bed and it fits snug against the ceiling and a Rhino/Ranger will fit fine. The manual raise/lower beds don't raise as high. I can't remember the height of the Ranger, I think it is comparable to the Rhino. One thing to watch out for is that the Ranger or Rhino will rock side to side in the trailer and the top of the roll cage will hit the cabinets! Craig's cabinet mounted stereo got destoyed by a Ranger rollcage! Definitely measure the clearance of the back bed on any trailer before you buy it, some people have just measured the door opening and regret it later! Best of luck, JIM>

    Jumping Jack Trailers

    I think my dad has already put in an order for one today, and should be here in less than 2 weeks, so I will get to try it out soon. I was just curious if anyone else has had experience with them. We don't have any other options except to buy an expensive toy hauler, which we already have and neither UTV fits in it because it has a low hanging rear bed! I like that idea about pulling it farther in with the UTV, that would be cool! I was at the Sportsmans on Dysart today and they told me they don't carry the trailers, but I heard they did and that they actually had them on display at the store? JIM>

    Water filter

    You should be fine. I know survival freaks that just use the Tablets and it is OK. It is mainly animal waste that conaminates water sources so just get the chunks out and you should be ok. thats hilarious! I bought all my stuff today and just set up my little tent and tried everything out, that has me excited just preparing for the trip! Shortpants is going with and usually packs in to hunt and kills some huge bucks that way, hopefully this trip is no different, we'll see! I'm lugging the video camera along so it'll at least make for great video! JIM>

    Buenos Aires Refuge

    I wouldn't be too upset if everybody just drove around and "hunted" be alot less poeple runnin' around the hills! JIM>

    Water filter

    I'm a newbie to the pack-in style of hunting. I've done overnighters but never longer than that. We will be packing in for the entire hunt next week, and I bought the cheapie water filter and the purifier tablets. We figured the cheap water filter will get rid of the big chunks and the tablets will kill the harmful stuff. Is this a stupid way to go? I saw the filters that have been mentioned here, but because I had to buy my whole pack-in setup today, I had to skimp on some stuff. I bought the Bota Outback water filter and it says it removes Giardia and Crypto, and the tablets kill/neutralize everything else. Will I run into problems with this? JIM>

    whats this years buck forecast

    Dont forget about the high population of tarantulas this year Jim THANKS hadn't thought about them until now. I will be sleeping on the ground the entire hunt with them dang critters too! JIM>

    CHD Spotted

    Hey CHD, welcome back. How bout posting them muley pics and lets get back to huntin. Pics of muleys on a whitetail site, that should cause enough distraction that we can get back to the religion we all share- HUNTING! I second that! Let's see some pic's CHD, you always have some good ones! JIM>

    Kifaru vs. Badlands Pack

    I just brought home my Eberlestock Just One pack! This thing is Freakin' Awesome! The pockets are perfect for everything you'd need, tripod, scope, etc. I am sending my BL2200 in to get replaced then I will sell it. The 2200 is a great pack, I'm not knocking it, just doesn't work for me and my huntin' style! JIM>

    whats this years buck forecast

    I just talked to my "guide" (Shortpants) who is scouting right now for ME (actually for us) and he said in some areas he's had the tops of the grass hitting him in the chin! He is 6 1/2 feet tall! Thats some serious Coues hide'n ground cover, even more so for them dang snattlerakes! I'm scared. JIM>

    few short video clips

    Thats awesome, thanks for postin'! That bull doesn't want to share his goodies with his girlfriend! JIM> hey, the videos don't come up anymore, says file no longer exists?

    2B late Muley hunt

    Yes, Thanks very much! I had already thought of the possibility of the herds passing me up where I plan on hunting, I didn't check out the lower stuff much, but it ( from a distance ) looks hard to hunt? I plan on hitting that stuff more in depth when I go back looking for back-up plans. I hope to run into you guys as well, be safe and good luck! JIM>
  13. Hey guys, not looking for areas or GPS coordinates, just wondering if any of you had ever hunted in this unit for Mule deer. It borders the Jicarilla so I know the potential it has but have never set foot there. I have hunted in 2C but was wondering if the country is similar, what type of bucks should a guy hold out for on the late hunt (Nov. 11) and is there any access issues there? I will be headed there this weekend to scout just looking for some general info so I know what to expect. Thanks for any info you offer, JIM>

    New Coues Video

    I figured they would have one out soon, can't wait to see it! I just checked my emails when I got back in town and had this photo of Darr's 2006 archery bull! What a hog! They were in the same unit as we were and I cannot believe they found a bull like that up there! That is a true testament to their knowledge and skill to kill a bull like that on a year like this was! I just hope it's on tape for us to see soon as well! Can't wait to see their Coues tape! JIM>

    2B late Muley hunt

    Sent a PM to ya Travis.

    anyone going crazy?

    35B Early......me and Shortypants.......pack-in hunt.......gonna whack TWO 90" plus bucks.......and ABSOLUTELY NO BROKE-BACK STUFF GONNA HAPPEN!!!! ( we'll have separate tents, I made sure of that....you never know about that Shortypants character!) I am excited and UN-prepared as heck though! JIM>

    How many coue's sheds have you found this year?

    awesome collection! I am the opposite, I can find Muley sheds everytime out, never Coues sheds! JIM>

    2B late Muley hunt

    I'm back from NM......I wish I had listened to Doug's post! I needed chains, luckily I had my Rhino....which is nothing but a huge mud ball on wheels now, and I walked many miles of locked roads wishing I had a mountain bike! I spent quite a bit of time in CO. checking out what may move down, and holy crap! I have never seen more deer in my life, Turkeys also!. The migration is starting and alot of deer are just getting into NM and if you are along the northern border, there's beat down paths where herds of deer have moved down..........I tried, and could never find a deer track heading North! My biggest and only complaint is, out of over 150 deer that I saw.....the biggest buck was nothing more than a very thin antlered, 23" 4X4!!!! I don't have alot of first hand experience hunting areas with such a widespread migration pattern, those deer are moving probably 3 to 4 times farther than our Kaibab deer do when the snow hits! There is alot of snow in the San Juans and it is COLDER than HECK in northern NM! There is actually signs of the rut already! I watched several small bucks cruising herds of does checking each one out, and just about every herd of does has at least one small buck following them around. WHERE are the big bucks? I'm not talking about 200" inchers, I'm talking about heavy, mature bucks? I never found one...I hiked miles and miles and never even found a track that I thought would be a mature buck! My hope is, and I hope someone here agrees, is that the bigger, mature bucks have not moved down yet? Why would there be a lack of resident mature bucks though? I'm sure there are resident bucks, but there are Well roads everywhere, and I covered alot of miles on roads looking for sign and never found even a mature looking track? I've got my game plans all set, just hoping bigger bucks move down or into my areas! JIM> p.s. I did find a perfect 340" bull elk skull! VERY cool.......EXCEPT, I had to leave it, it was bleached out enough for AZ standards, but not legal to keep in NM 'cause of the attached antler law I threw it up an a boulder so it would be easier to glass up again later and took some video, I'll post some pics soon.

    who's heading south?

    Yeah, I'll be down there for most of January and first week of February, gonna be tough being gone that long, but I think it'll cure this "Coues Fever" I got right now! I will be helping out on several hunts, and hopefully hunt for myself in the end, if it all works out. Best of luck to all who heads down there! JIM>
  20. I'm addicted to this photobucket video thing now that I figured it out, plus I don't have anything better to do right now! These are a few of the hunts I had left on my computer, I had to delete most to make room for my Alaska footage. When I get time I will reload the other Coues hunts and post em'. These are some that aren't the greatest footage or the biggest bucks, but they are always exciting. All these are AZ bucks. Thanks, JIM>

    Good Pack Needed ASAP!!!

    I'm retiring my Badlands 2200 and buying the J104 when I get back from NM this Friday! Nobody has said a bad word about the Eberlestocks! I've always loved the Badlands.......but it only takes ONE time for my equipment to fail, and I don't trust it anymore and won't use it again, regardless what the warranty is! (Both main zippers jammed and no longer work) JIM>

    Austin's Hunt Success

    Awesome job and congrats to Austin! Fantastic pic's agian! I have got to get one of them Leica cameras! JIM>

    Bad Sport

    That blows me away that guy had the balls to walk up to you, say that, and proceed onto your bull! At first, that bull was fair game to everyone........as soon as that guy saw you set up on him, it became your bull outta the two of ya, and there still may have been another hunter stalking in from a different direction, and at this point it is his bull also. But if that other hunter bumps into you and you are ahead of him, I would hope he would back off as well, 'cause you are on it first. This happens every year, especially in certain units, to me and frustrates the heck out of me. I have been fortunate that I haven't had any major run-ins with guys like you describe, I usually back off even if I'm first on the bull, it's not worth it to get ugly out there. In certain units, I hunt far more aggressive than normally, because you have to, if you sit and wait, someone will be on your bull in no time. It sucks but is a fact of life and you just have to accept it and hunt accordingly. I hope that guy you had the run-in with did NOT kill your bull, he didn't deserve it with ethics like that! It's a shame there's actually alot of guys out there like that! JIM>

    Unit 10 archery bull

    Hi Joe, My brother, Matt, stuck to his guns and held out for two individual bulls, and ultimately ate "tag-soup". We saw his #1 bull on the 1st evening of the hunt so we knew he was still alive, and we had put in alot of time trying to kill that 375+ bull that I video taped, so for him it was either of those two bulls or nothing! I give him credit, 'cause I don't have that kind of will power! He passed on alot of good bulls, the biggest was the one that my buddy killed, but there was a bigger bull coming up behind my buddy's bull when Matt passed, so I don't think he would have passed if that bull was by himself! We never did find his #1 bull again but it was awesome to see he had at least made it through last year! Thanks, JIM>

    need mature coues buck capes

    I DO KNOW YOU! I thought I did, I just saw your signature at the bottom of your post, was that there before? It's about time you spoke up on here! Hey guys, this Mr. azwtcrzy is just that.....AZWTCRZY! He's an incredible taxidermist as well...especially coues! He's always on here but is kinda shy, good to see your finally postin'. This guys is actually mountin' critters for quite a few guys on this site, they know who he is! You're not wanting capes because you lost all of mine are you? talk at ya later, JIM>