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Everything posted by COOSEFAN


    2nd archery buck

    Whoohooo, that is awesome! That would be a dream come true for me....congratulations to you! JIM>
  2. Hey Ilene, glad to hear your going to make it down to hunt! I believe I will be there still when you get there....hopefully I've got several shooters tied to a tree! It should be alot of fun, I'm really excited to see what hits the ground! See ya there, JIM>

    My Buddy's Buck San Carlos Buck!

    Dammmm........I love MASS! That would be an awesome bonus to walk up to that buck and see them bladed beams! I still would love to see the first buck a little closer?! thanks, JIM>

    My Buddy's Buck San Carlos Buck!

    C'mon....we've got to see some more pic's of that buck!...............pretty please.....with cherries on top?

    My Buddy's Buck San Carlos Buck!

    What a HOG! I love the color of the antlers......not to mention the SIZE JIM>

    2007 Archery Pig Hunt

    Great job! The one good thing about missing a shot on a piggie is that you get to keep hunting and you don't have to gut the stinky thing! JIM>
  7. Thanks for sharing that....I felt the adrenaline just reading it! JIM>

    Here piggy piggy piggy

    Awesome, good luck to your pops! JIM>

    GIANT 150+ buck killed in Sonora

    Yeah........Shorty SAID it was 145"......yet it actually was only a jackrabbit with big ears! you can't trust that sneaky feller
  10. Well, this was going to be the first year ever that I was going to have to burn a tag because of obligations to the family and Mexico. I saw a window though..... my trailer was still down in my unit and I had to take a day to go get it.......so I threw in the bow! Christian and his buddy were down there already hunting deer so they met up with me for the day. Christian glassed up a big buck and his buddy made the stalk...meanwhile I located my pigs and made my stalk. The pigs were close to a mile away and the truck cut down about 1/4 mile off the stalk. I took off and eventually crept over my pre-determined spot and the pigs were not bedded under the tree where I had left them. I dropped back down and swung over into the ravine behind the tree they were bedded under and stood listening to relocate them for about 15 minutes. The ravine was small but thick and I was losing hope of finding them before they found me. I started whoofing and lightly squealing to see if they would move or come check me out and I then noticed they were standing above me staring me down! They were about 40 yrds and stared me down for probably 5 minutes before walking back to the tree and laying down. I had misjudged which tree they initially were under and almost blew the stalk! With the game back on, I laid down, just out of sight and belly crawled uphill to 30 yrds and sat up waiting for them to stand. The wind was swirling a bit and I could just see the top of the biggest pigs head. Unbelievably about 20 minutes went by before they finally smelled my stinky self and they all stood alarmed, but my arrow was already on it's way. I shot just under the pig and then jumped up and ran to the top. I was woofing and grunting as I went and it brought back one of the smaller pigs which stopped about 35 yrds and I thumped it solidly and it disappeared downhill! There was only two small drops of blood and too many pig tracks to determine which was which so I crossed a ravine and got up on the other side to glass the hill the pig disappeared on. As I glassed I noticed a big red spot about 100 yrds from where I had shot and realized it was blood. I ran over there and found my pig hed laid down there and then rolled down the hill about 20 yrds! I was fearful I was going to lose this pig because of no way to track it, but thankfully there was an opposing ridge and it hadn't made it too far! It was a blast and I never get enough of archery hunting pigs! I'm just glad I ended up with at least a day to hunt and would have went home happy even if I hadn't tagged out! Christians buddy had a blown stalk on that buck and later, while I was skinning my pig, Christian found another buck and after it bedded he made the stalk. I watched as Christian got to within 31 yrds of the bedded buck and when he drew his bow the buck bolted. The neatest part was that this was the very same buck our client had missed a few weeks ago and this buck had bedded less than 100 yrds from where he was bedded when the client missed him! Christian was excited though to have gotten that close after crossing two canyons and one big mountain to get it done! Sorry for the long story........it's just not that often I get to get back on here.......my computer is almost fixed though! Thanks, JIM>
  11. Yeah that was Jeff's excuse also........the difference is...it wasn't either of your birthdays, and I never verbally led you on... It's all good. At least now I won't have to try and kill a buck bigger than 102" or 107" with my bow in Mexico! Them 80"ers better watch out JIM>
  12. allright.........I'm over it.........but you guys still suck! You got me good.....just remember paybacks are a BCTIH! Love, Jimbo.

    happy birthday

    Thanks guys,...........EXCEPT SHORTYPANTS! You should feel really bad. That was cruel. I'm just joking Shorty........you did get me good.........actually better than anyone has before, I believed you and now there is probably close to 100 other guys out there hearing about those 100+ bucks right now.......It's probably spreadin like wildfire and I have no way to call everyone to let them know you were joking! Oh well, thanks for the prank...........paybacks are a B#*@H!
  14. This is a very sad day ...............it is my special day I look foward to all year..........I get a call from my buddies who say they accomplished something I've dreamed about for years. I was ecstatic for them......I called everyone I could to share the great news........I rearranged my birthday plans so I could see the pic's and hold the antlers........I even drove 35 miles outta my way to get on here to see the pic's that Shorty "supposedly" posted! I finally get on here only to find out that I've been tricked, fooled and emotionally taken advantage of, and worst of all........on my birthday! YOU GUYS SUCK! It's a good thing there is alot of miles between us or you would probably be headin' to the ER to have a foot surgically removed! This is just plain wrong to jerk a guy around like that, totally careless of his feelings and well being.........I hope you both feel good and sleep well tonight.

    What a weekend!!

    Awesome! Great pics! JIM>

    Troy's Buck

    I'm back, computer's still crashed and will be for some time, but it gives me a reason to visit Pops more often in the meantime. I had one last hunt down south and Casey (firstcoueswas80) and Christian (younghunter) came down to help me with the hunt. I had hoped the weather would clear up and the rut would pick up but neither happened for the first 3 days. We hiked hard and glassed even harder never coming up with any shooters the first 2 days. The wind was fierce and blowing in all directions most of the time making it difficult to glass the areas we needed to glass and it got downright frustrating! When coming off a hill, Troy fell and his rifle hit fairly hard so we shot it that evening to make sure it survived the fall and found out the bolt would not close no matter what we did! Luckily Casey was with us and his family was gracious enough to let us come over and work on it and his dad even let us borrow his gun as a backup! We got the gun fixed and dialed in and the hunt was back on! The third day finally dawned calm but the clouds were hanging too low to glass most of the country so we headed down to another spot in the lower country. We glassed up some smaller bucks and decided to head back up to our initial glassing spot because the clouds were starting to lift so we hiked back to the truck. At the truck, Christian spotted two Coyotes on the ridge at 450 yrds....perfect opportunity to make sure the gun was on! Troy smoked the lead dog with one shot and our confidence level was at an all time high, all we needed to do now was glass up a shooter buck and Troy will lay the smack down on em'! We jumped in the truck to head to the first spot and drove down the road 1 mile and Christian spots a deer about 150 yrds out the window! He noticed it was at least a decent buck but it was in thick brush and hard to tell how big, so I had Troy get out and get his scope on it. As soon as I acquired him in my binos it was a no brainer..."KILL IT"! Troy shot a split second after I said that and the buck went down and then back up again just as a 90" class buck stood up with him! Troy held off until he had a clear shot at his buck and he took it putting him down. The 90" buck walked around Troy's buck checking him out before trotting away! I have never had a hunter tag out on a critter spotted from the road before but I figured it would happen sooner or later.......I guess you gotta take em' when you can get em'.....especially when they are as big as this one! The nice thing was that it wasn't the first day, we already had sore legs and eyes from several days of hard huntin' and Troy had seen alot of country and critters before tagging out. Casey had volunteered to pack out Troy's buck if he got one and I hoped we would kill one several miles and canyons away from the road so we could watch him sweat, but luckily for him, this was 100 yrds straight down hill! Casey and Christian are class acts and are fantastic Coues hunters, Casey whips up a mean dutch oven peach cobbler and Christian has permanent Swarovski eyepeice indentions around his eye lids It was a team effort and everything came together with an incredible buck in the end, even though it couldn't have been any easier! On our last day there, Christian volunteered his glassing abilities to help out a friend of ours and he glassed up a pretty 3x3 on the highest mountain around and they hiked up there and got em'! This was our friends first Coues and they both had huge smiles and very sore legs when they got back to camp! Christian will post some pics when he returns I'm sure. Thanks again boys.....it was a great year! JIM>
  17. Here's the kill footage I talked about. I didn't realize how dirty my lense was but it shows up in the sunlight. Pretty good footage considering I almost didn't chance trying to get it on film, it all happened too fast. It'll work though, thanks, JIM>

    Coosefan's 1 day pig hunt

    Dang.....I would have bought those! Yeah, I know about the wind,rain and snow.......it made it tough! See ya, JIM>

    Coosefan's 1 day pig hunt

    Hey Doug, I heard you were around down there, I was hoping to run into ya. I haven't been on Ebay since I bought that skull from Mr. Reynolds several months ago, so it wasn't me on there, I would like to see them though! Yeah Christian is a lucky fellow and has a huge desire to hunt, watch out for that guy in the near future....he'll be puttin' some big critters on the ground! Thanks guys, JIM>


    Right on Shorty! Great job and beautiful buck! I hope you guys whack one like that with your bows this weekend! JIM>

    My first Coues buck!!

    Hey Richard.....great story and pic's! I wish I had the opprtunity to get out and hunt with you during our stay, but you know how it goes Hopefully next time I have a tag instead of working and we can hunt together! You busted your butt and without a doubt deserved that buck and that experience, I'm glad I at least got to see yours and Christains smiles when you returned to camp! Congrats to you and welcome to the "coues addicted family"! Talk at ya later, JIM>

    Troy's Buck

    I'm gonna try and find another spring, I will call ya before I head down, I appreciate it! JIM>

    Troy's Buck

    It will be a while before I'm back on here, so good luck to any archery pig/deer hunters goin' out this month! Troy's buck grossed just over 100" and has a 15 1/2" inside spread! We also noticed ( and I can't believe I forgot to take pics) he had a funky tail....it looked like a normal WT tail at the base, but got narrow and had a black tip just like a Muley! Hopefully Casey or Christian got pics? Troy is having this buck mounted lifesize because of his unique traits.......it'll look awesome i'm sure! Thanks, JIM>

    Troy's Buck

    Oh yeah.....I forgot....we had some doves bust out behind us just before we headed back to the truck on the third day, and as we walked back through that spot on our same footprints from when we hiked in, there was a REALLY fresh lion track in the mud! Troy has killed several lions otherwise we might have called in some dogs! And there are no safe jackrabbits when Casey has his "pea-shooter" out! P.S. I have to go back down there now because my trailer is still sitting at the steakhouse in Amado! It has a flat tire and a snapped leaf spring, so I'm sure (i hope) it's still there! JIM>
  25. Yeah he is.....we are lucky to have such a talented and dedicated group of guys! Thanks, JIM>