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Everything posted by COOSEFAN



    Hey.......who asked you for YOUR opinion? p.s. ....... and why do you own a cell phone if you never answer it?


    Their probably still trying to figure out how to hoist that tank of a new Vectrix (or whatever it's called) into their trucks. That thing had better be quieter than a mouse fart for all they weight it has. That's my biggest pet peeve - doesn't matter how cool it looks or how good it shoots, I can't stand a heavy bow. I was wonderin' the same thing about them Hoyt boys, where are they? I too hate heavy bows and my Matthews is a tank! I love the Legacy and it is by far the smoothest bow I've ever shot, but fully equipped, it's fairly heavy........ and that is the ONLY drawback. If I could afford it though, I would own the Q2XL, I feel it's the best all around bow an the market for hunting. Everybody I know that owns a Matthews, shot most of the top competitors bows first and chose the Matthews over the rest because of how comfortable and quiet they are to shoot........it is a "feel' thing! JIM>

    UNIT 24

    Hey Dan.....you know he's talking about New Mexico....right? just a FYI.

    Freaks of the Woods

    Alright.......I will leave my ugly mug outta these next pic's. These aren't freaks but they are cool none the less. They are a few skulls I've got that I haven't posted on here yet...... had the camera out figured I'd share them. Thanks, JIM>

    Freaks of the Woods

    Hey Casey........you know...I will be in Flag tomorrow..........you better watch your back.......there might be an "ugly SOB" lurking in the shadows with a big ol' can of whoopa$$ just waitin' for ya'!
  6. sorry Casey....... but you asked for it JIM>

    Freaks of the Woods

    Thanks, I have never scored it, but I was told it was mid 170's when I bought it.

    Freaks of the Woods

    Here is another "bought" set of Montana WT sheds. The pics don't show the character well, but the beams have a wicked turn-down that is way cool and gives them a very unique shape. Regardless of character, I love the "picket-fence" style Easterns..........just hope one day I get to tag one for myself instead of buyin' em'! Thanks, JIM>

    Freaks of the Woods

    This is a shed I bought....thought I was going to use it for some artsy-fartsy stuff.....cool shed though. It is from a Saskatchewan WT and the base is bigger than the diameter of a soda can!

    Freaks of the Woods

    Hey Ron, I bet that bull wasn't watchin' where he was runnin'! He probably looked down at that, thinking it was a little early to be loosin' his headgear and thought...........OH SH**!!!!! Shortpants has a big shed from last year that is exactly the same as that.......it has an unreal amount of pedicle still attached......it's amazing it doesn't kill em', I bet it knocks em' out though! JIM> Them are cool sheds, sagebrush and AZyoung! Hey azsagebrush, do you live in Tusyan?

    I remembered why i tag out every year!

    Oh Boy! I just finished off half of a pan of venison smothered in spaghetti sauce and mozzarella & parmesan cheese with garlic/herb pasta on the side...... ...... Just wanted to say that I was thinking about ya'll and how much all the "Coues Junkies" on this site would have enjoyed that Feast! Two less packages of coues deer steaks in the freezer, though....... Hope I draw the Rifle tag that I been wish for sooooo bad!! You are a lucky man............rub it in why don't cha I spent the day cleaning FOR my wife and now I...... i repeat ..... " I ".... have to cook dinner ................ leftover spaghetti with "pen-raised" meat sauce
  12. Mike, that last pic is incredible.......the others are awesome too! That pic with the 'bou skull reminds me of when I was packing out my Moose. I felt like I was in a Super Mario Bro's video game trying to jump from one mound to another instead of walking endlessly AROUND each one.......there is more than meets the eye to that tundra stuff! Thanks, JIM>

    Freaks of the Woods

    Hey Mike, you always have some incredible pic's of Blacktails, how do you do it......are you just that stealthy? Awesome pic's guys, thanks, JIM>
  14. Wow......fantastic bucks! Them eyegaurds are insane! Congrats to you and your bro! BTW.....you say your hunt was self guided........did you have an outfitter to help you get across and do the paperwork, or did you do all that as well? Thanks for postin', JIM>

    Freaks of the Woods

    Hey Kevin, that shed is BADA$$! Don't feel bad about buyin' eastern sheds.............I'm guilty of it too I'll get some pics of ones I got.
  16. yeah Becker, that's easy to see why it's your favorite! The women were killin' machines last year......good stuff! JIM>
  17. your right.... i think i know who he is also...hmmm who could it be? I bet you that guys gonna shoot a 120" this year though watch...... I hope you do Casey.........but to do that........you'd better take someone with you to hold yer bullets until the 120" steps out! p.s. ......... that's why I take Shorty with me

    Freaks of the Woods

    Kevin, that shed is awesome! I too would have walked over that one! Thats awesome video pic's Joe! That buck is a keeper in my book, I would guess that video was from last year with that insane grass in the background! Very cool! JIM>


    Hey Matty, you're smart in your idea about what is good for you. Speed doesn't mean it's better for YOU. It is cool, but you have to be able to handle it, otherwise, it doesn't matter how fast it's going when you can't hit the target consistently! I have only shot Matthews for the last 8 yrs or so, a whole bunch of critters from bear to antelope and have never shot faster than 270fps! Matthews just shoot smoother, and more accurately for ME, doesn't mean it's the best for everyone though. My $0.02.......JIM>

    Freaks of the Woods

    Yeah Deadeye, that thing is awesome, definitely one-of-a-kind!


    thats right........if it weren't for that I probably would have been there by now.


    Congrats........you are officially a "CWT.com Junkie"! I'm pretty sure I'll beat you and hit 1000 in less than 2 years

    DIY in Colorado

    Hey Doug and Tony, those pic's are awesome, but to tell you the truth.......they only make me really appreciate my favorite FLAT elk country here in AZ! That stuff looks STEEP and DEEP! Beautiful country though, thanks JIM>

    Dream Buck!

    it would appear as though I did

    Dream Buck!

    I'll see if I can dream up a crossover buck.......