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Everything posted by COOSEFAN


    Big buck pics

    I'm with ya on this one Big is Big......and that buck is BIG ENOUGH! Shorty, I didn't get a good enough look....it was a picture at the SCI booth and I got most of the details....I immediately remembered this buck you photographed when I heard where it was killed.........wierd coincidence you re-posted the pic! I really think it was just a 3X3 though, but it was killed last year. We might have a reason to go look for your buck though Hopefully....JIM> "Since Christian spelt it wrong... " Oh yeah, hey Casey....I think it's hilarious when you call someone out for their spelling Your spelling skills suck! Love ya, JIM>


    Oh yeah....I already know what that buck scored........and I would have guessed alot lower than it actually is! What a HOG! JIM>


    I made it to the show and I'm glad I did! I first got to meet Coues n Sheep and his buddy Jason...them boys are some Coues killin' machines, I'm glad I finally got to meet them! Amanda is an awsome lady! She is even nicer and more outgoing than I had expected....would love to share a hunt with her someday! I also met up with some very odd fellers...one by the name Younghunter and the other went by the name...azhuntfornuts... I haven't heard of them before, but they seemed OK.......as long as you got past the smell! Seriously...David is a great guy and Christian helped out greatly with the AES booth! Good times! JIM>

    Big buck pics

    I saw a pic of a 122" tonight that came out of the same general area......looked alot like that buck....that's why I asked, although I don't see 122" on that buck in your pic. I was guessing a little higher though than 114.....velvet always fools me......the spread and beams are awesome, along with everything else...what a buck! JIM>

    Lessons Learned

    I was just tryin' to slow him down! Casey is a big dude, but that boy can hike! You gotta take in to account his 5 lb. pack helps him move a little faster though!

    Big buck pics

    Awesome pic's Shorty! Any thoughts on score? Think that buck can be found again....or has someone already called dibbs on em'? JIM>

    My 2006 Summer

    Hey, I've flown along side that Mountain range....I think. That's Mt. McKinley right? I pretty much could only see the top 1/3 sticking above the clouds though. Cool pic! You know....they say that veiwing a picture that you took, usually brings back the sights and smells from when you took it How 'bout it Christian? Is that true? JIM>
  8. "Father and Son" A father and son go on a hunting trip. The father sets the son in a wooded area next to a clearing. He instructs him to be very quiet and watch for deer in the open area. The father then sets up about 50 yards to the son's left, also watching the clearing. After about an hour, the father hears a scream from his son. Running over he asks, "What happened! You're supposed to be quiet!" "I was quiet when the snake slithered across my boot. I was quiet when a bear walked past me only 20 yards away." the son said, "But when the two chipmunks ran up my pant legs and said, 'Should we eat them now or store them for the winter?', I lost it!!
  9. This was emailed to me, thought maybe you guys would like to see it! Here's what was written: This deer is recovering at the vets. I sure would like to be in a tree stand somewhere near when they set it free. Thought some of you Ag's and hunters alike might like to see this: This is pretty impressive. Liz is enrolled at the vet school at TX A&M. She sent these pictures yesterday. The deer got tangled in the fence and broke his neck. Hope to get the B & C score from them.

    Huge Texas WT!

    I get all kinds of crazy stuff emailed to me....most of it is too bad to put on here though. I have a couple more pics of this buck showing it is actually a true story and it's actually in a vet's office! There are people in the pic's though that I don't know so I didn't post em'. I'll find some more stuff soon! JIM>

    Elk & Antelope Draw

    I also like it earlier for all the obvious reasons.......I just want to know who started that whole 40% crap. I have a small list of fellers I want to knock on the head for what they told me......and I started believing them because of where they SWORE the info came from.....appearantly the lied to me

    hunting shows

    Wow....I'd hate to see how you REALLY feel! I agree with about 99% of this....I too hate it when they do the re-enactments, especially the totally obvious ones! I take it personal.....as though they are personally trying to pull the wool over my eyes.......do they really think most of us are that stupid? I don't believe there should be any acting in these hunting shows or DVD's.....I want to see the real deal, as it happened, and see and hear the actual emotions and footage of the hunt. I also hate the shows that take place on private property or high fenced ranches and they keep it a secret....leading people on makin' them think they have done somethin' special. "Stalking" up to a camera, and faking the shot is my biggest complaint with these "Hollywood" shows, again, they are tricking you into thinking the hunt is actually still taking place. On the other hand, I do like the guys who honestly try to get the real shot or different camera angles of the stalk on tape, you can tell if it's real or not, and the guys that are truthfull about what they do are awesome. It takes ALOT more skill to get the REAL stuff on tape. I think lately, one of the best videos out on the market is Paul Kendalls "never enough" videos. There is a few re-enacted shots I think, but his videos aren't all about him and he doesn't put on a show for the veiwers, he try's to bring the veiwer along with him on the hunt. Chappell's "extreme bulls" and "Coues' videos are awesome as well....down to earth and hunts that most normal guys can relate to and especially because alot of it is filmed here in AZ! One thing I don't like about the Eastmans' shows is they always claim their hunts are "public land" and that anybody can hunt where they hunted....that's BS. I've seen a few Muley kills they videotaped, and follwed it up with the usuall " public land, anyone can do this" speache.....when I later found out they were on that dang ranch they always hunt. Sure anyone can do it....if you pay the $6,500.00! Oh yeah, and I can't stand that old traditional style music Eastman keeps using to this day....it was fine on the old stuff, but it drives me nuts listening to it now on their new stuff. I do like the more modern music, maybe not "skinhead heavy metal guitar" stuff, but more modern music is good. Oh well, I'll stop. JIM>

    ISE Show

    Hey Christian, My dad (Pops) will be there on Friday setting up and working the booth I believe, so you guys will get to meet each other. I have to work, but I'll be there a few times I'm sure throughout the weekend, should be fun. JIM>
  14. Hope you have a great day! JIM>

    1000th Post....Now It's Official!

    Thanks for all the reply's everyone! JIM>
  16. I was sittin' here thinking back 1 1/2 years ago. I had just got my first computer and had just put a Nov. 36B WT tag in my wallet! The first thing I did was search for "Coues" related things and found this site. I recognized some names on here and some photos and immediately became addicted! This was awesome, all the info, all the pic's and stories and being able to chat with folks who shared the same ambitions and desires as myself....there was no turning back! I have hunted all my life, never for any one animal more than the other.....well, I take that back, Elk hunting is in my blood....but regardless, I loved to hunt no matter what it was. I have had alot of Coues tags prior to '05 but had never gotten real serious about it before and a small two point was my only trophy to show for it...but I was proud of it nevertheless! The challenges I had faced on all my prior hunts did nothing but fuel my desire to conquer this little deer and devote more of my time to hunting them! That was when I drew that tag in '05 and jumped into the CWT.com family! In that last year and a half I've applied for the easiest tags to draw, bought tags I couldn't afford and I even traded a new pair of 15X56 Swaro's and an Outdoorsman's tripod for a tag.....all to appease this desire I have for hunting these amazing critters! I've taken 5 bucks in the last year and a half since this new found passion consumed me, and I can't wait to hunt for #6.......I think that means I'm obsessed? Thanks to you guys and gals here at CWT.com, I always love hearing about your hunts and seeing your pic's, and thanks for allowing me to share with you each of mine! This is a great site with great people....I'm glad to be a part of it! To document how my obsession has evolved...here are my bucks since I joined the ranks of all the other "Coues obsessed" individuals out there! Thanks JIM> Nov. '05 Jan. '06 Jan. '06 Oct. '06 Jan. '07

    1000th Post....Now It's Official!

    Thanks Amanda and Christian. Those bucks were actually gettin' smaller until my last one, didn't matter though, any Coues is a trophy thanks, JIM>
  18. This is chinese or somethin' but WOW! The good part is almost at the end of the clip. JIM>

    New Bow?

    The man is shooting a Matthews.........I believe him

    1st pig hunt, 1st am

    Congrats on the success! Seein' those pigs runnin' back at you after calling is awesome! I know guys who ask me why I continue killin' a pig every year, and they just don't understand. Hunting is hunting and it is always what you make of it....sure, once you've seen one pig, you've seen em' all, but you never know what experiences you'll have when hunting them year after year! Best of luck on your future pig hunts and again congrats! JIM>

    Big Ol' Buck

    ON A 6x6 FRAME.............UNBELIEVABLE BUCK! That is weird though about the hide......why not just skin it off.....it'd be alot easier? Did he realize how special that buck is, or was it JUST a nice buck to him? You never know Wish it was mine though........it sure wouldn't be screwed to a board like that! JIM>

    Big Ol' Buck

    I can't type on here the words that came out of my mouth just now! I can't believe how symetrical that rack is/was at least before it broke that extra point on the left! What a hog! Is the hide still on the skull cap? Looks like the hair had been somewhat scraped off? Thanks for postin'. JIM>

    best custom built rifle

    Dang.....there is some awesome info in this thread! I'm jealous of you guys and your passion for custom/precision rifles! I wish I had the time, money, and knowledge..............when I do, I know where to look! For now, my little, "plain Jane" .270 has been whackin' and stackin' flawlessly in the two years I've owned it....... 7 Coues and 1 Muley in less than 1 year and 3 months, not one has gotten away! Best of luck to you Fisher, JIM>

    For all you "Robin-Hooders"

    It still always amazes me at how much an arrow will bend/flex when launched from a bow! The slow-mo in that clip really shows it. JIM>

    My First Pig Hunt

    Whooohooo! A big congrats to you Redman Jr.! Are you going to have it mounted? Thanks for the story and the picture! JIM>