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Everything posted by COOSEFAN

  1. Hey Bret, that was a GOOD day! One to tell the grandkids for sure I will always remember watching that cat laying on her back with all four paws pointin' skyward, trying to keep her eyes open to watch me, but she kept falling asleep! She had been eating a nasty dead cow that was in the wash below her and her belly was huge and full of the rancid meat! She was definitely content and thought she was hidden..........until Bret laid the "smack down" on her! She was old with hardly any teeth left......we figured that was why she resorted to eating rank maggot infested cow! Here is my favorite pic.......

    Finally found some browns

    THat split royal is BADA$$$! Great finds. JIM>
  3. What's wrong with this pic? I just found it when goin' through some old photos, and this critter ruined a day of shed hunting for me! These buggers are gonna be out, so everyone should watch there step! Here's a enhanced close-up.

    Cool picture

    DANG! I would use that to my full advantage if it happened to me! I would tell my wife, " look what YOU caused by MAKING me do yardwork"......she would then feel bad and go out and finish the yardwork for me ........AHH, who am I kidding.......she would laugh at me and kick me back outside Hope it heals fast for ya', JIM>

    Need an antler fix?

    Very cool! Awesome job Amanda!

    Hunting 7 east...

    That's where, "seein' em and killin' em........are two different things!"

    I wanna be a

    That's a good one! Hey Shorty............(I'm such a loser for even posting this but oh well.).......at least your not in denial!
  8. I get some daily thingamajig on email that usually has some funny stuff on it. Figured you guys would like this one....I laugh each time I look at it! JIM>

    Hunting 7 east...

    I think you might get some very different opinions about this. I like it on the archery hunts....but the problem usually is that the elk will jump units during their daily/nightly routine in some areas making it hard to work em' or find em' consistently. I also ( personally ) wouldn't want the late hunt in that unit. It can be done, but can be very tough! Glass as much country as possible on the late hunt....and pray hard for a good rut for the archery hunt! JIM>

    First Venture Into 7W

    I also thought it looked like a Warthog skull, but THAT would be wierd! It's definitely a Hog of some sort with those teeth flaring out to the sides like that, plus everything else about it looks diferent than a Javi.....at least to me. I have spent a ton of time in 7 over the years and know several people that live there and have never even heard of "wild" hogs runnin' around..........you never know though, but there are a bunch of Javi's there! JIM>
  11. Just curious who all is going to the banquet this Sat. I'll be there and know of several other CWT.com people that will be there as well, should be fun as usual! JIM>

    Safari Club International Banquet

    Well, we survived the SCI banquet and actually won a couple HATS! whooohooooooo It was an OK banquet, kinda simple and downscaled from what I'm used to with the RMEF, AES, and ADA banquets. The Coues tag went for a high price at $24,000! I would expect it to go for close to or maybe higher than that at the ADA banquet this Sat., the other bidder really wanted it! Thanks, JIM>
  13. Anyone going to the SCI banquet this Sat.? Anyone want to go? I can get you tickets still.......I think. Just PM me if interested, I might have a few seats at my table as well.......should be fun, and as a bonus, Shortypants will be there giving out foot massages to those who attend JIM>

    Monster Bobcat!

    Hey Hunterdan, I'm glad I'm not the only one that has thought that was a Jaguar. I'm surprised no body else has seen or remembers that mount, it is neat, would love to know the history on it. JIM>
  15. I don't know about you guys.....but that is the biggest dang ol' Bobcat I've EVER seen! Seriously....These were emailed to me with very little info and I Googled it coming up with this: "Arizona rancher Warner Glenn has now had two once-in-a-lifetime encounters with jaguars, the latest in February during a mountain lion-hunting trip in the Bootheel of New Mexico. “I thought it was an old tom lion,” says Glenn. “But when I got closer, I saw it was a jaguar—it was an absolutely beautiful cat.” After spotting it, Glenn walked back to his mule and reached into his saddlebag. “This is a really remote corner of the country, where a rancher might easily say, ‘I don’t want to have anything to do with an endangered species anywhere near my land,’” says Jonathan Adams, a Nature Conservancy biologist. “But Warner Glenn didn’t reach for his gun; he reached for his camera.” And he did the same in 1996, when he took the first pictures ever of a live jaguar in the United States." This probably isn't new to some of ya, but it's the first I've heard of it......That has got to be one of the most beautiful critters I've ever seen....aside from a big ol' Coues buck.....and..maybe my wife

    Jim White Tripler-Review

    dam...there goes more money I don't have, spent on things I REALLY don't need..........but now I WANT IT, and I GOTTA HAVE IT! Thanks for review Allen, I will tell my wife YOU talked me into it JIM>

    First Venture Into 7W

    My thoughts exactly on the pig........How far off the road was that skull Christian? I have found where locals have dumped butchered carcasses of goats and pigs before and even dogs and horses in that unit because of the proximity to towns. Looks like you've had a good start to scouting, best of luck! JIM>

    Dinosaur Tracks?

    I understand what you are saying about the animal slipping creating a bigger track, but this track was the same throughout the length of the trail of tracks. The one thing that makes me sure it wasn't a bear is that the tracks are the same front and back...the pad wasn't elongated like a bear on the rear pads....it had a round pad like the front. I'm getting really anxious to go back and take some more pic's and investigate it more......very interesting stuff!

    Something you might find while shed hunting

    I'm gonna tell mom that you told everyone on the internet she dropped her kid! Your goin' to the doghouse!

    Safari Club International Banquet

    Hey Allen......you are missing out on a GREAT foot massage! Shorty's the best! This is my first involvement with SCI, I'm interested to see how it is, i'll let everyone know how it goes. I'll see ya at the ADA banquet next weekend though. JIM>

    Crazy Pets

    That is awesome! I have cats, but would trade em' for a squirrel anyday! I am also suddenly hungry for burritos.....

    Dinosaur Tracks?

    ANYWAYS..........back to the critter tracks. Amanda, how long does it take to form a rock layer, or several for that matter? That makes sense about them not being old enough to be in the Dino era, but what I was thinking, is that these tracks aren't far from where there actually are real dinosaur tracks....so I thought it would be possibly the same rock layer? These tracks ( at least one set ) are too big and different to be any type of critter that I know of. One thing about the tracks are they were all the same....no differences between the front pad and back pad, both looked like the front pads on a bear or raccoon but the back pads were the same size and shape, not longer like a bear or raccoon. I have always wanted to go back and check it out more closely, i was in the middle of elk hunting when I found those. Maybe one of these days!

    outdoor writer

    Hey Randy, sent you a PM with some info. JIM>

    Happy Easter!

    That is hilarious! That dog just looks so sure of himself and of what he's done! He's probably upset he didn't get an Easter basket......paybacks are a.....