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Everything posted by COOSEFAN

  1. That bull is a stud! I think I was the closest.......what did I win? C'mon......you can't have a contest without any prizes! That sucks
  2. Awesome pic's Johnnie....I think I've seen a few of them before Huge critters! I went through my album and scanned a BUNCH of pic's that I haven't posted before.....these are pic's from WAY back when and some are embarrasing and most of the critters are small, but these are from the days when hunting was all about just HUNTING! Good times Here are some piggie pic's you guys haven't seen before.......they are kinda in order year by year but there are some in between that I didn't get pic's of or can't find. Thanks, JIM> And this is my ol' lady's first Pig....1 shot at 230 yrds with a 22-250.
  3. OH NO..........Hey David.....did you tell Pops you were going to post that pic? He wouldn't have givin' you the real pic if he had known you were going to post it! Pops took that picture and I was keeping it a secret to use it against you.........now everyone knows who really took the pic! Sorry Pops
  4. I think the antlers weigh close to or right at 30 lbs. We loaded one of the pack frames up with the head and hide (NOT the backskin) and I could not lift it even with Bret's help! We had to cape the head right where it was to get it out! I swear, no video or picture will prepare a person for how big those critters actually are!

    New AZ arch deer dates!

    I had an experience last year similar to what they are proposing. On the Early Rifle Bull hunt in Unit 10, I had a camp move in right on top of my #1 bull the night before the hunt started! The bull changed patterns and disapeared......I thought it was another Elk hunter and wasn't too upset about it....until the next day, as I drove past the camp, there was a fricken Muley buck hangin' in the tree!!! This buck was in velvet and this was on the Early Rifle Bull hunt!!!! G+F thought it was a great idea to put a Juniors Deer hunt smack dab in the middle of a hunt most guys wait half a lifetime to draw! WTF! I had no clue that hunt was going on, I never even thought the G+F would do that!
  6. Thats the beauty of it! He's gonna be after me for this one! He's gonna wish he never took that pic'! ANd you guys think this is just a joke Thats even funnier I can't stop laughing! Nobody is going to want his table....they won't be able to face him when they go to pick it up!
  7. Gino, you could charge admission! That's a freekin' museum! That Dall is Beautiful!!!! JIM>
  8. I just thought it was funny that David has a pink vase on his table.....
  9. ROFLMAO! I can't believe David didn't catch his mistake before sending that pic out! It's a good thing nobody posted it on a website or chat forum!
  10. Hmmm......I may have to think about that one...OK..nope... No, no complaints here......I just want a wall worthy Coues....BAD. They make such a beautiful mount. Jim those are some of the first pics I have seen of your moose. That is truly AWESOME. I'd love to see it up close and personal. If I didn't tell you before, Congrats on one mighty fine animal. THanks Dustin....that Moose doesn't even score HALF what your elk scored! But it was/is a big deal for me...i appreciate the compliment JIM>
  11. Hey Dustin....I'll trade you all of my Coues bucks for your one little Elk! You aint comlain'n are ya?
  12. This is by far, and probably always will be, my BIGGEST critter!!! The pictures do NOT do justice to the sheer size of a Yukon Moose! JIM>

    Spotted a member today

    Well.....you got me there.....I can't deny that one
  14. 390".......I can see it....but the width and fronts just keep makin' me think less...... ALRIGHT.... last and final guess ( unless 300wsm is stating somethin' he knows for sure?) I would say.....385 3/8".....wait....no.....382 2/8"......wait.....well.........OK....386 7/8"....yeah I'll stick with 386"
  15. Thanks Marth....uh....Scottyboy I just remembered, those pic's were taken before I put up my Moose rack.....it is mounted just under my Elk skull and each antler fills up those windows on the sides......looks pretty cool. I can't wait to get some of my Couesies back though..... I do have a bunch of duck mounts and a room full of Euro's that the little woman won't let me display in the living room also, but as long as everything else can stay, it's alright
  16. I'd have to go take a picture of my buddies shop to adequately portray my trophy collection at this point in time! Now I will never get my stuff back! I have 8 critters in the Taxi right now......but here is what one of my rooms looks like now.
  17. I'm gonna throw on a bunch of Coozie pic's here.......
  18. Coosefan, here's some pics of Bull#3 where there attached to the animal. Your estimates are great, but it's probably a better pic being attached to an animal. Bull#3 you guys are close but nobody's hit the nail on the head yet. Glad to see you guys are guessing on these three bulls. The pics below may help estimate Bull#3. Looking at that new pic "on the hoof" I wouldn't hesitate saying he's closer to 380". BUT he is looking away, and they always look bigger facing away, but...now I would say he's 379 3/8"

    Touch and Go on the Kaibab......

    Hey....I put a smiling/wink face in there to show I was just kidding......sort of....
  20. Hey Scotty, that threeway pedestal with the Chamois and Tahr (sp?) is Awesome! That monkey is way cool as well! JIM>
  21. I've got more if you want them posted?
  22. Hey Johnnie....is this one you are tryin' to post? It's my favorite one!

    Touch and Go on the Kaibab......

    Tell them I am sorry about almost running over them in the road. We had a dog out and were trying to get to him before dark. We only saw two tracks the whole trip but the Kaibab is the only place you can go and see 10 mule deer in a day so it was nice! ha ha The bugs were terrible though. Was your brother in law in a new white dodge with real nice aluminum dog boxes, plus a guy following in a toyota tacoma? Yeah, I'll claim the guy in the Tacoma.......as for the guy in the Dodge.....well............ My Bro-n-law was driving the Tacoma. JIM>

    Spotted a member today

    That was a good one....unfortuantely for you, that didn't make us even........IT'S ON! Watch you back buddy!
  25. Last year there was a great thread, "Neat finds while out in the hills".......I had mentioned I found some dinosaur tracks and would look for the pics.....well I finally found em'. This is in 5B out in the open flats. There was a small wash out exposing this slab of rock and it had a bunch of these tracks on it! I first thought they were indian carvings like they do of their hand.....but these were spaced apart just like a critter made em' and there were about 7 or 8 of the tracks along the exposed rock and I'm sure there was more under the dirt. I wish I had put something in the pic for size comparison, but there are actually two different critters, one big (bear sized) and one small but identical and was similar to maybe a Bobcat size track. I think the tracks look very similar to a Porcupine track and they appear to have 6 toes. I know it looks like there is an Elk track in the second pic in front of the track, but it isn't.....just looks like it. Anyone ever see something like this? Thanks, JIM>