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Everything posted by COOSEFAN

  1. Yeah, that buck is nice but I've killed 10 Muley's and that is the biggest .....I've helped guys kill bigger.....but, I feel I should have somethin' bigger by now.....I just have been puttin all my efforts into these dam Coues lately......one of these days I'll go for a GOOD Muley!
  2. And here's my biggest Muley so far....not huge but it'll work The pic is a scan and came out blurry, but oh well. JIM>
  3. Here's my very first Coues......worked my butt off to get him and was the only buck I found.....I was stoked!
  4. I'm glad you guys like them pigs....'cause now I have a few more people to call when I kill one next year! You can have em' all!
  5. But your losing soooo BAD.....go home with at least a LITTLE dignity...........or step it up and BRING IT ON!

    Another Great Memory

    THAT ONE IS FREEKIN' HILARIOUS C'mon .......I think I've got ya now!
  7. If it was REAL......it wouldn't be funny! You sound like you are a little miffed.......are you feelin' a little........BEAT! You know that is some funnya$$ stuff and I guarantee you are laughin' just as hard as me.....you just don't want to admit it It's all good bud.......you oughtta back out now.....cause the REALLY good stuff has yet to be seen!
  8. Well.....I hacked into Younghunters picture files and found the pic that he has been keeping secret! For the sake of revenge.....I feel it is necessary to shed some light on what REALLY went on in that famous "Outhouse with a Veiw"! This is Christian bobbing for apples with the help of another fellow guide! The fishing MUST have been really slow that day!
  9. How is that worse than you postin' a pic from my high school days............It brought back all those nightmares of being naked and stuck in a box.......THANKS...I WAS over it....
  10. He's gonna wish he never messed with me!
  11. The TRUTH just keeps coming out! Later that day.........they were back at it again!

    Southern Arizona Tom

    Awesome job to you guys and the dogs! That's gotta be one heck of an experience!!! Is that Bonnie in the last pic on the right? She's probably a little longer head to tail now hope she heals fast, great pic's, thanks JIM>

    guide license

    The test is fairly easy, but without a doubt study the regs! You also cannot guide on your own over there..... you must work under a licensed Outfitter. Best of luck, JIM>
  14. Here's another "lucky charms" style hat
  15. rolling up the brim on my hats used to be somewhat of a trademark for me.........I grew out of it I do have a ton of pics' just like it...I might dig up a few.
  16. Here's some Turkey's I haven't posted before....... I have yet to kill a good gobbler, just hens and youngin's......but they're cool either way! JIM>
  17. Whats this? This ain't even close to gettin' me back....you'll need to try ALOT harder than that! I take that as a compliment more than anything....that guy is sexy!
  18. You talkin' about Christian? I don't know if you could take him.....he might woop up on ya I think!
  19. I have eaten one once.....years ago! I had a little bit and as soon as I tasted that hint of "pig"....I was DONE! Since then, I clean and butcher it up nice and neat and give it away They get turned into tamales and burritos and I've heard it's good.
  20. Gotta admit....you put ALOT of trust in your buddy that day!
  21. I think I've laughed more at this thread than any other!
  22. You know...I was thinking it would have to be a fart smella to be able to turn the "tables" on me.........I also was thinking..........that it was you...... Oohh.....this will be fun.......
  23. HEY........Who helped David photoshop that pic? C'mon....fess up... He won't tell me, but I WILL FIND OUT......and I will put you on my "who's next" list! I think David and I might be even now........we'll see...... but appearantly there is a traitor here who worked with the enemy to bring ME down....'cause supposedly it was one of my buddies.......fess up!
  24. I'm tellin' ya...the small ones are the ones to go for......easier to pack, less you HAVE to eat, and takes more skill Notice, they DO get bigger as I got older though...more fun to sneak in the middle of a herd and watch em' for as long as you can and select the one you want......I love it, but not as much as droppin' the hammer on a Coues....so my name stays the same
  25. I was waitin' for that Pops always said that it takes more skill to hit the small ones It took me 5 years of flingin' arrows at those boogers before one finally jumped in front of it.......I've killed a pig almost every year since I was 15 and I never get tired of it...they're a blast to hunt!