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Everything posted by ruffcountry

  1. ruffcountry

    What to Do.

    Nm Barbary sheep permit is only about 1/4 the cost of Oryx or Ibex . Like Coues any Barbary sheep is a trophy but a big ram is pretty spectacular . That trip to POW island is one I've always wanted to do , too .
  2. ruffcountry

    What to Do.

    Free range barbary sheep in west Tx or NM , they're wary as they come and tough too , best not take that 7-08 , it takes a real gun to bring down one those bad boys ! .
  3. ruffcountry

    Yesterday was the day of death.

    Awwww, I was hoping you meant death of a big buck . Hope the knee gets better so you can get back after them , got a feeling there is at least one big boy left out there , good luck . What do you think happened to the cows ?
  4. ruffcountry

    Payne Brother's 09 Hunt

    Great Bucks !!! Great Story !!!!! If I could shoot a couple bucks like that , maybe I could hold out for a giant , too.
  5. ruffcountry

    Hearing Protection

  6. ruffcountry

    Dec WT

    Nice buck , your perseverence paid off ! 111
  7. ruffcountry

    Buranut Hunt

    I have a "honeyhole" in there , it's on the east side of the mountain I call Boone and Crockett Peak . Good Luck on your hunt .
  8. ruffcountry

    Border Units Reviewed.

    What the ? Who shot your truck ?
  9. Link to interesting wolf story from the ap http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34303223/ns/us_news-environment
  10. ruffcountry

    Arizona Wolves in the News

    Cant do that around here amigo, they would treat a missin wolf like a homicide case. Heck , just eat the evidence , if anybody comes a lookin offer 'em a hot bowl of stew .
  11. ruffcountry

    Canyon Bucks

    Congrats on 2 good bucks and nice story .
  12. ruffcountry

    I propose a new scoring system!

  13. ruffcountry

    Is this a wolf or hybrid?

    You know this thread just got me thinking about how wolves really get a bad rap , all those old stories of them attacking and killing people , why thats not true at all .................... if you go back and read thru the history books they usually only carried off women and children .
  14. ruffcountry


    I thought he usually just used a broken whiskey bottle .
  15. ruffcountry

    New Rifle!!!

    Nothing wrong with the 110 or 300 win but I got to ask why you want heavy barrel for hunting rifle ?
  16. ruffcountry

    First Coues

    Doesn't sound stupid at all . +1
  17. ruffcountry

    Short and Sweet

    I started and ended my hunt on monday morning after having driven thru the night to get to my hunting area . I decided that I should get out and hunt and setting up camp could come later , after a short nap and with daylight fast approaching , I rummaged thru my gear for just the essentials for a 1 day hunt , loaded my day pack and took off . One of the first deer I seen was this little muley buck . Next I came across these hunters and gave them a big "atta boy" and told them the area I planned to be in . These are BP doing the hard work . They flushed a doe and young one . After the BP cleared out , I looked around and I could see does with young ones all around me . I moved slowly along the hill tops stopping often to glass . I heard two shots followed shortly by a third in the distance and wondered if any of them connected . About a mile away I could see a small herd of javelina moving across an ocotilla covered slope . I had made my way to a high bowl that I had seen some of the does and yearlings go into earlier . I eased up to the edge and could see that it was brushy and shady , a perfect hiding spot for ... I checked the time , it was 9:30 am , I imagined that I could hear Larry saying "GIT 'ER DONE". As I made my way over to him I wondered if there would be ground shrinkage , there wasnt . I admired my trophy and when I held his rack in my hands I was reassured that I had made the right decision even though it was first morning I got to hunt , I took some pictures and boned him out for the long hike out . I was huffing and puffing under the weight of my pack in the heat when along came motoxno53 (whom I had met at the parking area ) and he graciously helped me get him back to my vehicle (big thanks Chris ). So there you have it short and sweet , I never even unpacked the camping gear , but I still had very memorable hunt and I brought home more Arizona treasure . I measured him 95 5/8 .
  18. ruffcountry

    New to CWT.com

  19. ruffcountry

    First Deer

    Hey Buck , Just to let you know , I was just funnin with ya . Good story I really enjoyed It and totally understand having to blot out the pictures . Give him a break yall , for petessake , he lives in Scottsdale .
  20. ruffcountry

    New Rifle!!!

  21. ruffcountry

    First Deer
