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Everything posted by ruffcountry

  1. ruffcountry

    Good Pair of 15x or 16x

    I thought Bush gave us a "no child left behind act ". As for the bino 's should I go for zeiss 12x conquest or brunton 15x eterna's ?
  2. ruffcountry

    Mystery Deer

    Thats a cool deer . I think its a freak muley .
  3. ruffcountry


    If you like that one , then you would probaly like my bho target . I'd show it but I dont want the ss coming to my house. I was pleased with the size of the group of last three rounds , the first two of the five were really fouling shots but I was dissapointed I didnt put more holes in the rabbit and no Im not about putting animals above or equal to people . I bought the gun at a walmart . You can get one just like it from cabelas for 399.99 . It did not come with the scope . I used weaver bases and the scope came with rings and flip up covers . The scope is 4x12 yukon , yukon is best known for thier nightvision . This is my first time to try yukon . Hopefully this weekend I'll get to shoot again .
  4. ruffcountry


    This is my new Remington model 700 7 mag with a yukon 4x12 scope . I had a smith tune the trigger down from 8+ pounds to just over 4 pounds. I wanted to try the hornady heavy mag but I finally settled for hornady custom 139 grain interlock . These are the first 5 shots . Adjusted the scope 10 clicks up and 10 clicks right and shot five more Next I adjusted 1 click up and 1 click right then I shot the squares by starting out shooting at the center and then using the dial controls to move the bullet to the corrner square 7 clicks down and 11 left , then 22 clicks up , then 14 clicks right , 22 clicks down and last 7 up and 11 left . I had 4 bullets left so I loaded the magazine and 1 in chamber and shot this last group pretty fast . All shots were from prone position off the bipods .Overall I was happy with my results , I expect they will get better as the new barrel breaks in . I may try a few different brands and weights just to see what happens
  5. ruffcountry

    winchester pre 64

    I recently bought a new 7 rem mag , I toyed with the idea of getting it rechambered to 7 stw. I never fired one but it looks like a rocket .
  6. ruffcountry


    Bush gave us Roberts and Alito . The vote to affirm our right to keep and bear arms was 5-4 . Bush isnt in this race , If (yeah I still think its If ) Barack Hussein Obama wins this race , then that will be squarely on McLame . Yeah I agree but that could happen with either of these guys in office.
  7. ruffcountry

    winchester pre 64

    Jiminy cricket ! a 7stw for a 12 year old ? How big a boy are ya ?
  8. ruffcountry


    So komrade are you saying since Bush didnt do enough to resist the socialist agenda pushed by dems and libs , we should elect Dear Leader Maobama who never met a communist he didnt like ?
  9. ruffcountry


    Thank You , Coues Archer . I got to shoot her again the other day . I scrubbed the barrel and took her to the range to try a couple differrent flavors of ammo . I shot two five shot groups . The first group was with "monarch" 150 grain boattail hollowpoint .These were about the least expensive bullets I could find . I fired no fouling shots before shooting at the target . Range was 110 yds , prone position on sand bags . Here is result . This next group was shot with 140 grain Winchester Supreme boattail silvertip . I pulled the third round wide left , the high vertical shot was 1st round but it felt pretty good , I couldnt tell I twitched on it. Over all I'm still pretty happy , I wouldnt worry too much if I had to hunt with any of the 3 brands of ammo I've tried so far . I'm leaning toward the Hornadys and I would still like to try those Hornady heavy mag sst.
  10. ruffcountry

    Tag for sale!

    There are over 2900 members . Can you set up a paypal account to make it easier for us to donate ? I'll give $10.00 .
  11. ruffcountry


    Yea , Chairman Maobama , he will refreeze the artic and stop the oceans from rising .
  12. ruffcountry

    Guess the score contest Oct 2008

    121 1/8
  13. ruffcountry


    Uh , Wow...... Uh , Thanks ?
  14. ruffcountry

    Just got my first tag ever!

    Congrats and welcome , If your seeing lots of sign then thats a good thing , my advice is keep looking they dont call them "grey ghosts" for nothing . Good Luck .
  15. This is better test , choices are more clear . www.BarackObamaTest.com.
  16. ruffcountry


  17. ruffcountry


    Oh yeah good ole Snopes . Snopes on oppossum http://www.snopes.com/critters/wild/wild.asp
  18. ruffcountry

    700 billion here, 700 billion there...

  19. ruffcountry

    City of Surprise

    Wont be long till " the valley " starts having earthquakes .
  20. ruffcountry

    City of Surprise

    Looks like they can now arrest school kids for shooting spitwadds from a bic pen .
  21. ruffcountry

    unit 36c

    Try this waterhole , its covered with coues tracks .
  22. ruffcountry


    You gotta ask yourself one question ; Do I feel lucky ?..... ..... Well , do ya ?
  23. I'll be in there also , might camp some , probaly drive more .
  24. ruffcountry


    What do you think the ethical range of an atlatl is ?