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Everything posted by ruffcountry

  1. ruffcountry

    4 years today

    OK , The jokes gone far enough , I've had enough of the threatening letters and phone calls . I am changing my avatar .
  2. ruffcountry

    4 years today

    Just to clear the air before anybody gets the wrong idea , I was just joking around with the avatar to see how many were paying attention . I do not have anything against anyone putting out trail cams (or corn for that matter) and in no way condone tampering with or taking someone elses property .
  3. ruffcountry


    Why bullhead and not channel or flathead ?
  4. ruffcountry

    36c whitetail

    Dont know what you guys are talkin about . There are no deer in 36c . Anybody with that tag should just stay home .
  5. ruffcountry

    Sight in question

    OOPS!! I read the wrong column of my ballistics chart . The correct info should be zero at 275yds will put you 4 inches low at 325 yds. You can achieve this by sighting in 3.1 inch high at 100 yds . The bullet never goes above 4 inches over line of sight . This info is for hornady light mag 165 gr btsp at 3015 mv. bigb is right about shooting at different ranges to check . Thanks krp for keeping me straight .
  6. ruffcountry

    senate bill 1115

  7. ruffcountry

    Feral hog/Russian wild boar in 36C?

    Nice find , were there any more bones about ? That bullet hole looks to me like execution style , maybe someone hauled a hog head in there as bait for lion or coyote . Wild hogs are where you find them and a wild hog can run over a mountain before you can empty your gun and reload . Ive seen em do it .
  8. ruffcountry

    first archery anything!!!!

    36 lbs field dressed is a good sized javelina . I would guess that he wieghed close to 50 lbs on the hoof . Congratulations .
  9. ruffcountry

    Help on high power binos

    I looked thru a friends pair during Christmas . I think they switched from 10 to 17 . I was only able to look for a few seconds and we were in residential area where there wasnt much to look at . My immediate impression was that they would be worth further review . I didnt ask the price .
  10. ruffcountry

    Trapping and ethics

    and that 's why you never ,never ,ever go into a bar with your "ethics" stuck in the waistband of your sweat pants ! All kidding aside , that is a very profound statement .
  11. ruffcountry

    Trapping and ethics

    Predator Hunting and Trapping . Has a nice ring to it . Thank you , Amanda .
  12. ruffcountry


    Obama kool aid has side effects !!!
  13. ruffcountry


    5 year plan ? 5 year plan ? hhmmm........ where have I heard 5 year plan before ?
  14. ruffcountry

    Trapping and ethics

    I've trapped since I was a kid , still do occasionally . It is a shame that trapping seems to be such an easy target for anti's ; more hunters should support it more strongly .
  15. ruffcountry

    A Picture worth a 1000 words!

    aaaaawwwwww ! ! !
  16. ruffcountry

    A Picture worth a 1000 words!

    Way to go ! A beauty of a buck .
  17. ruffcountry

    new rifle

    I like 270 , 30-06 , 7 rem mag , 300 wby mag . 257 wby would work also .
  18. ruffcountry

    A KING from SONORA

    Good Luck , Ernesto . We know you can do it , take your time and do it right , then come back and show us the pictures !
  19. ruffcountry

    I got the call!

    congrats . good luck .
  20. ruffcountry

    Matthewp45 scores a big San Carlos buck!

    My guess is 107 1/2 . Congrats on a nice buck and what sounds like was a great hunt . Might he have a mule deer hiding in the family tree ? Cool deer either way .
  21. ruffcountry

    First buck over 100

    congrats . he is a beauty. way to hang in there .
  22. ruffcountry

    san carlos whitetail

    Cool buck . Congratulations . Love the palmation .
  23. ruffcountry

    Win a Covert II Trail Camera!!

    She's still counting . It takes along time to count to 1414 .
  24. ruffcountry

    Need a pistol

    One of the guests at a Christmas party I attended is a trauma surgeon in a big city hospital , he made mention of the fact that he had been up late the night before , successfully operating on some guy who had been shot with 357 mag . He then said "It's a lot harder to save the ones shot by something that starts with 4". I'm just relaying what Doc said to me . I have a 357 and I dont feel undergunned when I carry it , but I would lean toward something bigger than 380 or 32 .
  25. ruffcountry

    One-Ten or nuthin', Buddy!!!

    129 ? He is magnificent !