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Everything posted by Lv2hnt

  1. Lv2hnt

    A GREAT video ...

    This is why Arizona Elk Society's Hunts for Heroes program does what it does for disabled vets here in our state ...
  2. Lv2hnt

    Last minute tags again for Hunts for Heroes

    It's a team effort of the hunting fraternity --- our way of giving back!
  3. We just received 2 turkey tags for 2 different units. Looks like this will be an ongoing event (last minute tag donations) before every season for every specie. Yes, turkey season is upon us! We've already put together several turkey hunts in units across the Rim, down near Tucson, and in the White Mtns. I'll be taking a disabled vet up to 5A on a tag I just transferred over today. I have everything put together already for that hunt (a big relief!). Now to round up some fellow hunters who'd like to help a disabled vet tag a turkey on a 6A hunt that starts May 5th (I just got the tag transferred yesterday). We have a vet I've gotten to know who is new to the game (his first-ever hunt for big game was an archery cow elk hunt in 27 last season --- he ate tag soup). He has hunted birds before, just not turkeys. He is MOTIVATED to be successful --- just needs a good mentor or two! This should be a 3-day weekend hunt (or whatever can be worked out between vet and volunteers). The hunt date is 2 weeks away --- call me for details and let's get this hunt set up!!! My cell: (480)760-3868.
  4. Lv2hnt

    Some help needed for Hunts for Heroes

    Well, that's just fine and dandy --- things have gone wrong ALL day (now I just lost everything I wrote to you guys who've offered to help --- definitely tired!). Keeping it short this time: KIrk is loaning me a sleeping bag and a flock of turkey dekes --- MUCH appreciated! Big Browns (Adam) -- I'll take you up on borrowing your pop-up blind --- will call you tomorrow. JD and Sean: noted that you both stepped up to the plate. Will keep you in mind for the future. BIG thanks! 6A: text me your phone # to (480)760-3868 --- like to talk about how you might help out. Let me know when's a good time to call you.
  5. New thread in Turkey Hunting forum about volunteer guides needed for a last-minute 6A turkey hunt tag donation that starts May 5th (weekend hunt). ALSO --- MORE HELP NEEDED OF A DIFFERENT SORT! I'll be taking a vet out on a 5A hunt that starts in a little over a week (Friday, April 28). We'd like to borrow an oversized rectangular sleeping bag for the hunt. Who has one they'd loan out? I do have a large cot for the vet. I live in Gilbert, will figure out how to get it. On another angle >>> I have 1 turkey decoy --- anyone have another we could use for the weekend? Call me if you can help: (480)760-3868. Thanks in advance!
  6. Lv2hnt

    Some help needed for Hunts for Heroes

    Ohthatguy: That'd be great to have you help out in the future! Hunts for Heroes wouldn't exist without the big hearts of the hunting fraternity, from throughout the state. The program's strength is based on its volunteers (of which I'm a part). We're building a data base for those who want to be involved, both disabled vets and volunteers/guides. PM me your email --- we'll definitely get you in the loop (there's sure to be opportunity for hunts in varied units this fall). I'll email you some info ...
  7. Lv2hnt

    Tag in the mail today

    Analog: There are plenty of disabled vets in Arizona who'd absolutely love to hunt elk! Hunts for Heroes' motto is "healing through hunting." We work hand-in-hand with G&F's tag transfer program (and we have their application you would use to retain your bonus points through Point Guard). Easy to do and no cost to you. There are quite a few CWT members the past year who have participated as volunteers on Hunts for Heroes hunts, from javelina all the way up to desert bighorn sheep! Every one of them has their own personal story on how their own life was elevated after seeing a vet decompress in Arizona's great outdoors. I hope you'll consider donating to Hunts for Heroes --- call me so we can answer any questions you might have: (480)760-3868 Thanks for thinking of others ... --- Tom
  8. Lv2hnt

    Bday outdoor video

    Looks like lots of great memories over the years ...
  9. Lv2hnt

    2016 Desert Ram

    I'm not saying that what I stated is gospel (I originally learned it was 9 years and up for Class 4). An 8-year-old ram is a stud, no matter where we put him class-wise --- a mature ram anyone should be proud of and fortunate to be blessed with! Not my intent to take this thread off-topic --- again, my sincere congrats!!!
  10. Lv2hnt

    2016 Desert Ram

    KH never stated his ram was a Class 4. For clarification > wild sheep are classified by their age, not their size (rams 9 years old and older fit the Class 4 bill). Not a major deal (a chance to add to one's wild sheep knowledge). KH's sheep is a top-end Class 3 ram --- that in no way detracts from what a cool ram he tagged! KH, my hat's off to you on a GREAT accomplishment!!! Beautiful desert sheep, and all the sweeter toughing it out at the end solo ...
  11. Lv2hnt

    ASU vs UofA Baseball

    The Lady Cats are tearing it up too!!
  12. Not only do they usually have everything FlatLine makes in stock, you're missing the boat if you haven't stopped by their new(er) store location (SE corner McClintock/Baseline in Tempe). Bigger store with lots of inventory of everything shooting related, with helpful, knowledgeable employees! Nice to have a locally-owned firearms business support CWT ...
  13. Lv2hnt

    March Madness

    Gotta pull for the Zags now ...
  14. Lv2hnt

    *Sold* Fujinon 15x60 HB binoculars

    I use a pair of these --- you WON'T find anything better at this price, believe me! Good glass ...
  15. Lv2hnt

    Point Guard

    IMPORTANT NOTE to ALL of you (and anyone else you might know) who are thinking about using Point Guard for any of the tags you've drawn (INCLUDING this spring's turkey hunts) --- You can sign over your unwanted tag DIRECTLY to us at Hunts for Heroes and still retain your bonus points (we do all the leg work of getting your tag transferred into a qualified vet's name)! This will give a disabled Arizona vet a chance to go hunting using your tag, with everything taken care of on the hunt by a Hunts for Heroes crew of guides/volunteers. Our motto is "Healing through Hunting" --- several CWT members have been part of recent H4H hunts and can testify what a great experience it was for ALL involved. You can become a hero yourself by donating your tag! You just need to make that phone call --- my cell #: (480)760-3868.
  16. Lv2hnt

    ISE/G&F Expo/Bowhunters Banq

    I was at the AES booth for Hunts for Heroes at ISE show all day yesterday and most of today. Will be there again on Sunday. Tomorrow it's the benefit ride for Hunts for Heroes at Superstition Harley-Davidson in Apache junction. Hope to meet some of you at one or the other!
  17. Lv2hnt


    Sweet rig for somebody! Better in so many ways than the same money spent on a used quad ...
  18. Many of you have been waiting on details of our inaugural "Hunts for Heroes" ride, sponsored by Superstition Harley-Davidson in Apache Junction. You may come with or without a passenger, and can participate even if you don't ride a bike! The event starts off with a pancake breakfast, then continues after the ride with music, food, and some good raffles (including an AR rifle)! Note: we could use some volunteers to help with breakfast (all fixins' and cooking equipment is being donated by Superstition Harley). We're between most hunting seasons at the moment. Here's a great way to spend a day while giving back to our veteran community at the same time! Here's link for pre-ride ticket sales. Hope you'll join us!!! Get registration for single rider: http://shop.superstitionhd.com/eshopprod_cat_1627-120512_product_2251568.Hunts_4_Hero_Single.htm Get registration for double: http://shop.superstitionhd.com/eshopprod_cat_1627-120512_product_2251569.Hunts_4_Heroes_Double.htm
  19. Rifle will be raffled off March 25 at next Saturday's Hunts for Heroes benefit ride at Superstition Harley-Davidson in Apache Junction. Tickets are just $5 each and is just a 2-week raffle. You say you've wanted an AR? Buy as many tickets as you'd like! So, I'm asking you, "Do you feel lucky? Well ... do you?" Link to buy tickets on-line (this shows a prize dollar amount rather than prize itself since raffle is being processed through dealership; rifle will be on display at event): http://shop.superstitionhd.com/eshopprod_cat_1627-120521_product_2251636.Hunts_4_Hero_Raffle_Ticket.htm
  20. Lv2hnt

    March Madness

    BEAR DOWN!!!
  21. There's a way you CWT members can help our disabled vets if the Hunts for Heroes benefit ride isn't a fit for you: Should any of you have any NEW items you've haven't found a use for that might be good bucket raffle items for next weekend, we'd love to put them to good use! Doesn't have to be outdoors-related, just new/unused items someone else might like. Could be camping, camo clothing, gear, knives, even general items apart from your outdoor life --- we'll give you a donation slip for tax purposes ($$$). I know we all have things in drawers, on a shelf, or in the closet that have just been sitting there for months (or even years) --- here's a great opportunity to be a hero yourself! Give me a call: (480)760-3868 ... A big thanks in advance!
  22. Lv2hnt

    Hunts for Heroes benefit ride!

    Sorry for the late posting (delay on media printing of brochure). Pre-ride registration now up on top of thread ...
  23. Lv2hnt

    Hunts for Heroes benefit ride!

    Gary, looking forward to a great day! I'll get more info posted after tomorrow's outing (leaving EARLY in the morning to take 2 vets in track chairs on their 1st-ever pheasant hunt) ...
  24. Lv2hnt

    Fair Chase in Arizona ...

    True, Blake. I'd imagine more detailed regs concerning drones coming down the pike. See page 56 in 2016-17 Ariz. Hunting Regs for current G&F stance ...
  25. Lv2hnt

    Tag Donation
