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Everything posted by russd

  1. russd

    NEW wolf "Range"

    Hadn't heard that but I can believe it as those wolves are b I g !
  2. price is in the title...
  3. russd

    Should I Post these pics?

    were they riding their quads cross country? another of my peeves...
  4. russd


    yeah that is coues7!
  5. russd

    Happy Thoughts Please!

    Hope your arm and leg heal up quickly.
  6. russd

    Tapatalk forum support

    And Tapatalk costs money...
  7. russd

    Never Again

    thats one thing that makes hunting so great. the challenge to yourself.
  8. Oh I wish it were that simple Scottmo...
  9. 28 inch vent ribbed barrel. 2 3/4 or 3 inch shells. little bit of rust on upper end of barrel just surface though. selling for a family member. i will post pics later when i get more time. 200$ flagstaff.
  10. bottom pic shows where the rust is. i ran a rag with some oil over it. seems to be very mild and just surface.
  11. Ok will post pics tomorrow.
  12. russd

    5b had 861 rifle bull tags...

    i think i would pull out the orange also. is there enough elk in these units to sustain these hunts? maybe there is but wow.
  13. russd

    Quad Abuse

    quad people are a different breed.
  14. russd

    Guard Dogs

    4-8 inches coming in thursday night. not sure after that. just be prepared.
  15. russd

    Why Is It?

    maybe only alpha type people drive big trucks.
  16. what are these apps called in the market?
  17. russd

    Now That's a Trail Cam

  18. this isn't even through congress. interior dept will just do it. sad. we loose more freedoms every day under this guy.
  19. russd

    eberlystock j34 just one pack(SPF)

    spf to gr8 white jr. thanks
  20. used twice. great condition. located in flagstaff. 200$ plus shipping if needed. can send pics.
  21. russd

    stolen flat bed trailer

    that is brazen!
  22. russd

    Ground blind

    that does suck. seems our countries morality is in the tank lately with all this thievery going on.
  23. russd

    Bear hunting with dogs..

    bears don't stay in the tree just because the dogs are on the ground below it. if it takes you a half an hour to even get to the tree well guess what. that bear has been resting for a half hour and he is ready to run again and probably will.
  24. russd

    Big bull
