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Everything posted by russd

  1. russd

    2 Digital Trail Cameras for sale

    150$ and gps cords to where you get all those good pix.
  2. russd

    wanted atv trailer

    just a small one. 4 or 5 by 8 foot. give or take. any one have any leads? thanks
  3. russd

    wanted atv trailer

    daniel here it is at its new home. it gets to live in the garge here as well! thanks again.
  4. russd

    nice bulls

    maybe they are from yellowstone?
  5. russd

    wanted atv trailer

    thanks ag but i am getting one from daniel next weekend.
  6. deer can hear lots of little noises.
  7. they can hear my shutter on my homebrew cam as i didn't disable it.
  8. russd

    2 yr old male border collie

    free to a good home. he is a horse chaser as he stayed at the kids house for a week and wore a path down in front of the horses fence. he doesn't mind my little dogs one bit but my healer is herded in the laundry room at night. he is really nice to.
  9. we took him outa a bad home a couple of months ago. he is housebroken and well behaved except he herds my healer around to no end. he is approx 2 yr old and neutered. he does fear one of my daschund tho. we live in flagstaff. jjranch1@yahoo.com
  10. http://www.azcentral.com/12news/news/artic...ory0104-CR.html have they passed a law allowing citizens to carry side arms while bow hunting yet??
  11. russd

    morning finds

    scott you are so mean. poor kittys gotta eat to!
  12. russd

    Randy Ulmer Hunting Accident?

    don't know who you are bobbyo, but you speak for me in this thread. thx for being able to articulate what i cannot.
  13. russd

    Randy Ulmer Hunting Accident?

    any new technology that comes out to help someone kill a trophy will be used by someone. as far as ethics go everyone has a different set of em'. only thing i would like to see tho is that if someone has killed a big trophy, if they used something uncommon to most like a chuteplane that it be disclosed. because its part of the story and should be told. i've seen people using cams with before and after pics and are tickled pink to tell there story.
  14. russd

    X-Mas 2006

    yup had one for a while now and it is the cats meow. remote went bad and foxpro sent a new one no charge.
  15. russd


    glad you asked... we had a lion, female, with a confirmed 13 coyote kills to her credit. she killed more yotes than most people do and now she is a rug. to bad for her.
  16. russd

    Bear pic

    sweet i love bear pics.
  17. russd

    A Fulfilling Success

    can someone repost the pics all i can't open the pics. thx
  18. i know the first is a mulie but how about the last two pics??
  19. sweet, thx for the info. now i know i have at least one whitetail living withing a few miles of me.
  20. russd

    Voting for a new Govenor

    if nappy wins this one she will surely have greater aspirations. along with that come the national platform which includes the legal right for a woman and doctor to commit murder. i am daily baffled by this that our society is ok with this. i told my wife last night that she has the legal right to commit murder but if i were to do it i am a murderer. we are a sorry society in that first regard!
  21. very nice elk indeed. we filmed 18 bulls in one heard last year out in 7e this time of year.
  22. different elk only a had cam out for a few days this week.
  23. russd

    Travel Tailers... HOLY COW

    how about a truck camper, then you can tow all you want.