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Everything posted by russd

  1. you'd think for 10 thousand bucks she could pony up for shipping???
  2. russd

    coyotes by flag

    been snowing all day today. not alot of snow but enough to make it miserable outside. i think its supposed to snow again this weekend.
  3. live trapping is legal. you do need a trapping license, plus a bobcat permit. have the cage marked with your info. name or trapper license info. and you must check your traps daily.
  4. is it legal to leave a treestand in the national forest if un-attended?
  5. russd

    AZ Road Kill

    i heard about that cat. how rare for a cat to get hit by a car... i have been driving miles this week looking for some tracks in the snow and can't find any. and he gets hit on the freeway...
  6. russd

    called in my first fox

    sounds like it was right after sunset. no problems there. i think it says a half hour after sunset when you are still able to see. i can't open the photo though. good job and it does get addicting, just watch out for the foxes that don't stop coming...
  7. those bucks are the best of the best of mule deer. they know where to hide from hunters and lions alike. only thing they can't hide from are chute planes. they get killed off their genes are gone forever. maybe in the long run it won't matter. its just my opinion.
  8. has anyone ever read desert puma? it is a huge study of lions over a ten year period in new mexico from the 80's to 90's. very informative. big toms do on a regular basis kill smaller males and full grown females with cubs and EAT them to. not the cubs per sey but the mommas. i didn't read the article stated above but hey a lions gotta eat to and you can't blame them for low deer numbers over the whole state. i think hunters who fly airplanes and kill the biggest bucks with the best genes are more damaging to the mule deer herds than a lion ever will be. one study i know of has only a 5% kill on bucks. also lions will eat anything smaller than them yotes included. i know of a female who had 13 confirmed yote kills before she got wacked.
  9. russd

    2007 Late Rifle Bull

    way to go scottmo! thats an awesome elk kid!
  10. i sent an email a while back when they were discussing the kaibab and coconino changes. they replied but pretty much said this is going to happen, sorry if you don't like it. pretty sad when the public, the guy paying his taxes and likes to use his resources has a mute voice.
  11. finally killed a little 6x7 yesterday. had to pack him out two miles, ouch. it was a tough year for me tho. due mainly to a few near misses. one area we were hunting had some nice elk in it and a lion came in a changed their habits by about 2.5 miles. called in two yesterday. some days they would come to the call and others they had no interest. i think it is only going to get better from now on tho. the two we called in yesterday even brought their cows with them. some days we walked 10 miles, others only 5. we only found three sheds the whole time.
  12. not every lion eats a deer a week. far from the truth. some toms will. and toms cover large areas. females will overlap their areas but have a wide variety of game they eat. i think the g and f should have left the season open, but what i don't understand is why deerhunters want to kill every lion alive. i think that is a narrow way to look at the environment. to each his own i guess.
  13. well i don't worship deer enough to kill every lion i see. also bet you didn't know that female lions kill alot of coyotes and eat them, as well as other small game animals. lions are trophy animals that deserve respect and a meal every now and then.
  14. russd

    elk, size and ?

    what does the bigger one score? and the other one, i got a lion pic a few days earlier, looks like his back is messed up and maybe his belly. not to mention his antlers...
  15. russd

    elk, size and ?

    unit 5bn
  16. we called one in about a month ago in 7e. not a giant one but not a cub either. he or she lives today thanks to someone closing lion season. i am not a good liar.
  17. russd

    My turn

    i've heard that banks put dye into bags of money. how about doing something like that. open the case and blamo you get dyed. what are they gonna do, call the cops?
  18. russd


    water. only problem is it attracts people as well.
  19. russd

    trail cam

    i don't own one of their cams but i have used parts from them to build one. i think they put out good stuff. this picture was used with one of their controller boards. notice how far it can pick up movement. those cows are a long ways from the cam.
  20. russd

    1999 4*4 S-10 extended cab for sale

    oh that is nice. my favorite truck for sure. we have 2000 taco that won't quit running for me to make my move to the new style.
  21. russd

    trail cam pics

    you left this cam out for almost a year??????? wowza