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Everything posted by russd

  1. i agree no respect. losers.
  2. russd

    trail cam elk

    couldn't wait any longer. i usually wait til after memorial day to leave cams out. these are not far from the house.
  3. getting alot of snow today in flagstaff.
  4. russd

    Canada Bears

    i soooooooooooooooo want to do that some day... good job!
  5. russd

    Refund checks

    It's been that way with more than one applicant on a form ever since the permit system began. -TONY got ours last week.
  6. attitudes like those expressed in the lawsuit are irresponsible.
  7. russd

    tags, refunds?

    i was just thinking this the other day. didn't get drawn so why no refunds yet?????
  8. 450$ new price. really nice shotgun. looks new.
  9. excellent condition, have original box. left handed remington premier 11-87 semi auto shotgun. 12 guage light contour barrel. 550$ obo
  10. russd

    Where's my check??

    first three weeks of may depending on the last two of your ss number.
  11. "Sportsmen are seeing the effects of climate change and know full well that foresight and proactive management will be necessary to help fish and wildlife adapt," said George Cooper, president of the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership. what are we supposed to be seeing?
  12. ford runs the toyo mud terrains. we carry a heavy overhead camper and am getting really good mileage and use from these tires. the toyota is running the cooper stt's. they work really well also.
  13. 14.5 rock river arms upper with a perm attached vortex fh. also comes with a gg&g rear mad buis. doesn't come with bolt or carrier. this is for just the upper not the whole rifle. 450$ ftf or can ship at cost. will trade for like 20 inch flat top.
  14. russd

    My new varmint weapon

    sweet rifle. i would love a barrel like that. where did you pick up your timney trigger. i want one for my 204 ruger ar.
  15. russd


    is that bigfoot?
  16. i've been wanting a side by side 12 guage hammered coach gun. 18 inch. for the coach you know!
  17. russd

    FS: Glock 22

    "never sell your guns or your saddle," some old dude... j/k sctmo
  18. russd

    Shed hunting fun!

    i always get a headache wondering why people tear up our roads.
  19. russd

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    i think cabelas tried using DHL this time and took a hit for it...
  20. russd

    UPS loses cabelas TAGS

    aren't most of these tags out of state apps anyways? guess that 20$ bill to the ups guy to deliver them late paid off!
  21. russd

    Pretty pictures

    picture of the raymond ranch buffalo herd from today. all i had was the ol camera phone again..
  22. russd

    36C Scare!

    85 million dollars spent on a virtual border fence and it doesn't work. oh but we did catch 2000 illegals in a six month period. give me a break. prolly alot cheaper to just build a real fence! http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...2703747_pf.html
  23. russd

    this time a female cat

    very nice. i have been trying to call in a cat all winter to no avail. we have had alot more snow than we have had normally. i don't know if or how that affects them. good job tho.
  24. russd

    Pretty pictures

    pic from this morning after about 6 inches of snow over night.
  25. russd

    Old Female

    doubt it. that old of a cat would be lucky to kill a few rabbits a week.