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Everything posted by Blade

  1. Blade

    Savage 110BA .338 Lapua

    Up for sale Savage 110BA .338 Lapua Mag complete long range shooting setup $3000 Includes: Rifle Scope (vortex viper 6.5-20x50 with sunshade) Harris swiveling bi-pod 2-100 count boxes of berger 300 gr otm tactical bullets 1-100 count box of berger 250 gr otm tactical bullets 3 pounds of retumbo 43 cases (lapua) 20 loaded with 300 gr berger otm and 23 fl sized trimmed and primed with cci lrm primers 338 lapua modified case for hornady oal gauge. 33 caliber insert for hornady bullet comparator RCBS Die set and shell holder I got this rifle the end of last march. I have fired 43 225 gr. Hornady interbonds, about 20 250 gr berger otm tactical, and about 30 300 gr berger otm tactical. It’s a great rifle, I just don’t have the time to commit to it and would rather put the money somewhere else. Face to face cash transaction only. I live in superior but go to mesa/north phoenix a couple times a month and Payson at least once a week. Must have an AZ ID and I prefer an az CCW. I have both an az drivers license and an AZ CCW. PM me if you are interested.
  2. Blade

    2 guns for sale (new price)

    Ahhh that looked like it would be a cool rifle to have, wish I would have had the extra cash sooner.
  3. Blade

    Savage 110BA .338 Lapua

    Last bump before going to the gun show next weekend. I may be open to other trades. Let me know what you've got.
  4. Blade

    WTB 25.06 Brass and Reloading Dies

    Where are you located? I might have some 25-06 and 7mag brass I could part with.
  5. Blade

    2 guns for sale (new price)

    Pm sent with questions. I'm on my phone so hopefully it went through.
  6. Blade

    Savage 110BA .338 Lapua

    Bump . I may be interested in a partial trade. I'm more of a pistol guy so things I would be interested in are kimber custom ii or eclipse full size in 10mm, Dan Wesson razor back in 10mm, , chiappa rhino in 357 with 6" barrel, colt python, or similar pistols. Thanks for looking.
  7. Blade

    7mm-08 loads

    Fired a few rounds out of the savage 7mm-08 yesterday. 150gr siera match king 46.5 gr of H4350 seated .002 off the lands at 3.273 as measured from the ogive with the hornady bullet comparator. 3 shots on a 1/2" square inch target. Just a reminder, every rifle is different, always work up your own load with your particular rifle.
  8. Blade

    Count the stink pigs

    Just a few more months until the HAM hunt. I was walking around behind my house Monday and saw a small herd of about 12 pigs. I got a picture of a few of them; sorry about the low quality image. How many pigs do you see?
  9. Blade

    Turkey Shoot

    Its time again for the anual turkey shoot at the Globe Miami Gun Club Saturday November 23 at 9am. Some of the events will be 300yd bowling pin shoot, 100yd benchrest shoot, golf ball drive, round of golf, and combat pistol hostage shoot. The cost to enter events ranges from $3-$5. Proceeds will be used to buy food for the local food bank.
  10. Blade

    Turkey Shoot

    the website with contact info is http://www.gmgc.zoomshare.com/ Chuck is usually there every morning
  11. Blade

    Count the stink pigs

    I counted 7 in the frame when i took the picture. 5 in fairly open, one hidding in the prickly pear above the one eating the hedge hog cactus, and a big bore hidding in the brush behind the ocatillo at the top of the frame.
  12. Blade

    Savage 110BA .338 Lapua

    I can break the package up but I would like to sell the rifle before I sell anything else. Let me know if you're interested. Thanks for looking
  13. Blade

    7mm-08 loads

    I have three loads I use for 7mm-08, 139 gr hornady sst using varget, 150 gr Sierra bthp match using h4350 and 160 gr Sierra game king using varget. I don't remember off hand what the charge weights are I'll have to check when I get home but all three are very accurate with my savage.
  14. Blade


    24A ham hunt for me. Yessss!
  15. Blade

    Great Fun For All--Rimfire Chalenge

    Just a reminder the rimfire challenge is next Saturday at 9am at the Globe Miami Gun Club.
  16. Just a little advertising for the Globe Miami Gun Club and the Ruger Rimefire Chalenge being held tomorow. Great fun for all. Men, women, and children all experience levels from people who have never shot a gun to the experienced verteran. Location-- Globe Miami Gun Club http://www.gmgc.zoomshare.com/ Time-- Match starts at 9am tomorow morning. Cost--Free! the match is free to enter just bring some ammo 80 rounds of rimfire ammo is plenty to complete the match. Coarse of Fire-- consists of a pistol stage and a rifle stage. Both stages are shot twice and timed. Bring a .22 rimfire pistol and a .22 rimfire rifle in whatever action you have. I dont own a semi auto .22 rifle so i typically use my trusty lever action henry. If you dont own any .22 rimfire guns someone there will have one you can borrow. For those of you unfamiliar with the Globe Miami Gun Club they have a very nice facility and are very active in helping the local community and supporting our shooting heritage. If you have any questions let me know.
  17. Blade

    Great Fun For All--Rimfire Chalenge

    Mark your calendars! The next rimfire challenge will be held October 19 at 9am at the Globe Miami Gun Club. The match is free to enter, all are welcome, and tons of fun. The annual turkey shoot will be held November 23 at 9am at the Globe Miami Gun Club. I’m not sure what events will be held at this year’s turkey shoot but typical events are 100yd bench rest shoot, action pistol shoot, golf ball drive, etc. The money raised at the turkey shoot is used to buy food which is then donated to the local food bank. Its a great way to meet new people, help a good cause, and have fun shooting.
  18. Blade

    AC Question

    That was the problem. Thanks.
  19. Blade

    AC Question

    I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post this question.... I have a heat pump, condenser outside and air handler in the attic. The air handler motor will not turn on. the condenser turns on just fine. I checked all voltage and breakers and they were fine. when the system calls for the air handler fan to come on it just humms. with the power off the motor/fan spin freely so i dont think the motor is bad. i can kick start the motor ie when its humming push on it with a screw driver and it fires right up and spins fine. there is a small box, which i think is a capacitor, on the bottom of the fan cage. i pulled it off and checked the voltage and got nothing. so my questions are. is that a capacitor? what is the voltage supposed to be? i am most certainly not an ac repair man, am i on the right track? the picture is the capacitor
  20. Blade

    Great Fun For All--Rimfire Chalenge

    As long as enough people show up they have the rimfire challenge every third saturday of the month. I will put up a reminder a little sooner next month. Unfortunatly i will not be able to attend either since if have to go to a wedding. I still dont know why someone would get married in september thats elk season.
  21. Blade

    Limited OP hunt-Antelope Mountain

    Cow elk tag in the antelope mountain hunt area of unit 1. Ive hunted grouse around the greens peak area a few times but have never been as far east as antelope mountain area. My guess is there are a few resident elk in that area that G&F want to get ride of. i went up there this weekend, i saw deer, antelope, a yound bear, and a dead elk. Since im not very familiar with that area i was wondering if anyone else was. i was up there this weekend and spent some time up on antelope mountain glassing. I could see the fields to the east in the flats but i think my best bet is to focus on the west side of antelope mountian in the trees. there was water every where which is good for the wild life but bad for the hunter. i took the week of the hunt off from work so i will have plenty of time. i might try to go talk to some of the property owners in that area.
  22. I have a limited op hunt in the antelope mountain hunt area of unit 1 coming up soon. For me, the goal and purpose of this hunt is to put meat in the freezer. Right now my plan is to focus on the areas around canero creek and antelope mountain. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this hunt or knowledge of the area they would be willing to share. Thanks in advance.
  23. I have had a savage 110 ba in 338 lapua for about a year now. Due to componant availablility, forest closures, and weather i havent been able to do much load developement yet. I have never used Ramshot so i cant offer much advice on that. Im using retumbo and 300gr. berger otm tactical. There seems to be a lot of people using retumbo and H1000. Ive also heard that RL33 works well for 338 lapua. i have a couple friends that also have 338's and we set up a pretty nice long range range (2000yd +). I havent been shooting long range (1000yds +) for very long and dont claim to be good at it. When you start shooting that far trig and physics become extremely important; which is why i enjoy it. Im always interested in finding some new shooting buddies. If your looking for a place to see what that savage is capable of send me a pm.
  24. Another vote for Fenix lights. I have a TK-21 that does double duty as a weapon mounted light for my AR's and as a general flashlight. The TK-21 has adjustable intensity levels which adds to its versitility; low setting for general use, full power for 100yd night shots. The TK-21 is realativly cheap when compared to lights of comprable performance and quality. Battery life is better than I expected when using quality cr123 batteries.
  25. Blade

    Knive sharpening

    I'm probably going to have some people laugh at me for saying this but I'll say it anyway. What I use to put a finish edge on a knife is a ceramic light bulb i got out of the tunnel between Supeiror and Globe. If you have a knife with good steel, dont abuse it, and keep up with sharpening (dont let it get dull) its pretty much all you need. I grow a beard before every hunt and after the hunt is over i shave it off with my skinning knife; its kind of a tradition. My face has never come detached from my head so it must work pretty good.