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Everything posted by mjmhunter

  1. mjmhunter

    Valley area offroad shops

    What offroad shop do you guys recommend? Need to replace ball joints, tie rods, shocks and need an alignment. Thanks>>> Manny
  2. mjmhunter

    hard horned bulls and couple of nice bucks

    Nothing wrong with the deer. He is just starting to lose his summer coat.
  3. mjmhunter

    Elk Bugle

    If you don't plan on using a diaphram plate of some sort, I would suggest the Terminator Bugle from Primos. The blue reed system sounds very good and is easy to use. If you are going to use a diaphram to bugle with I would suggest the Bully Bull grunt tube from Bugling Bull Game calls. The Bully Bull has a back pressure system and a larger tube which promotes a little deeper sound making your bugle sounds a little more realistic. Either one would do just fine.
  4. mjmhunter

    couple nice bucks from trail cam

    They are all bruisers but that bottom buck.......WOW!!!! Thanks for posting.
  5. mjmhunter

    A few Trail Cam Pics

    Great pics!!!!!! That got me fired up for my north of the ditch tag this friday!!!!
  6. mjmhunter

    My First Speed Goat!!!!!!

    Awesome, Congrats!!!
  7. mjmhunter

    Bear video

    Cool video..... Hope you get an opportunity at him.
  8. mjmhunter

    Nugent fined for baiting deer

    With that said it kinda leads me to believe that he didn't know he was in the wrong. Who knows?????
  9. mjmhunter

    "The Hunt For Deuce"

    As Jim stated, Mike is extremely deserving of this bull. A huge congratulations to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It will definatley be a highlight in my memory bank to have shared the excitment and the emotions with you and Jim when you took "Duece.">>>Manny
  10. mjmhunter

    Ain't No Jib Jab Here!!!

    You hit it right on the nose. lol
  11. mjmhunter

    Advice for a first time hunter

    Becareful using plastic bags to pack meat especially in the hotter months. The plastic won't allow heat in the meat to dissipate. I would suggest a game bag of some sort.
  12. mjmhunter

    Got my sons elk back from the taxidermist

    Great lookin mount. Congrats to your boy!!!!
  13. mjmhunter

    Someone is over at Avondale Dodge

    I'll let you guys be the judge on who the real doughnut lover is......LOL
  14. mjmhunter

    Someone is over at Avondale Dodge

    No I just dropped it off. Probably will be by tomorrow to pick it up.
  15. mjmhunter

    Someone is over at Avondale Dodge

    Hey somebody saw my sticker!!!!!!!!! lol Took it in for an oil change. Manny
  16. mjmhunter

    A Prayer for my son

    Prayers sent.
  17. mjmhunter

    Montana Summer Adventures

    Awesome country!!!!!!
  18. mjmhunter

    Arch Kiabab Tag

    I drew the tag this year too!!!!!!!!!! My wife and dad also drew it with me. It was also my second choice with the archery Strip being #1. I told myself 3 years ago when they turned it into a draw, that I would wait for the 3rd year. I figuered with the decrease in hunters it would allow more bucks to put some age on. Talking with friends that have hunted it the last few years, I really didn't need to wait for the 3rd year. They have done exceptionally well. I was a bit hesitant this year though, with the full moon being on the 20th. I put in anyway and drew it. I will be hunting the first few days going home then going back up the following weekend and hunting for 9 days before having to drive around the ditch to get ready for the archery elk hunts. May stay a few extra days if I haven't filled my tag. I am extremely excited and cannot wait for this hunt!!!!!!!!!!!! The last time I hunted it was when they moved the dates to run concurrent with the archery elk hunts. I have lost sleep searching the net for pictures of velvety Kaibab bucks. MAN I CAN"T WAIT!!!!!!!!!>>> Manny
  19. mjmhunter

    They are out for Real!!!!!

    Awesome!!!!! Good luck to him!!!!!!!
  20. mjmhunter

    They are out for Real!!!!!

    Archery Kiabab
  21. mjmhunter


    04 Archery
  22. mjmhunter

    Dead Head Elk

    Awesome find!!!!!!!!
  23. mjmhunter


    Hoping your right...I have been thinkin at the close of business on the 16th. We'll see..... Definitely not holdin my breath.
  24. mjmhunter

    I wonder

    JLG..... We have the same Ju-Ju. Started that about 8 years ago.
  25. mjmhunter

    I wonder

    And you will owe me big if you draw a Strip tag!!!!! Too bad it won't be the same Strip tag I'm gonna draw.