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Everything posted by mjmhunter

  1. mjmhunter

    Where to go.

    what is his price range? is he looking for something new or used? I am also lefthanded and it can be pain trying to get stuff. If your in Goodyear area one of the closet pro shops to you is Trailhead Outdoors (35th and Thomas). I would be careful taking things to Sportsmans Warehouse. Some of the guys behind the counter have no idea what they are doing.
  2. mjmhunter

    Ultinate Steel broadheads?

    I used the slick trick 100 hundreds last year. They flew exactly like my field tips with no tuning. I killed a deer and an antelope with them last year. I had good penetration on both animals. They are four bladed and left good blood trails. My only complaint is the head that I shot the antelope with broke at the base of the ferrule. I didn't pass through the animal or hit any major bone so I am not sure what caused it. I still had good blood and it did its job. I have gone back to Thunderhead 100's, little tuning and they fly great.
  3. mjmhunter

    Unit 36B

    I also drew a 36B late tag and have some concern for some of the safety issues. I am a Deputy Sheriff and used to work the area between Gila bend and Ajo. So I have dealt with my share of drug runners and illegal aliens. It has been my experience that the illegal aliens want bother you unless they need food or water. On the other hand the drug runners can be pretty ruthless. As some of you suggested stir way clear of them. The main thing is use common sense and you should not have a problem. I am new to the forum and excited to start talking hunting with all you guys.