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Everything posted by mjmhunter

  1. mjmhunter

    Results are posted

    Nothin for me. Thats two states with "JACK SQUAT" now. Come on AZ!!!!!!!!! Congrats to those of you that drew tags and good luck
  2. mjmhunter

    The Draw

    Deer-- 36B Dec whitetail-- 12AW Late muley Elk-- 9 Archery Bull--- 3A/3C Archery Bull Antelope--- 19B Archery Sheep--41W-- 31/32 Buffalo-- B Point till House rock Comes Back Turkey--B point till spring draw Javelina--B Point till spring draw Same for my wife except Sheep, we put in on separate apps. Nothing in Utah and waiting for New Mexico
  3. mjmhunter

    draw results?

    NM game and fish website has the 21st of this month.
  4. mjmhunter

    2002 Polaris 700 4*4 for sale

    Thanks Mike, the quad looks like you really took care of it. My father-in-law really likes it. Thank you again Manny
  5. mjmhunter

    Yearly Advice

    I'll start it off for you Muskrat, 36B oct. or 34A oct.
  6. mjmhunter


    Blanked in Utah, put in for archery bull and another moose point. Waiting on New Mexico.
  7. mjmhunter

    What is your Coues deer set up?

    If you cannot find a set to try out in Flag, Cabelas is supposed to be opening around August in Glendale so get ready to make the drive. I was chatting with a few Cabelas people a few weeks back and sounded like it is on schedule. I drive by it on the 101 Loop and it is taken shape.
  8. mjmhunter

    Best broadhead for deer

    I shoot Thunderheads 100's and have never had a problem. I don't think you could go wrong shooting Muzzy's either. I'm not a fan of mechanicals I know they can be devistating on animals but they CAN deflect and hinder penetration. It may be very rare that mechanicals do this but I don't want to take any chances. Most Muzzy's and Thunderheads right out of the box will fly true, You may have to resight in with them though. With a little bit of time and tuning you can get either head to fly good. Some people look at this as an inconvience but shooting and learning your equipment I think will make you a better archer.
  9. mjmhunter

    Bonus Point Question

    Good question, I think you would still be able to apply and draw the tag and under 1 animal per calender year bag limit you would still be ok. I don't know if drawing the tag makes a difference but many of us have two tags for tha same species in a given year, like an archery and general deer tags, turkey, bear, etc. Let us know what you find out.
  10. mjmhunter

    Bonus Point Question

    Yes you can still apply. Make sure that you apply for the bonus point only, you don't want to draw a tag and not be able to hunt it. I'm not G&F but I work with them and asked that same question.
  11. mjmhunter

    What did you apply for?

    Unit 16A and 15 for archery elk. And waiting for Utah results.
  12. mjmhunter

    Off season hunt's

    Anybody got anything planned? My wife and I leave for an archery hog hunt in Texas next week. I have been doing this hunt for about 10 years its fun and very economical. Then in April we are going to Nebraska to hunt turkey since we can't draw a spring tag here.
  13. mjmhunter

    Off season hunt's

    Rimhunter How much are you wanting to spend. We can still fit people in on our trip next week, if that is too soon there will be another trip April. This is Texas though if your interested PM me and I give you more specifics. Manny
  14. I met the PH that was on that hunt a few years ago at the hunting Expo here in Phoenix. There was a little more to that lion. That lion had been transplanted to that ranch because it had been a problem lion. Apparently that lion had killed some villagers and lost his fear of humans. The lion was captured and was put on that ranch. The lion became a problem at the new ranch. So the hunter in the clip was able to buy that hunt " " at a discounted price.
  15. mjmhunter

    Not much for Rut this year

    Hey, thanks for all the compliments! I am truly stoked about this deer, it is my fifth and largest coues buck with a bow. No, on the Hybrid deal, though. If you hold the horns in hand you really see much more than in the pic. Thanks again guys. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I held that buck in my hands on saturday and believe me the pictures do not do it justice. Manny
  16. mjmhunter

    Not much for Rut this year

    You guys did awesome, I wish I could have stayed longer on saturday.
  17. mjmhunter

    "Dos Venados" from Mexico!

    Hey Jimbo, Sounds like you had an awesome time, congrats on two great bucks. I can't wait to see your footage. Manny
  18. mjmhunter


    happy birthbay Jimbo.
  19. mjmhunter

    My 36b Coues Hunt (long)

    Hey Matt, Great story, thats a good buck and your kids look very excited. I'm glad we met and if you ever want to pick up a bow give me a call. Manny
  20. mjmhunter

    Help with elk draw for NM

    Hey Megahunter6969 What do you get for your bull tags? I would be very interested in purchasing one. please e-mail me at (mjmhunter@cox.net) thanks, Manny P.S. Jims a friend of mine and he will make me pay a lot more for one of them
  21. mjmhunter

    Meet and Greet

    Hey Guys and gals, I was wonderin if anybody wanted to do a meet and greet in Amado on friday night 12/16. I had posted it in (December Tags) but i don't know if anybody saw it. I figure Friday night would be best. I know in the October hunt they tried this on Saturday night but it didn't work out because some a the guys harvested deer and were not able to make it. I figured Friday night because I assume most people will be holding out a little longer on this hunt. But you know what happens when you assume . Manny
  22. mjmhunter

    Test post

    Those G-1's are awesome, good find.
  23. Second Shot, That body your talking about, was that out by Sentinal/Hyder area off of I-8?
  24. mjmhunter

    Meet and Greet

    So there is no confusion if you all want we will meet at the Long Horn Grill (Cow skull) Manny