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Everything posted by missedagain

  1. missedagain

    License to apply

    In years past I've been able to buy my family a license that starts on the deadline day and apply. This year I get an error that your license has to be valid on both the day you apply and deadline day. Not sure if anyone else noticed this but it is a change I don't think g&f talked about.
  2. missedagain

    Election Year, Stock up now

    Just a friendly reminder that Harris is the vegas favorite to win the presidency. Don't wait until there are ammo shortages to try and buy.
  3. missedagain

    Election Year, Stock up now

    No I just googled the vegas odds. Follow the money as they say. Luck favors the prepared, I'd rather by 9 luger at .20 a round than 1.00 but you do you.
  4. missedagain

    Duwane Adams ?

    G$F outlawed trail cameras because they thought it violated fair chase but you think 30 guys working together to kill and elk is ethical?
  5. I saw an advertisement on kygunco about a savage 22lr smooth bore rifle. Just curious why would someone want a smooth bore over a rifled bore?
  6. missedagain

    Ethical Arizona hunting point

    Ethical hunting point is a money making scam the G&F established to collect money from those unwilling/unable to complete hunter education for a permanent bonus point. You cannot have both a hunter education bonus point and an ethical hunter point, it is one or the other.
  7. missedagain

    Are coues deer in trouble?

    I do believe that Coues rely on the monsoon moisture, and we had two years of terrible monsoons in I believe 20 and 21. No way that didn't affect fawn recruitment in those years.
  8. missedagain

    Camping etiquette ( what's wrong with people ? )

    That’s how it is in AZ now if you follow the designated camping corridors that are on the motor vehicle use map. I bet half the campsite I see could be ticketed if the forest service enforced their own rules. They recently enacted this in the high use area around Sedona, only a matter of a few more million residents until every area is “high use” https://journalaz.com/2022/08/10/usfs-preps-to-limit-camping-on-coconino-national-forest/
  9. missedagain

    Camping etiquette ( what's wrong with people ? )

    As Arizona becomes more and more California I predict in the next 20 years dispersed camping won't be a thing. You will have to camp in a campground stacked on top of each other and pay $50 a night for it.
  10. missedagain

    How long until cards are hit??

    These types rarely are willing to put their money where their mouth is. This is why hunter have always funded conservation.
  11. missedagain


    Where are you located?
  12. missedagain

    Wtb sks

    I regret selling my yugo sks, now they are worth about 4 times what I sold mine for. Good luck with your search
  13. missedagain

    23-24 regs up online

    I spoke with one of the g&f officers last year and he said their population survey showed numbers way down in 6A which is why they recommended lowering tag numbers
  14. missedagain

    U.S. Autoweapons USM4 AR SOLD

    Someone kicks in your door, shoots your dog, and seizes all of your assets.
  15. missedagain

    Sick to my stomach!!!!!

  16. missedagain

    Dbacks Tickets

    My son is trying to raise money for his High School baseball team. The dback have donated tickets to the program to sell, we have 8 vouchers to sell and they can be used at anY of the games listed on the pic below. Each voucher is $25.
  17. missedagain

    Maxis bighorn 2.0

    Took these on trade so not sure how many miles on them. They look 80% + tread left. No patches / plugs. Qty 2 of 27x9 r14 and Qty 2 27x11 r14 located in Flagstaff. Looking for $250 for the set
  18. missedagain

    5BS - let there be mud

    The mosquitos are fierce this year, make sure you carry protection.
  19. missedagain

    Leftover deer tags

    I applied for the 33 muzzy tag but my portal hasn't changed. Must have been a lot of applications for the few tags left.
  20. missedagain

    Draw results

    The turkey population throughout the state is hurting right now. There were 350 less fall turkey tags this year in 12A. 1000 to 650
  21. missedagain

    New reg question

    If the quota fills in August the unit will be closed in both December and January. Reset the following August
  22. missedagain

    2022 Deer Regulations?

    interesting they changed the bag limit for bears to be "any bear except cubs or sow with cubs" just what is considered a cub?
  23. missedagain

    2021 37A Bighorn Hunt

    Congrats on the beautiful ram! I guess I'll keep my hopes up of someday drawing a tag.
  24. missedagain

    bonus pass report

    looking at the bonus pass reports on the G$F website they have changed how they format them. Not sure if I'm missing something but the bonus pass no longer shows how many points it took to get in that pass. I'm I wrong or did they totally miss the point of publishing this information?