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Everything posted by missedagain

  1. missedagain


    If the scratches don't affect the performance I will take it,
  2. missedagain


    I'll take them, I'll send you a pm
  3. missedagain

    Draw regs

    https://www.azgfd.com/hunting/surveydata/ Above is a link to the basic odds that they provide, below is a link to the more detailed draw odds they provide https://www.azgfd.com/hunting/draw/BonusPointProcess/
  4. missedagain

    How to find unit managers

    I tried to get in touch with the 12b unit manager a couple years ago, the department office first told me they dont give out their contact info. Finally got the guys email and sent him some questions and he never responded. You would probably be better off asking your questions here or driving out there and finding out for yourself.
  5. missedagain

    Looks like cold weather coming

    I never believe the forecast more than 48 hours in advance. Looking now there is not much of a chance of any precipitation on the 10 day
  6. missedagain

    Draw results

    Mine also
  7. missedagain

    Online Shooting supply Store Question

    I order most of my stuff online from midway or brownells and the biggest barrier is the shipping costs. I always find myself in a situation where I want to order around 40 or 50 dollars in stuff but don't want to pay 12 to get it shipped.
  8. missedagain

    What to do with 5BP's

    Bonus points are a trap. Everyone has that mindset once they get a couple points that they don't want to waste them on a "lower quality" hunt. With 5 bonus points you are more than a decade away from a guaranteed tag on a strip or late kaibab hunt. Life is to short, burn the points and hunt every year.
  9. missedagain

    Whats the longest youve left an Elk in the field

    I remember a post Jim Mullins made about this and he was saying in his experience that late season elk are more likely to spoil if left over night despite the cold. Their winter coat comes in and even if it is below freezing they can't cool with that thick of hair.
  10. missedagain


    Dropping them in the mail today might yield less than your desired outcome
  11. missedagain

    Toll road Colorado

    Anytime I visit a blue state they are full of toll roads, blows my mind what they use all the gas tax money for. I've always heard they spend more money on the enforcement of toll roads than they make on the tolls anyway.
  12. missedagain

    Martin Take Down Recurve -- Price Drop

    Where are you located?
  13. missedagain

    What animal does this skull belong to?

  14. missedagain

    South of Flag Mar18th

    Between the semi trucks and snow plows they have the right lanes so damaged I won't ride in the right lane on the 17 or the 40 around Flagstaff either.
  15. missedagain

    Show Low area shed buyer in trouble

    Ok what are the charges?
  16. missedagain

    Show Low area shed buyer in trouble

    Looks like this happened a couple weeks ago, is there any update to the reason for the seizure? Crazy society we live in where the government can seize your property without any kind of criminal charges.
  17. missedagain

    Believe it or not

    The game and fish has made many documented errors with the big game draws over the years. This is just one of many, most no one every hears about.
  18. missedagain

    Utah Elk

    When Utah switched the oil tags for nr I saw the writing on the wall and stopped applying there. Hope you get your goat tag soon!
  19. missedagain

    Zeiss, Leupold,Kifaru,High Country

    where are you located?
  20. missedagain

    WTB Used Dependable Vechile

    That car is still available if you are interested.
  21. missedagain

    WTB Used Dependable Vechile

    I have an Aunt who lives in Canada but had a condo in phx. she sold her condo and is selling this car with low miles. https://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/cto/5994308817.html
  22. missedagain

    Wage Increase Trickle Down

    several business in Flagstaff closed already because of the change. One of my favorite restaurants up here raised there lunch special from $7.50 to $9.50 and now charges for chips and salsa which used to be included.
  23. missedagain

    How much REALLY?

    There was a legit 6" on my driveway in Flagstaff this morning. Most of the snow yesterday melted as it hit the ground.
  24. missedagain

    Hunters ed bonus point

    2 day class Jan 21 and 22nd 14 spaces left https://www.register-ed.com/events/view/95217
  25. missedagain

    Toyota Tacoma Tires- need advice

    http://www.discounttire.com/en/buy-tires/cooper-discoverer-atp/p/11769 These are the tires I've been running on my Tacoma and have been very happy with them. These are the ATP which is only sold by discount but the AT3 is the same thing if you want to buy them elsewhere. They sell this in a LT which is the light truck that has more ply's with a higher weight rating as I tow my 4k pound travel trailer with them.