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Everything posted by missedagain

  1. missedagain

    Draw odds

    Just fyi, all of the odds data on gohunt and hunterstrailhead etc. is available and free on the state game agencies websites it’s just not always easy to find
  2. missedagain


    The republican administration has spent the last couple years trying to destroy the USPS infrastructure, these problems are the result.
  3. missedagain

    2020 Trekking Poles

    My $40 amazon ones have been great. Had them about 6 years and downhill with a heavy pack they are priceless.
  4. missedagain

    How Long?

    Mine gets delayed every time and I don't have so much as a speeding ticket on my record. It has always come back as a go the next day. I always figured it was because I have a common name but don't know for sure.
  5. missedagain

    125 Gallon Aquarium

    125 gallon acrylic aquarium includes custom stand and hood, comes with two older hang on filters, and about 75lbs of light brown rock. asking $500
  6. missedagain

    Whos hunting archery 6b bull or cow

    It would be really nice if the forest service started enforcing their rules already in place like the 14 day camping limit and the 72 hour rule for unattended camps.
  7. missedagain

    Rem 700 SPS .243

    Comes with Scope, mounts, rings. Bought this a couple years ago for my son to hunt with but it never worked out. Shot 1 box through the gun breaking in the barrel and sighting in. $650 Located in Flagstaff but will be in phx this weekend
  8. missedagain


    Sold Selling this Elite pulse, I believe it may be a 2014 but can't remember for sure. currently set at 29.5 draw adjustable by modules. 60-70lbs has a few nicks and dings from hunting with it for several years. $200 I'm located in Flag but coming to phx this weekend if anyone wants to meet up.
  9. missedagain

    Proposed changes to fishing regulations

    I much rather the creeks go to catch and release only than to close them to fishing seasonally
  10. missedagain

    Left Over List

    My guess for the mysterious 24b tag is someone had that listed as a choice and didn't get drawn so they called g&f out on it so they either gave them the tag or pulled it from the list so they didn't have to explain how they messed up their draw.
  11. missedagain

    Left Over List

    Overpopulation. Social media ruined leftovers. Every year more hunters are realizing that they can't get leftovers anymore so they put in for those hunts as a 1-5 choice on their app hence there is no leftovers.
  12. missedagain

    Gas cans

    If you search racing fuel can you can find them without the horrible safety features. You can order those online or atv shops usually carry them.
  13. missedagain


    Ill take this, ill send you a pm
  14. missedagain

    How many hunters vote?

    The year I turned 18 I missed Election Day because I was hunting in unit 32, ever since I vote early ballot by mail.
  15. missedagain

    Savage 111 338 Lapua

    Gun has maybe 40 rounds through it I just don’t have time to reload for it like I’d hoped. Detachable mag, picatiny rail, muzzle break, cheek pad with zipper pouch. Will include the dies and what bullets and brass I have. Located in Flagstaff but I get to the phx area every couple months. $850
  16. missedagain

    Savage 111 338 Lapua

  17. missedagain

    Big Herds, Small Bucks

    Depends on the pressure the bucks get in the area that you are hunting. In areas of low pressure I feel like about 1 in 10 bucks I see are going to be big mature deer. In areas of high pressure like most of AZ I think it is closer to 1 in 40 bucks will have the genetics and age to be a big deer.
  18. missedagain

    turned in Bull tags

    Point guard is about raising money for G&F
  19. missedagain

    29 palms ca anyone know the area

    Can he rent a car?
  20. The G&F has said the mule deer population in 21 has significantly declined in the last couple years. That’s why they reduced the rifle tags there and removed the December archery season
  21. missedagain

    Surrendered Tag. Unit 9

    Maybe surrendered tags should be like leftover tags that don't take away your bonus points.
  22. missedagain

    Diesel Fuel in a Trickle Tank

    This is the most likely scenario, game and fish might be able to catch them by seeing who has a blind or treestand on the next closest water.
  23. missedagain

    Out of state hunters

    Anybody see when this is suppose to take affect, I didn't see it on the link? Also would this affect bears?
  24. missedagain

    Diamond atomic youth bow

    12-24” draw 6-29lb, good bow but my son has outgrown it. Located in Flagstaff. Quiver,3 pin site, rest. https://diamondarchery.com/atomickids/landingpage/#atomic-specs-manual $50 firm