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Everything posted by missedagain

  1. missedagain

    bogus points for lope

    Thanks, with 10 maybe I have one more year but maybe I'll get lucky
  2. missedagain

    yellow lab stud wanted

    My sister has a three year old female akc yellow lab and we are looking to breed her this heat. She should be coming into heat very soon and we are looking for a stud for her. Fee depending on the stud. If you have a male akc yellow lab and might be interested please let me know Thanks CJ
  3. missedagain

    Ethics of Finding a Trail Camera

    Super light dome backpack tent - 22 oz Super light 15 deg. bag - 12 oz Water purifying tabs - 1 oz Magnum bolt cutters - 92 oz I never hike without them
  4. missedagain

    Coleman Crawdad

    Tell me about it, and if you act fast I will throw in the christmas tree
  5. missedagain

    Happy Birthday Red Rabbit

    Happy B-Day, and thanks for all of the great posts!
  6. missedagain

    Someone has a story

    What a bunch of studs in that picture... you guys rock!!!!
  7. missedagain

    Shed Hunting Ban

    I have heard stories of guys chasing down deer and elk in thier snow mobiles trying to get them to drop antlers. It is a shame that a few bad apples have to ruin it for the whole bushell
  8. missedagain

    Twelve Days of Christmas: 34A Coues Hunt

    Thanks for taking us along... to bad about the deer... were you shooting those VLD's
  9. missedagain

    Whats the dumbest thing you've done?

    +1 except I broke out the back window of my truck
  10. missedagain

    December tag gripe

    Mr. Smith you should be happy to know that the az g$f is eliminating the december archery deer season in several units next year, and with the reduction in december rifle tags to 5% you should be all alone out there every 15 years or so when you get drawn. By the way congrats to your wife and good luck to you, it should only be getting better as the rut starts.
  11. missedagain

    Elk & Antelope Regs are up...

    Does anybody know why the huge increase in 5B rifle lope tags? But no more archery tags Those elk dates sure are confusing, early archery, late archery, muzzleloader, youth hunts, early rifle, late rifle. Those elk will never get a break. Those rifle bull hunts into dec. should be interesting, and I wonder what the draw odds will be for all of those late archery tags. Just thinking out loud, sorry
  12. missedagain

    December tag gripe

    Why do so many hunters insist on bitching away their opportunity? Since you say that you have only ever drawn one rifle tag I bet you weren't complaining about the archery season all of those other years!
  13. missedagain

    coues pick ups

    I have found two this year, one I thought was a shed at first because the head was burried in leaves and only a antler was sticking out. I left that one because it was a small two point and it was still bloody. But I found a nice three point that I brought home
  14. missedagain

    Two CWT'ers in a mag!

    I also saw Tony's write up of Scott Adams NM mzl loader hunt in Western Game and Fish I think it is called
  15. missedagain

    Our Director gets busted

    I am not familiar with the laws in NM but I know in AZ in order for you to get in trouble for trespassing the land has to be clearly posted every 100 ft. Does NM have something like this?
  16. missedagain

    A set we found while hunting

    Awesome job! But you should have told him that they came from different deer that way he wouldn't start thinking that he knows it all yet
  17. missedagain

    Bow recomendations

    I know you said that you are not worried about cost but I will probably buy my next bow from the classifieds on archerytalk.com. There are lots of people selling there one year old bows for half of retail over there if you know what you are looking for and are patient. Good luck, let us know what you get
  18. missedagain

    Thanks for Unit 24A Help

    Awesome job on the two for two! Nothing like taking your first deer with your dad
  19. Most people that support this are really going to be kicking themselves and remembering the good ol days of road hunters when you have to make a reservation one year in advance and pay 20$ a night to camp in the only place allowed, designated stacked on top of eachother campgrounds Don't forget your red rock pass, and your green tree pass, and your I was a sucker pass!
  20. missedagain

    PENTAX 16X

    I have this same pair of glasses except mine are the 20X60, they are a very clear and bright glass for the money. The only problem with my 20's is I get more heat destortion than I would like during the middle of the day. You wanna trade these 16's for my 20's
  21. missedagain

    Rhino vs Ranger......

    I don't own either but this is my line of thinking
  22. missedagain

    What would you do? (hunting etiquette)

    You can hardly blame other hunters for parking next to you or hunting on the same mountain as you. If they didn't they wouldn't be parking or hunting anywhere. All hunters are the ones to blame when we didn't stand up to the game and fish when they shoved this hunter opportunity down our throats.
  23. missedagain

    Tent Scandal

    This is so common now, I see it all the time with travel trailers and toy haulers. The forest service needs to enforce its 14 day camping limit
  24. missedagain

    Kahle binoculars

    http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true Read the reviews on these. http://www.vortexoptics.com/binoculars/vie...tex_viper_10x42 These are suppose to be good too.
  25. I noticed g$f hadn't cashed my spring checks yet that I dropped off at the mesa office a couple days before they were do. Should I start to worry yet?