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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    Balistic info

    thanks I will check it all out Daniel
  2. muledeerarea33?

    Balistic info

    wondering if anyone knows of any good web sites or books that explain ballistics like maybe one of those books for dummies. want to learn about it but need to start at the begining. thanks alot
  3. muledeerarea33?

    Hunting Regulations

    had a neighbor in Morenci who had a dozen or so racks hanging on the outside wall of his garage some were sheding that were found out and about and some were kills. we had a new game warden in the area and he cited him for every antler that was not tagged. saying that if he could not prove the kill it was considered poaching. dont know the exact rules but thats just an experience we had Daniel
  4. muledeerarea33?

    Crossbow controversy

    My father fell off a ladder a few years back and totally disabled his left shoulder (cant draw a bow). being an avid bow hunter he could no longer do what he loved. It took 5 doctor exams and a ton of paper work (after a year and a half of recovery) for game and fish to think about giving him permission to hunt with a cross bow. it took another 6 months before he was allowed. I dont think it is wrong to use a cross bow under cirsumstances like that. I am against people who are not truly disabled ( in arizona atleast) who are granted acess to use a cross bow. I think it should not take as long as it does to be allowed to use them if you are truly disabled. but thats just my opinion on the situation.
  5. muledeerarea33?

    AZ Hunt of a Lifetime

    I think that is a real good thing that they are doing. makes me think about giving up my tag but I think they would mail it back and say we dont want it LOL 33 muledeer tag. but anyway its a real good thing thanks for letting everyone know
  6. muledeerarea33?

    preserving velvet?

    I guess I am being a pest asking all these questions but hey I am still young and learning. I found this site and everyone (almost) on here is pretty dang nice about stuff. last year I shot a decent 3x3 coues in velvet and didnt have the money for a taxadermy. I tried to do it my self but it was ruined any one have any tips for a broke butt kid if i happen to get lucky again? thanks alot
  7. muledeerarea33?

    thanks you all

    hey just wanted to thank everyone for helping me find some mulies this year I was born and raised on the corner of area 27 and 28 so if anyone needs some help up that way just give a hollar. thanks again for helping out this new guy
  8. muledeerarea33?


    just got drawn for a mule deer hunt in 33 in nov. I have been archery for whitetail and rifle and have been somewhat succesfull but I have never seen any mule deer can anyone help me with this one?