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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    You guys thought Mace's buck was big?!?!

    hey man you cant poach a doe. oh wait I see some hornlets but you did better than me this year congrats anyway
  2. muledeerarea33?

    Petroglyph pics

    we have a place up by morenci where I grew up that has a whole rock cliff full of petroglyphs its kinda off the beaten path so I am not sure how many people know its there but I am sure the locals know what I am talkin about. next time I am up that way I will take some pictures and try to post them. its really kinda neat to find that kind of stuff
  3. muledeerarea33?

    Unit 23 Coues Hunt

    good job scott. I didnt relize your boys were that old it seems just like yesterday I was babysitting
  4. muledeerarea33?


    personally I feel that being out there and having fun is what its all about and a trophy is just extra. I cant speak for everyone but thats probally how everyone feels on this site. I think it might come across in some posts that a "big inch buck" is all that its about but really its not. I struck out on my mulie hunt earlier this month after walking my fat butt almost to a heart attack but after all the soreness went away I wasnt dissapointed that i didnt get a deer ( and I wasnt holding out for a trophy I just couldnt get close enough) I was just happy that I was out of the city for a few days doing what I love and what I grew up doing
  5. muledeerarea33?

    driving off road to retrieve game

    had a friend justin from back home in morenci who drove down there to party with another guy well they had been huntin or something before they went down ther and had guns in the truck they got pulled over in mexico and spent the next 6 months of their lives down there. his folks spent a lot of cash to get him back to the states. I dont even like to visit mexico after that
  6. muledeerarea33?

    good coues article

    yeah I totally agree with the 50 yard hills. I was trying to find a website for the article for those who dont get the mag. but cant seem too find one?
  7. muledeerarea33?

    good coues article

    just read an article in Heartland USA magizine called grey ghosts of Arizona by Dave Carty. this is the first coues article that I think I have ever seen in a magizine and its not bad.
  8. muledeerarea33?

    driving off road to retrieve game

    bchoitz if the deer or any games runs across to new mexico your pretty much screwed unless an officer see it happen. we were in 28 coues hunting (up going towards mule creek) a few years back and had that very thing happen. we of course retreived our game just in time for an officer to drive by and question it. after a long chat and a little arguing and showing him the blood trail we were allowed to go on our way. but it was a pretty crappy situation we were in
  9. muledeerarea33?

    what should I do

    ok I got free tickets to the nascar in phoenix on sunday pretty close to the start finish line (GREAT TICKETS!!) I have never been to a nascar race at P.I.R before and really want to go. yet I still have not filled my mulie tag and sunday is the last day to hunt. I am torn between two really cool things that I love. so I am wondering what you all would do? p.s. I know all the coues folks are gonna say forget about the mulie hunt
  10. muledeerarea33?

    what should I do

    well I gave the tickets away before I even read any of these responses but nice to know we have so many race fans here thanks guys
  11. muledeerarea33?

    Late Hunt Begins

    good luck I hope you do better than i did this year.
  12. muledeerarea33?

    Spring Draw Available

    hey 25-06 if you go 33 I got the track on about 4 big ole pigs if you wanna go out (I am sure you know where some biguns are) but just puttin out the offer if you want
  13. muledeerarea33?

    Spring Draw Available

    I got my 33 pig hunt.
  14. muledeerarea33?

    How far off of the road?

    every year I hunt I always walk atleast 2 miles off the road. and every year that i kill it is always (or mostly) when I am like 1/4 mile from the road. So I make an attempt to bust my butt every year to get to the spots I scouted but usually dont kill anything way out??
  15. muledeerarea33?

    one more day

    cant wait till tomorrow when I go up the mountain and set up camp for my mulie hunt on fri. I even took today off to get ready. I love this time of year
  16. muledeerarea33?


    I killed four last month. two were curled up together I guess they were mating. scared the heck out of me when I almost stepped on them
  17. muledeerarea33?

    Nice Buck!

    nah I would say he is atleast 130 I like how those city bucks blend in with their surrounding.
  18. muledeerarea33?

    Brothers Kaibab Buck

    very nice deer congrats
  19. muledeerarea33?

    33 Coues

    Nice buck. and congrats. I tool a drive up that way this weekend and man it was like a war zone with all the hunters up there. saw lots of deer hanging but none the size of that one
  20. muledeerarea33?

    Oils Well that ends well

    gas prices suck but the way I see it is we gotta pay for it if we wanna drive around just like we gotta pay taxes if we work and we gotta pay the light bill if we wanna see at night. I dont like it as much as the nexy guy but its just one of those things. but what do I know?
  21. Dang that looks like the one I am gonna drop next week
  22. muledeerarea33?

    Carrying a handgun while archery hunting?

    didn get your email bowhunter
  23. muledeerarea33?


    I call em those baby mulies that outsmart me every dang year. much respect for you all who can kill em with a bow
  24. muledeerarea33?

    Carrying a handgun while archery hunting?

    I would love to see that too I will email you for a copy
  25. muledeerarea33?

    What will you aim for?

    well either way my mulie antlers will be bigger than any of your coues even if it is a spike but I am a horn hunter second. I am lookin for a big ole fatty to fill the freezer