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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    free elk meat!

    Yep, unit 1 starts just above the meadows a bit. If you pm me ill tell ya where I saw a 7x8 in December.
  2. muledeerarea33?

    Very Curious....how many tags

    Applied every year since 1998, no elk tags or antelope. My wife has had 2 cow tags in 4 years. Depends on the hunts you want
  3. muledeerarea33?

    17 points or more?

    Alright now gentlemen, I enjoy reading outdoor writers knowledge and also enjoy the "make ya think" aspect that BC777 brings to the table. This post started out about bonus points, although I love sittin back and watching a good battle of wits, lack there of, I remember when I was 22 and can't imagine where I'll be when I'm in my 90's (hahaha sorry outdoor writer) point is, different generations can't be arguing, the common ground is far from common.
  4. muledeerarea33?

    17 points or more?

    I've never saved copies of my applications, 3b has never been my first choice always 2nd or 3rd.
  5. muledeerarea33?

    17 points or more?

    I believe 2012 it was my 2nd choice, I think I did 27, 3b cause unit 1 wasn't open, I may be mistaken though.
  6. muledeerarea33?

    17 points or more?

    And after my "once in a lifetime" bull, I won't be so picky, any late cow or bull tag will be fine by me.
  7. muledeerarea33?

    17 points or more?

    I'm tryin to hold out for unit 1 early. 27 early rifle had been my first choice but it wasn't offered this year. 3b 1 and 27 are the only elk units that I know, 27 and 1 I know well. I do 3b because I want to beat my dads 400+" 7x7 from the mid 90's hahaha!!! I'm not sure if that quality of bull is still there, other than on private lands or in neighborhoods.
  8. muledeerarea33?

    17 points or more?

    I'm up to 16 now, unit 1 early rifle bull has been my first choice the past few years or, 27 early rifle too (no early hunts this year for rifle) and 3B muzzle loader 2nd or third choice. I'm gettin close to those tags, I hope?
  9. muledeerarea33?

    Stray Cats

    As I type I have 2 kittens crawling and scratching all over me, (I think the grey one is in love with me?) haha. Maybe it's just my area but I have no problem with kitties. Like I said earlier, they are used as tools, for mice, bugs, etc. but in the end they are pets. We've lost alot of cats the past 5 years and our life goes on. I would never recommend killing the in a manner that isn't humane. If you live in a high stray cat area (which I don't) then be a man, a real hunter, and slit throats, break necks, step on them. Unless your just an insane heartless person, I promise you'll think about it. If you use your own hands to kill an animal. Not antifreeze, not a bullet, not a hook. Kill it bare handed ant it may change you mind on hunting and life in general. I've had to kill many animals in my young life and it hurts every time I do it.
  10. muledeerarea33?

    3B Elk and firewood

    You can cut wood for camp use I believe, lol I have 16 points now and didn't draw that hunt. Good luck, it should be a good hunt.
  11. muledeerarea33?

    Land swap?

    I own 8 acres in mescal az. I live on 4 and have 4 extra. Power, phone, and shared well water to the lot line. Nothing is on this property, minutes from good muley and coues country! 30 min from Tucson, 10-15 min from benson. Quiet property, mostly flat, lots of mesquite for bbqing, not in flood plain. Looking for property preferably in eager/springerville, show low (cause I know that area) or somewhere new like Williams, Herber, strawberry, payson, etc. anywhere with elk and pines. Not necessarily looking for 4 acre equal swap but maybe a lot or smaller average lot of equal value.
  12. muledeerarea33?

    Stray Cats

    If you catch em I'll take them, I don't have 40 acres (only 8) we use cats as tools where I'm at, no stray cat issues cause the wild life takes care of them. I've lost around 10 good barn cats in 5 years. The wife just picked up 2 new kittens. I guess we'll try again with these two. Good for the bug and mice population.
  13. muledeerarea33?

    Got my first lion! 130lbs 7'0"

    Lions are killed to protect other species. Lions are predators, they kill prey, usually that prey is the animals most of us hunt or a ranchers live stock, which is their livelihood. Yes they are killed for sport, happen of circumstance, fun, and for money (sale of the pelt) but I promise you, the numbers of lion population is not greatly affected by hunters. It is a good thing to kill lions in my opinion, I've eaten several, they don't go to waste.
  14. muledeerarea33?

    Outdoor Channel Stops Filming in Colorado

    That sounds very powerful, I hope it does some good
  15. muledeerarea33?

    Rifle Cleaning Stations

    I use an old iron vice, 100 pounds or more, elk leather on the jaws. It's worked well for me, my dad, and my late grandpa.
  16. muledeerarea33?

    lion recipe?

    Lion is a sweet white meat, I've cooked it "eastern style" a hot wok and sauce on it, like super lean pork. It's tasty!
  17. muledeerarea33?

    WTT 1000 9mm JHP 115 grain bullets only for .......

    I have a few hundred fmj I'd trade, I'll have to weigh them but I think their 115. Are you looking for a straight across trade?
  18. muledeerarea33?

    Fellowship of Christian Hunters

    I'm a god fearing non church going man, this sounds like something I could get into.
  19. muledeerarea33?

    FS: 270 Reloading Bullets

    Hmmm, may be something I'll tinker with, did you shoot them before and after? If so, any difference?
  20. muledeerarea33?

    FS: 270 Reloading Bullets

    Just curious, what is the advantage of facing a spitzer in a lathe? Do you use a case trimmer hand held unit?
  21. muledeerarea33?

    WTS 20 Round AR-15 Magazine

    I think midway has them for $19.75, your just tryin to rip people off here!!!! Lol
  22. muledeerarea33?

    Sizing Die Question

    You should have to go down til the die touches the shell holder, then 1/4 turn. Test it in your rifle and go a quarter turn at a time. I don't think you needed to go down as much as you did but I don't know your gun?
  23. muledeerarea33?

    40 grain bullet in 1-9 twist AR-15

    I've shot 36 and 40 grain .22 long rifle out of 6-10 twist ar's using the .22 bolt carrier. For what most people care about.... It's been accurate, 1.5 inch or less group at 100 yards with all twist rates. Unless your shooting steel target comp. it's good and fun.