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Everything posted by muledeerarea33?

  1. muledeerarea33?

    So how have you been cooking your dove?

    that sound amazing, except the A1 sauce. I've never been able to aquire a taste for the stuff. Haha if you can imagine this... To me, A1 tastes, like a clean outhouse smells!!! Maybe I'm just weird.
  2. muledeerarea33?

    So how have you been cooking your dove?

    Did last weekends batch today, soaked in milk over night. Filleted almost off the breast bone. Stuffed between the breast meat and the bone with cream cheese and jalepenos on half of the, the other birds stuffed with Gorgonzola and and fresh bacon bits. Put one white wing dove leg on each breast and tied with bakers twine. Oven for half hour at 400.
  3. muledeerarea33?

    Custom Hunting Rig

    That's rare with those frames. That's an awesome selling point by itself!
  4. muledeerarea33?

    Custom Hunting Rig

    Sounds like a beast!!! Has the frame been broke by the steering box or is it fish plated?
  5. muledeerarea33?

    Correction period eliminated

    Haha I remember when my grandpa got his pioneers license!!! Rest his soul, as much a we respected him, there were alot of old man jokes that day!!
  6. muledeerarea33?

    Another toad hits the dirt

    Lol thanks, once would of been enough norteno!! J/k
  7. muledeerarea33?

    Another toad hits the dirt

    I'm not familiar with the "park" your all talking about? I haven't hunted up north. What park is it that hold huge mulies?
  8. muledeerarea33?

    Camera Theft in the Payson Area

    Sounds like the kaliformia g&f show and the Maine g&f show, everyone's GUILTY!!! And they try to prove innocence. Oh how I love horrible reality television.
  9. muledeerarea33?

    Suzuki Samurai trade or sale

    Safford used to be 428 I thought? I guess everything's changed since I've lived in that area.
  10. muledeerarea33?

    Hannagan Meadow

    I'm sorry to hear that, we've been staying there since high school and know the owners. Never had any problems. I hope you get it resolved.
  11. muledeerarea33?

    Recall McLame

    Haha yeah, I guess your right, a bad republican is better, but the fact stands its still a bad republican. The tea party tries, libertarian folks try, heck, even the nuge tries!! All are great, problem is, we have to choose between the lesser of two evils. I don't know about anyone else but I'm getting tired of having to pick the the parent who beats me less lol. I wish the smaller groups could actually have a chance instead of just getting wasted votes.
  12. muledeerarea33?

    Recall McLame

    I don't care for most democrats and most republicans these days. Politics is a rich mans game, they pick the side that feel they can make the most money at... AFTER they're done screwing us and they get a private sector job. Mr. Napaltano is a prime example. McCain is pry too old but it wouldn't surprise me if he got a high dollar job after leaving office.
  13. muledeerarea33?

    Correction period eliminated

    I agree with forlorn hope. It doesn't matter when you buy it, if its valid for the draw process and your drawn... All is well. If the hunt is after the license is expired, you buy your yearly and your good to go (you'd have to buy it anyways right?) just like dove stamps are good til next June, but the hunts over in February. The first year of the change will be a learning curve but after that, there's really no change.
  14. muledeerarea33?

    Recall McLame

    My folks both retired this year, they both have been showing signs of strange behavior haha, strange from what I'm used to I guess? I haven't had the chance to talk politics yet (too busy hunting, planning hunts, and off shore fishing trips that I can't go on) but when we sit down again I'd love to see where they stand? I'm sure they feel as betrayed as I do.
  15. muledeerarea33?

    Recall McLame

    I'll tell ya, I've backed McCain my entire adult life he's always been "better than the competition" I feel like an idiot, naive, ignorant voter! The past year or two I've been left wondering...WTF???? It's hard to admit. The ole man needs to step down, enjoy his Arizona ranch, and quit acting like he speaks for the citizens of AZ!!
  16. muledeerarea33?

    13A Strip DIY

    Not sure if the guy was joking or actually wanted detailed info?? If he's serious and I knew that unit I'd pm him and hope he does great!!! I'm not the biggest fan of E-scouters but if their balsy and are well known I'll give up some spots behind private land that are unsuspecting honey holes. a few guys here know that.
  17. haha, no garlic powder or paprika?? Remember, these hand loads have to be perfect in order to make it into the CWT.com cook book!!!
  18. muledeerarea33?

    Suzuki Samurai trade or sale

    where you located?
  19. muledeerarea33?

    Anyone know the legality of this?

    If I have to take a road that starts in AZ but ends in another state, BUT, it's right on the border. If I hop the state line fence back into AZ and kill a creature, then pack it back into the other state to drive home.... Am I legal?
  20. muledeerarea33?

    So how have you been cooking your dove?

    Did I mention we need a cwt.com cook book? Hahaha!!
  21. muledeerarea33?

    So how have you been cooking your dove?

    Milk, butter milk, wine, and salt water are dehydratints.ifeat is soaked in any of them it gets rid of the bloody/wild taste of most game meat. Not completely but darn near. I'm a fan of the natural taste personally but if I'm cooking for others not used to very lean livery meat, I'll soak overnight. Which dehydratint you use depends on what recipe you use. Milks... Make good breaded or fried meat, red wine.... Makes good recipes such as dove and rice, mushroom sautéed fowl, baked and stuffed, etc. I don't use thesalt water method hardly ever since I'm not a fan of salting food. Many say salt adds flavor but if cooked right, salt is on the table for those who season after. My favorite dove recipe? In a cake pan, raw flavor, latticed atop with bacon and hatch chili, in the smoker for about a hour. Served with asparagus or Brussels sprouts and Dutch oven biscuits.
  22. I've been using the estate ammo the past few years, the high and low brass is really good stuff, I haven't shot the alum. stuff. I still have a supply (dwindeling that is) of winchester high brass that I bought at Jensons in tucson for $1.50 a box at their going out of business sale several years ago.
  23. muledeerarea33?

    Anyone know the legality of this?

    Yeah, the res is a whole nother country as far as laws and hunting goes. I'm guessing if I have proof I'll be ok? Haven't called G&F yet.
  24. muledeerarea33?

    Anyone know the legality of this?

    Haha, you may know the general but not the exact!!! Then again??? Maybe you do?
  25. muledeerarea33?

    Anyone know the legality of this?

    I figured the same thing, also thought about having pictures and gps cords just in case.